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Tale of the Spazzoids

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  • Tale of the Spazzoids

    What is with people spizazzing lately? The weather is so beautiful, you would think that people would be in a good mood. I guess the spring cleaning put winter dust bunnies in their Wheaties.

    Funny. I never see you here.

    So, the other day, I was training a new girl. First, I showed her how to take orders and then I put her on the register, with me beside her to guide her.

    SL= Spazzy
    SG= The sweet girl I'm training
    Me= Ta da!!

    SG: "May I help you?"
    SL: "Yeah. Can I get a double McChicken?"
    Me: *thinking she mixed up two names of dollar sandwiches, as this does happen, shows SG where the McChicky button is*
    We complete the transaction. Food is brought out on a tray. SL grabs the McChicky off the tray.
    SL: "I asked for a double McChicken!"
    Me: "I'm sorry, but we don't have such a thing..." *Is really confused*
    SL:"Whenever I come here, I always get two patties!" *walks away*
    Me to SG: "I have never seen her here before and I should know."
    SG: *smiles a little, almost afraid to laugh*

    Not even two minutes later, SL comes back up.

    SL:"Just give me a McChicken so I can put the other patty on. NOT THAT HARD!"
    Me: "Alright."

    So, we do the transaction and the SL is mumbling the entire time.

    I get full off of one McChicken sandwich and I have a big appetite. I can't imagine having two patties.

    Got yelled at for doing procedures

    Today, I was put in Drive Thru, on orders. I had another newbie doing my cash. I was on a roll. No-one complaining about how I did things. People were happy. Until this guy.

    When people order, we are not allowed to ask them if that is all or ANY variation of that. I got a telling off for asking if their order was complete. So, I have stopped doing that.

    SM= Spazzy McSpazz Spazz
    Sunrise=My awesome manager, who sees me as a daughter
    Me= Who else?

    Me: *opening spiel*
    SM: Blah blah blah some sandwiches blah blah blah
    Me: *gives him some time. After a long pause, I think he is done.* "Your total comes to $xx.xx. Please pull forward. Thank you."
    SM: "I guess I'll get me drinks somewhere else!"
    Me: *Looks over at Sunrise, who is looking back at me. Matching wtf looks* "I'm sorry. Could you please pull forward so we can add it on?"
    SM: "This is bullshit! I'll just go elsewhere!"
    Me: "Just please pull forward and we can add it on, no problem."
    SM: *pulls forward*
    Me: "And this is why that policy we have is so dumb!"
    Sunrise: "Shhh. McGoddess...shhh. It's ok."
    Me: "Look. I'm getting yelled at for doing what the head honchos tell me. How can I be so calm?"
    Sunrise: "Newbie, I'm going to move you out of cash for this order. I'm not going to have you yelled at."

    The guy pulled up to the window and Sunrise answers.

    Sunrise: "I'm sorry. What would you like to drink?"
    SM: *Barks out his drinks*
    Sunrise: "Your total comes to blah blah."
    Sunrise: "Look, I didn't take your order, so don't get pissy at me. I'm only trying to make the situation better."

    I heard the guy yelling more, but I was too busy taking orders and plugging my ear so I could hear my headset people over his stupidity.

    He sped off.

    I looked at Sunrise.

    "You are awesome, Sunrise. Total pwnage."

    Well, that is all for today. Actually, that is all until Wednesday. I'm going to Chicago for a few days for my Senior Trip. I will post what we did. I know we are going on a fancy lunch cruise, to a Blue Man Group concert (2nd row,baby!), and a Bulls game. Going to Dave and Buster's. Some other things.
    "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

    I belly dance with tall Goblins!

  • #2
    Quoth McGoddess09 View Post
    What is with people spizazzing lately? The weather is so beautiful, you would think that people would be in a good mood. I guess the spring cleaning put winter dust bunnies in their Wheaties.
    I think you forgot the part where the winter dust bunnies shat in their wheaties.

    Have fun on your trip!!!


