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No Chocolate Fingers? ARRRGHFLGHLBL! (Very Long)

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  • No Chocolate Fingers? ARRRGHFLGHLBL! (Very Long)

    Hey everyone! Long time no post. I work at Dunkin' Donuts. Believe it or not, I love my job.

    Here comes the merry-go-round of suck.


    I was arranging donuts around 8 AM two Saturday mornings ago when I hear the door ding, signaling that a customer was now entering my airspace.

    Me: -turn- "Hi, what can I get for you---!?"

    About a dozen men had entered all at once, all chatting happily away. I sure wasn't expecting that. Imagining the horror that was about to befall me, I braced myself for a dozen trips to deli. The ringleader, much older than I, smiled and said, "We'll be getting two dozen bagels."

    24 bagels? Eep. That's a lot to start off the morning.

    Me: "Alright, what kind would you like?"
    Man: "Uhh, 6 plain... 6 cinnamon raisin..."
    Me: -puts six plain in the bag and puts it on the counter before grabbing another bag-
    Man: "Actually, I think we'll get 3 dozen."

    ... So now you want 36 bagels spur of the moment. Are you trying to kill us? We're definitely going to run out of 2 or 3 kinds of bagels bacause of this, and popular ones at that. Regardless, I tried my hardest to keep a smile on my face. I don't actually quite remember what happened, but somehow he succeeded in being VERY VAGUE about whether he just wanted an assortment of bagels, or if he wanted to pick them out himself, and I had to try and think up new and creative ways of asking him if he wanted them assorted since I figured not all of them were for him, and he seemed annoyed at me asking every time "what other kind would you like?".

    After the order was done, I plucked up some courage to say "Excuse me sir, I just wanted to let you know that next time you might have a big order like this, to please call ahead?"
    He smiled and said like it was no big deal, "Oh, this is just a one-time thing, we weren't expecting it."

    I'm not sure how you end up with a surprise need for 36 bagels, but to each his own. I said that was fine and that I was just letting him know, and to have a good day.

    After they left, one of my coworkers, M, approached me.

    M: "Just so you know, as they were leaving they said "she was really rude!""
    Me: "What?? I wasn't rude!"

    I mean, it's hard for me to smile to begin with (don't ask me why, it's just physically difficult for me to smile properly), but I know I wasn't impolite! If anything, they were impolite for not calling ahead to warn us that they were clearing out our bagel case. ><

    No Chocolate Fingers? ARRRGHFLGHLBL!

    As I'm sure I've mentioned before, Saturdays are our busiest day. Also, Chocolate Fingers are more or less our most popular donut. People freak over them because they are SO MUCH BIGGER! than our other donuts, simply for the fact that they are in a bar shape rather than a round circular shape. Since they're so popular, we run out of them quite frequently on Saturday mornings. This shocks many people, including this man that went through Drive Thru.

    Me: "Hi, can I help you?"
    Man: "Yeah hi, I want a dozen donuts, with three chocolate fingers!"
    Me: -glancing over to donut case- "I'm sorry, we're all out of chocolate fingers."
    Shift Lead V: -off headset- "Check in the back."
    Shift Lead V: -cutting in with her headset- "SIR, we are checking in the back for you right now."

    So I rushed to the back, feeling quite irritated at this guy, to find we had a rack of chocolate fingers in the back (Thank goodness). I put them in the box he ordered, and came back out to the front.

    Shift Lead V: -giving me a long serious look- "Crush 'em."

    I didn't- I squished them a little bit, but there were a lot of customers in front of us and I didn't think I should crush them in front of them- plus I didn't want Mr. Angry Drive Thru Man to come back and scream at us. I daydreamed quite a bit about drawing a smiley face in the frosting, though.

    The Next Weekend

    So I shuffled my way into work bright and early Saturday morning, and was greeted by a shiny brand new poster posted up in the window of Dunkin.

    "Buy 6 donuts
    and GET 6 FREE!"

    Oh sweet Apollo Justice on a defense bench. I have finally learned how Dunkin acquires 532659328 more customers during the summer. The problem is, even though we have this shiny new deal (Along with four new combos and a new deal on getting one coffee and one donut), there seems to be no preparation for the onslaught of donut orders we were going to get. In other words... Even though we were giving away something like double the donuts we usually do, we still had the same amount of donuts to sell as we always do. Which means, by the time my shift ended at 3 PM, we had less than 5 kinds of donuts left, and one or two of each of those kinds (save for a full rack of old fashioned). As you can imagine, customers would not be pleased knowing that we didn't have ANY of the 'good kinds' of donuts. We had a lot of these:

    Me: "Hi, how can I help you?"
    Drive Thru: "Hi! I want half a dozen donuts?"
    Me: "Well ma'am, with our new deal you can get six donuts free with six purchased."
    Drive Thru: "Oh wow, I'll do that!"
    Me: "So what kind would you like?"
    Drive Thru: "I'd like 3 manager's special--"
    Me: "I'm sorry, we're all out of manager's special donuts."
    Drive Thru: "Oh... Then I'll take 3 chocolate frosted--"
    Me: "We are also out of those, I'm sorry."
    Drive Thru: "What, really? Okay, then I'll have 2 boston kreme..."
    Me: "... We also do not have those... We have (about 4-5 different kinds)"
    Drive Thru: "That's all? ... I'll take 3 vanilla frosted."
    Me: "... We only have two of those ma'am."

