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GK... I think they are migrating....

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  • GK... I think they are migrating....

    ....Today was slow at Dress for Less.... Hell. And relatively SC free ,only a few silly people here and there. So It was a pretty good day. Would have been a wonderful day if my Lungs had wanted to actually stay inside my body.... but we cant have everything now can we?

    Credit Crisis
    No... I really do need ID for that Credit card. It's your grandma's you say? Oh...well then I need your g-ma in here with her ID. Oh! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! still cant use the card.... Thank you... I know I'm a bitch. Have a fucking fabulous night...... Hope you get hit by a bus...

    What do you think genius ((not sucky...just kinda...><))
    The fact that I am turning this lovely shade of red while trying valiantly not to let my lungs come up my throat and trying desperately to pull all the oxygen I can into them to please them..... this should be a very clear sign that I am NOT OKAY.... at the current moment. I know you are just trying to be nice.... but I can't answer you right now... I dont have the ability.... the lungs... they dont love me.

    I don't know WHAT you are doing in that bathroom, or what feet of intestinal suicide might make you utter such noises ... but I swear to god... If that door opens and you have an alien crawling out of your stomach... I'm quitting. They dont pay me enough for that.

    *whispers* Hey. Lady. You know what. We can ALL here you in that bathroom. We are trying not to. Infact the people in line are all looking really uncomfortable. Just curious though, are you talking to yourself? Or are you on the phone with someone discussing what you do in a bathroom?.... Cause I'm lost.

    GraveKeeper....They Escaped....

    So my wonderful finish for tonight was this lady. She came out of the fitting room, looking dazed and confused. and when I asked her how everything worked she responded to my question with a series of grunts and hand motions and shoved...what I can only presume to be the items she did not require, back in my arms. I told her to have a good night and she again attempted to communicate with me in her guttural series of grunts.

    The very first rational thought that popped in my head was "Shouldn't you be ordering a Hat?" Closely followed by "SHIT! HOW THE HELL DID YOU MANAGE TO GET HERE!"

    GK.... They are escaping... They have some how managed to breach the icy tundra from which they originate and found Washington.... and we are afraid. So truly very afraid. When you next consult their leader for their Hat-like needs, tell them to call their wayward home.

    Cause I swear... If I see any pink F***** camo. I'm breaking out the shotgun. We do NOT need that form of torment here.


    "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

  • #2
    Quoth Red_Dazes View Post
    >_> No. No, you haven't.
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


    • #3
      i'm feeling nice today so... i won't post any pictures of pink camo


      • #4
        Quoth PepperElf View Post
        i'm feeling nice today so... i won't post any pictures of pink camo
        Shudder.... thank you....I don't think my poor brain could stand that.
        "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

