Happy Friday to my fellow retail employees!
Because it's against the DAMN LAW!!! part 1
I am on intake, of course.

SC: Crotchety old bitch
Me: Thank you for calling blank pharmacy, this is Reirei, how may I help you?
SC: 0-0-5... * I really hate when people don't even bother returning your greeting and instead go strait to the refill number, it's rude*
Me: Ma'am?
SC: 5-5...
Me: MA'AM!
SC: I am trying to give you my refill number, lemme finish!
Me: Ma'am, unfortunatly, our stores script numbers do not start with two zeros. Maybe you ment to call *famous 24 hour pharmacy*?
SC: I know that. I want you to transfer it over.
Me: Unfortunatly ma'am, we need to see the bottle to validate the existance of the prescription. So if you would like to bring it in today, we would be happy to transfer it.
SC: Well, you've done it before, why can't you do it now?? *I hate these*
Me: Unfortunatly ma'am, it is against the law for us to do so.
SC: Some one did it before so you should do IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!
Me: Ma'am, as I said it is against the law, so unless you bring in the bottle, we can't do anything.
SC: I can't believe you are going to make a OLD WOMAN drive out there for something you could do over THE PHONE!!!!!!
Me: Well ma'am, we can't change the law, only obey it. Have a nice day! *click*
I am at intake, no shocker, and a man who reeks of maryjane comes up to the counter.


ARPhx: Awesome Pharm
Me: Hi, how can I help you today?
SC: *Clears throat* Uh.. Yeah, my kid's three and is having like allergies. What can I give him?
Me: .... Let me get the pharmacist for you.
ARPhx: How can I help you?
SC: *Says the same thing again, even clearing his throat as before*
ARPhx: Unfortunatly, childrens Benadryl is for an older child so I have to tell you to talk to your pediatrician.
SC: Well, I give benadryl to my dog, so the kid should be fine.
Me and ARPhx:

ARPhx: Sir, I am going to seriously reiterate talking to your pediatrician before you give him anything.
SC: *walks away*
It's against the DAMN LAW!!! part 2
I am on intake, and a guy is at my window telling me what he wants to refill.
Me: I am sorry sir, the oxycodone has no refills, we can fax the doctor for a five days supply or you can go and get a new one from him.
SC: Well, I am going to be out then, so give me a couple few to tide me over.
Me: I am sorry sir, I can not "give" you a few controlled substance.
SC: Why the hell not?
Me: Unfortunatly sir, it's against the law. So you are just going to have to get a new one unfortunatly.
SC: .... But why can't you just give me a couple to tide me over till then?
Me: .... It's against the law. *said with the word law enunciated* I would be fired and in trouble with the police. and i can't get to them with out a pharmacists key and that isn't happening.
SC: FINE then. Just do my other refills. *stomps away*
I should have known better, I really should have.
It was my day off and i was in my store *big mistake* shopping. I was in the dairy section looking at all the new flavors of yogurt when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It's one of the regular meanies from the pharmacy, great.
Me: Hello.
SC: I need something.
Me: ... Not from me. * goes back to yogurt*
SC: *Taps me on the shoulder again* Hey! I am TALKING to you!
Me: And i am not working so I can't help you.
SC: Well I want the 100 calorie bannana pudding.
Me: *points to the two dairy associates that are out putting away stuff* You'll have to ask them, 'cause I can't help you.
SC: Well THEY'RE busy. YOU are not doing anything.
Me: *sigh* I don't have to lady. It's my day off.
SC: Well I WANT that pudding.
Me: I can't help you ma'am. You are just going to have to ask them or live with the disapointment. *walks away*
And one from Awesome Pharm:
SC: just wants to get the good stuff
ARPhx: Awesome pharm is awesome.
A Lady apparently came in with a script and could not understand why we would not fill it.
ARPhx: Ma'am, it says in your file that you are allergic to morphine is that true.
SC: Yeah, I get a bad reaction.
ARPhx: Ma'am unfortunatly, dilaudid also known as hydromorphone is made from morphine.
SC: WHAT! Dilaudid isn't morphine! It doesn't have the same name!
ARPhx: Ma'am it's generic name and formulary * I think that's the word she used but don't quote me* is HYDROMORPHONE it is made from MORPHINE and you are therefore ALLERGIC to it.
SC: Well, you don't know what you are talking about! GIVE ME BACK MY PRESCRIPTION!
ARPhx: *legally, we have to give scripts back unless they can be proven as fraudulent, so ARPhx wrote on the script that the pt is highly allergic to morphine and our store #* Here you go ma'am.
SC: *Does not even bother to look at script and shoves it in her purse* I am going to take this to a place where they know what they are doing.
ARPhx: Good luck with that ma'am.
Later after telling me this story she said:
ARPhx: After customers like this I sometimes feel like I went to college for 7 years to be yelled at by people who never even finished 9th grade.