    Frustrating to be sure, but at least they haven't blown up about it yet.

    Picky Picky

    Me: "So that's three donuts, a small coffee and a chai?"
    Old Woman: "Yes- and make sure the coffee has the senior discount!"

    ... Just the coffee, ma'am? Don't you want the entire purchase to be 10% off?


    Jay: "Hi, can I help you?"
    Angry Woman: "I want a medium black decaf coffee. Do you have a FRESH POT of decaf?"
    Jay: -takes less than a second to look at our coffee-
    Angry Woman: "HELLO!?!?11!?"
    Jay: "Yes we do ma'am, you can pull up. (:"

    Of course, it being 1:00 or so after our insane morning rush, there is no way that pot of coffee is actually fresh (as in, just brewed fresh). But even so, it's less than 20 minutes old I'm sure. But lady, if you're going to make an inquiry regarding something we need time for our little eyeballs to MOVE IN THE DIRECTION OF, give us the 1/16th of a second to do so before screaming about not getting an immediate answer!

    Your Paper Machine Doesn't Work!

    The newspaper machine outside our store usually doesn't work. We call the local newspaper every week to get this resolved, but nothing is done. This means a lot of our customers lose money to the piece of junk. But sometimes it works...

    Woman: "Are you guys at all in charge of the paper machine outside?"
    CW: "No ma'am, but I thought it had been fixed..."
    Me: "It's been giving a few people problems a couple weeks ago, I thought it was working now too. I'm sorry."
    Woman: "I just lost 75 cents to that thing..."

    She leaves, and I think a moment.

    Me: "... isn't the Sunday paper 1.25?"

    I'm out of brain cells to remember any more.
    Last edited by Chazzie; 03-24-2009, 09:45 PM.

  • #2
    Quoth Chazzie View Post
    After the order was done, I plucked up some courage to say "Excuse me sir, I just wanted to let you know that next time you might have a big order like this, to please call ahead?"


    M: "Just so you know, as they were leaving they said "she was really rude!""
    Me: "What?? I wasn't rude!"
    Sometimes it's what you say, sometimes it's how you say it. The guys were douchey, expecting to be able to walk in and get three dozen bagels right away on a busy morning.

    Since you say you physically have trouble smiling (I'm assuming it's smiling because you have to, instead of because you feel it), you'll probably have to be extra careful how you word things. Which blows. That's the problem with working retail.

    You might say instead, "Sir, if you decide you need a large order like this in the future, it would be a huge help for us if you called _____ minutes/hours ahead. That way we can be sure to have the bagels you want ready to go when you come in, and you won't have to go without your preferred flavors. We really appreciate your business and we'd like to keep you happy. Here's a card with our number. Have a great day!" Yeah, you'll mean about 10% of what you said, but it's more likely to get the guy on your side and happy, instead of being cranky and unhappy.
    Labor boards have info on local laws for free
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    CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


    • #3
      Yeah- since I have trouble smiling (I have bad teeth so it's a natural instinct to keep my mouth shut, and always looks awkward when I try to smile), I try to have a cheerful tone. But I definitely could have worded it better, you're right. I'm just glad they did come in before the morning rush really started.


      • #4
        Well i normally don't buy 12 doughnuts... stuff like that is why im glad i never use the drive-through. i'd rather just pick from what i can obviously see is available.


        • #5
          It's just the way I am, but I find it impossible to smile or be cheerful if I'm not feeling it. And most of the time, when I'm working on the front end, I'm definitely not feeling it. That's why I hate being in that department so much, I swear I turn into Bitch 4.0 when I'm there. I'd much rather work in the Paint department, and I'm sure the customers would prefer me there as well.

          Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.


          • #6
            Quoth Chazzie View Post
            "Buy 6 donuts
            and GET 6 FREE!"