    • #3
      ugh I HATE the double mcchicken!!! I beyond hate it. We have an international school here and a lot of the international students order a mcchicken but they neglect to tell us they wanted 2 patties.. even when the picture shows them it only has one.. but I know it is a real sandwich. Apparently in those countries where they don't eat beef instead of the big mac it's a big mcchicken..


      • #4
        Well, this girl was definitely American. So, that's not a reason. I would be understanding otherwise. If she would have been nicer about it, I would have seen what I could do for free. Act like a d-bag or a female dog towards me, I'm not going to go the distance for you.

        That may make me seem like a bad worker, but I don't care anymore. I'm doing as the company and managers tell me.
        "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

        I belly dance with tall Goblins!


        • #5
          Enjoy the Blue Man Group! We saw their How to be a Megastar tour and it was amazing fun! Watch out though- in the second row you are liable to become part of the show.


          • #6
            Quoth McGoddess09 View Post
            Well, that is all for today. Actually, that is all until Wednesday. I'm going to Chicago for a few days for my Senior Trip. I will post what we did. I know we are going on a fancy lunch cruise, to a Blue Man Group concert (2nd row,baby!), and a Bulls game. Going to Dave and Buster's. Some other things.
            Blue Man Group performs at the Briar Street Theater over in the Lakeview neighborhood. There's lots of neat little shops and restaurants just a few blocks north of there. Go check them out before or after the show.
            "Sigh, I'm going to Hell.....but I'm going with a smile on my face." -- Gravekeeper


            • #7
              Quoth InSearchOfSunset View Post
              Apparently in those countries where they don't eat beef instead of the big mac it's a big mcchicken..
              i thought in the countrys where they normally dont at beef (which i thought was only india because pork is generelly the most hated meat) they had a lamb version... i remember learning this i remember thinking omg i have to go to india now


              • #8
                Quoth McGoddess09 View Post
                Me: "Look. I'm getting yelled at for doing what the head honchos tell me. How can I be so calm?"
                I hate how that happens. No matter what, someone's going to be mad.

                Quoth McGoddess09 View Post
                Well, that is all for today. Actually, that is all until Wednesday. I'm going to Chicago for a few days for my Senior Trip. I will post what we did. I know we are going on a fancy lunch cruise, to a Blue Man Group concert (2nd row,baby!), and a Bulls game. Going to Dave and Buster's. Some other things.
                Have fun! Forget about all the SC craziness while you're gone.
                1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
       (A blog about everything and nothing)


                • #9
                  Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
                  i thought in the countrys where they normally dont at beef (which i thought was only india because pork is generelly the most hated meat) they had a lamb version... i remember learning this i remember thinking omg i have to go to india now
                  Must go to India to try lamb big mac.
                  If I dropped everybody who occasionally said something stupid from my list of potential partners, I wouldn’t even be able to masturbate


                  • #10
                    I give a Mclamb anything a 90% chance of being horrible.


                    • #11
                      Quoth jerkface11 View Post
                      I give a Mclamb anything a 90% chance of being horrible.
                      I give most anything from McDonalds a 90% of being horrible, but real lamb burgers (like my mom makes) are actually very delicious. Moose burgers are really good too.
                      Elwood: "We got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses."
                      Jake: "Hit it."


                      • #12
                        When people order, we are not allowed to ask them if that is all or ANY variation of that. I got a telling off for asking if their order was complete. So, I have stopped doing that.
                        It sucks that you can't just be straightforward with customers, but I believe the reason that you can't ask "Is that all?" is because it may make the customer feel rushed, and they may not order as much.

                        When you are not sure if the customer is done ordering, you could ask "What else can I get you?" or "What else would you like today?"

                        That way, you're encouraging them to order more without actually upselling a specific item. No pressure either way.


                        • #13
                          It doesn't seem to bother customers at the cinema. This is a frequenet occurance:

                          "Is that everything?"
                          "That is £x.xx"
                          "Can I get a large drink as well."
                          "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                          • #14
                            Some people bitch if you ask "will there be anything else?" others make you say it after every item.


                            • #15
                              Now I want a lamb shawarma.
                              Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                              HR believes the first person in the door
                              Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                              Document everything
                              CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect

