Some rap wannabe was boomin' his radio in his car out in the parking lot which was causing the windows in my store to shake.
Not it only got my attention, but kids outside on the far side of the parking lot as well.
By the time I picked up the phone to call this in, I observed some kids walking up to the rap star's vehicle and yelling something at him. His response was a flip of a finger and cranked up the radio even louder which was causing my windows to shake even harder. I found myself jumping at the sight of seeing the windows shaking, fearing they'd shatter at any moment.
While I am talking to dispatch, 2 kids began to yank out the rap star from the car window and proceeded to beat the tar out of him while one went inside the car to shut the radio off. Then joined in to the beatings.
A girl walks past my window and sees me on the phone. She turned to her friends yelling that I am on the phone. It was their cue to get in their cars and hustle on out of there.
The bloodied kid that got beat up also jumped into his car and peeled out of there.
Few minutes later, the cops arrives at my store. I gave them the description of the vehicles and people involved. I walked the cops to the area where the rap star's car was and found blood spatters that came from the beatings.
They left to go look for them while I went back inside the store.
Four hours later, one of the cops came back wanting a witness statement from me since I witnessed the beatings.
They found the beaten up guy, AFTER he and 2 other friends broke into an apartment he thought belonged to one the guys who beat him up. A woman living there screamed and they realized they were in the wrong apartment. So they split.
When the cops got there, the description of the rap star guy matched my description of him. He was still bloodied when he broke in. One of the cops recognized his description because of his priors and took his hunch over to where he lived.
Sure enough, he was home, the car was there in the driveway. They called for backup. Two in front knocked on the door and identified themselves as police. He bolts out in the back and into the waiting arms of the cops. He struggles, they tasered him, cuffs him and took him to the hospital to check his injuries.
While the rap star is sitting in the ER room waiting to see a doctor, he observes an exit door nearby. When the doctor arrives to inspect him, the second the cop took the cuffs off him, he shoves both of them out of his way and ran for the exit door.
BAM! THUD! The door is locked.
He gets tasered again and cuffed. This time he stayed cuffed during the doctor's inspection.
Then he heads for jail on charges of breaking and entering, burglary, resisting arrest, misdemeanor fleeing (surprised it wasn't a felony like some states are) assaulting a police officer, illegal possession of a handgun in the commission of being a felon (he had priors and they found it in his car, underneath his seat), illegal possession of ammunition (new one to me) & assault on a medical technician (the doctor).
Oh here's an interesting part, the gun. It was an old German Luger, 9MM. I got to see it before it went to the property room at the police station to be tagged as evidence. Turns out the kid's dad passed away a few years ago and inherited the gun. As I inspected the gun, I noticed there were nicks on the barrel. I suddenly realized what they were. Those were teeth marks and I asked the cop if he noticed it too. He didn't know what caused the marks. I told him what it was.
You see, back in the day during the Third Reich, German SS officers often poke their barrels of their gun into the mouths of (you name it, Jewish people or any type of undesirable people in Hitler's hit list) their victims, the second they fired the weapon, the victim would reflexively bite into the barrel, leaving a mark on it. It had many, lots of overlap bits on it. I didn't have time to count them as the cop wanted it back and had to leave. Nonetheless the cop was shocked after realizing what this is he's holding in his hand.
I've seen this same type of gun with the same markings from a friend's uncle who collects guns and he has a massive collection, flint guns, guns from the old Wild West, guns from various wars, etc. Including the German Luger 9MM.
That image is exactly what I was holding.
There are many variations of the Luger guns and it's family line. What they all have in common is their signature long barrel.
No word on the rest of the guys........yet.
So the next time you think you had a bad day, try wearing the rap star's shoes

Not it only got my attention, but kids outside on the far side of the parking lot as well.
By the time I picked up the phone to call this in, I observed some kids walking up to the rap star's vehicle and yelling something at him. His response was a flip of a finger and cranked up the radio even louder which was causing my windows to shake even harder. I found myself jumping at the sight of seeing the windows shaking, fearing they'd shatter at any moment.
While I am talking to dispatch, 2 kids began to yank out the rap star from the car window and proceeded to beat the tar out of him while one went inside the car to shut the radio off. Then joined in to the beatings.
A girl walks past my window and sees me on the phone. She turned to her friends yelling that I am on the phone. It was their cue to get in their cars and hustle on out of there.
The bloodied kid that got beat up also jumped into his car and peeled out of there.
Few minutes later, the cops arrives at my store. I gave them the description of the vehicles and people involved. I walked the cops to the area where the rap star's car was and found blood spatters that came from the beatings.
They left to go look for them while I went back inside the store.
Four hours later, one of the cops came back wanting a witness statement from me since I witnessed the beatings.
They found the beaten up guy, AFTER he and 2 other friends broke into an apartment he thought belonged to one the guys who beat him up. A woman living there screamed and they realized they were in the wrong apartment. So they split.
When the cops got there, the description of the rap star guy matched my description of him. He was still bloodied when he broke in. One of the cops recognized his description because of his priors and took his hunch over to where he lived.
Sure enough, he was home, the car was there in the driveway. They called for backup. Two in front knocked on the door and identified themselves as police. He bolts out in the back and into the waiting arms of the cops. He struggles, they tasered him, cuffs him and took him to the hospital to check his injuries.
While the rap star is sitting in the ER room waiting to see a doctor, he observes an exit door nearby. When the doctor arrives to inspect him, the second the cop took the cuffs off him, he shoves both of them out of his way and ran for the exit door.
BAM! THUD! The door is locked.
He gets tasered again and cuffed. This time he stayed cuffed during the doctor's inspection.
Then he heads for jail on charges of breaking and entering, burglary, resisting arrest, misdemeanor fleeing (surprised it wasn't a felony like some states are) assaulting a police officer, illegal possession of a handgun in the commission of being a felon (he had priors and they found it in his car, underneath his seat), illegal possession of ammunition (new one to me) & assault on a medical technician (the doctor).
Oh here's an interesting part, the gun. It was an old German Luger, 9MM. I got to see it before it went to the property room at the police station to be tagged as evidence. Turns out the kid's dad passed away a few years ago and inherited the gun. As I inspected the gun, I noticed there were nicks on the barrel. I suddenly realized what they were. Those were teeth marks and I asked the cop if he noticed it too. He didn't know what caused the marks. I told him what it was.
You see, back in the day during the Third Reich, German SS officers often poke their barrels of their gun into the mouths of (you name it, Jewish people or any type of undesirable people in Hitler's hit list) their victims, the second they fired the weapon, the victim would reflexively bite into the barrel, leaving a mark on it. It had many, lots of overlap bits on it. I didn't have time to count them as the cop wanted it back and had to leave. Nonetheless the cop was shocked after realizing what this is he's holding in his hand.
I've seen this same type of gun with the same markings from a friend's uncle who collects guns and he has a massive collection, flint guns, guns from the old Wild West, guns from various wars, etc. Including the German Luger 9MM.
That image is exactly what I was holding.
There are many variations of the Luger guns and it's family line. What they all have in common is their signature long barrel.
No word on the rest of the guys........yet.
So the next time you think you had a bad day, try wearing the rap star's shoes