            Oh sweet Apollo Justice on a defense bench. I have finally learned how Dunkin acquires 532659328 more customers during the summer. The problem is, even though we have this shiny new deal (Along with four new combos and a new deal on getting one coffee and one donut), there seems to be no preparation for the onslaught of donut orders we were going to get. In other words... Even though we were giving away something like double the donuts we usually do, we still had the same amount of donuts to sell as we always do. Which means, by the time my shift ended at 3 PM, we had less than 5 kinds of donuts left, and one or two of each of those kinds (save for a full rack of old fashioned). As you can imagine, customers would not be pleased knowing that we didn't have ANY of the 'good kinds' of donuts. We had a lot of these:

            Me: "Hi, how can I help you?"
            Drive Thru: "Hi! I want half a dozen donuts?"
            Me: "Well ma'am, with our new deal you can get six donuts free with six purchased."
            Drive Thru: "Oh wow, I'll do that!"
            Me: "So what kind would you like?"
            Drive Thru: "I'd like 3 manager's special--"
            Me: "I'm sorry, we're all out of manager's special donuts."
            Drive Thru: "Oh... Then I'll take 3 chocolate frosted--"
            Me: "We are also out of those, I'm sorry."
            Drive Thru: "What, really? Okay, then I'll have 2 boston kreme..."
            Me: "... We also do not have those... We have (about 4-5 different kinds)"
            Drive Thru: "That's all? ... I'll take 3 vanilla frosted."
            Me: "... We only have two of those ma'am."

            Frustrating to be sure, but at least they haven't blown up about it yet.
            This part reminds me of the Weird Al song "Albuquerque" when he goes into the donut shop and all they have is a box of 1 dozen starving crazed weasels.
            I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


            • #7
              I think I'm going to go ahead and wait for that day to happen.


              • #8
                Are the chocolate sticks like the chocolate glazed sticks? It's similar to the plain stick but instead it's made out of chocolate glazed? Because I don't have that at my Dunkin' Donuts. =[

                Recently, the donut delivery only comes once now so if we're out of jelly or any other donut, all we have in the front is all we got. I feel bad when customers come to get a dozen donuts and all the unpopular ones are there and not the popular ones. They don't throw a fit though. They just get whatever they can.


                • #9
                  Quoth Chazzie View Post
                  Oh sweet Apollo Justice on a defense bench.
                  You, sir, are the embodyment of win

                  Quoth Nurian View Post
                  This part reminds me of the Weird Al song "Albuquerque" when he goes into the donut shop and all they have is a box of 1 dozen starving crazed weasels.
                  I was thinking this too.
                  To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


                  • #10
                    Our new Dunkin Donuts just opened last week. That is a very bad thing for me because I am addicted to the coffee. And the large coffee is only .99 right now. So every morning I stop and get a large coffee with extra cream . When it goes back to regular price I'm going to have to limit myself... That will be very difficult
                    "I guess they see another cash cow just waiting to be dry humped." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


                    • #11

                      Now I want Dunkin Donuts.
                      Character flaws aren't a philosophy -Scott Adams


                      • #12
                        I grew up with Dunkin Donuts and still love their donut holes.

                        I hated when people came in and make huge orders without calling in (recalling time in McD's)

                        I was going "aaawww" for both of you in the buy 6 get 6 free. At least she wasn't super sucky right?


                        Oh sweet Apollo Justice on a defense bench.
                        That quote just made me fangirl so hard.


                        • #13
                          now i want a boca donut


                          • #14
                            Quoth Chazzie View Post

                            Shift Lead V: -giving me a long serious look- "Crush 'em."

                            I didn't- I squished them a little bit, but there were a lot of customers in front of us and I didn't think I should crush them in front of them- plus I didn't want Mr. Angry Drive Thru Man to come back and scream at us. I daydreamed quite a bit about drawing a smiley face in the frosting, though.
                            Well, I'm glad you didn't. I might not have been in the retail world for too long, but I feel that's a bit rude and low for your shift lead to tell you to crush them. He may have been a a douche, but retaliating back like that makes her or him just as bad as the SC...

                            In my humble opinion.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Chazzie View Post
                              Hey everyone! Long time no post. I work at Dunkin' Donuts.

                              I mean, it's hard for me to smile to begin with (don't ask me why, it's just physically difficult for me to smile properly
                              My very bestest friend is like this. He can't smile. I mean, he can...if he knows you...he smiles and laughs all the time. But complete strangers, not so much. It actually pains me sometimes to be with him because we'll come across some random stranger who will make small talk and joke a bit and my friend is all stoned face. Which makes me feel a bit emabarrased.Me, I'm the opposite, I've got a smile for everyone I meet.

                              So I shuffled my way into work bright and early Saturday morning, and was greeted by a shiny brand new poster posted up in the window of Dunkin.

                              "Buy 6 donuts
                              and GET 6 FREE!"
                              My roommate works for the most POPULAR and BIGGEST furniture/electronics/home crap store in our city. She never knows what is going on as far as sales and specials until she sees the commercial on TV in the morning before she leaves for work.
                              "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead

