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mysterious briefcase of jewels

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  • mysterious briefcase of jewels

    So for a few years during college I worked at the deli of a large supermarket on the East Coast. Usually, not many young co-ed girls worked the counter so I did get a lot of attention back there (not braggging, just stating a fact).

    One afternoon, someone from customer service approaches me along side a coworker of mine who worked in the produce department. these people loved to joke with me.

    so the CS dude turns to me and says, "Hey, there's a customer here and he wants his briefcase back. He says he gave his briefcase full of money and jewels to the 'blonde girl in the deli' to hold for him while he shopped."

    Assuming they're playing some weird lame joke, i laugh and reply "Oh yea, TOTALLY."

    well apparently this was no joke. some weirdo customer was convinced i actually had his briefcase full of jewels and money in the back and was refusing to return it to him (mind you, he never approached me, i think i'd remember someone like that).

    well since i had replied that i had it, the head manager of the store comes up to me and demands i return the case. uhh, what, are you kidding me?

    so eventually i'm able to convince management i have no such mysterious briefcase and they end up figuring out the guy is a nut job.

    the store manager wound up escorting me to my car at the end of my shift "just in case." i never did see what the customer looked like or anything, but it was definitely one of the weirdest incidents i've encountered.

  • #2
    "Oh hello, person I've never met and looks trustworthy. Would you like to hold my lottery ticket that has won the jackpot today?"
    "Well, sure. I will not move from this place with the ticket that has won 30 million!"
    "Great! I'll be back to scream at you in a minute."
    "Sure thing!"
    Melody Gardot


    • #3
      Was he by any chance from a small African country that is undergoing political turmoil?
      "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


      • #4
        Um yea okay cause so many people with briefcases full of money and jewels stop at grocery stores and leave them with unknown strangers while they pick up their weekly sustenance.

        Seriously tho, what a nut; I can't believe your management took him seriously for a single second. And besides, don't most grocery stores have CCTV? It's easy to look back and see that the crazy didn't come in with a briefcase.


        • #5
          If somebody leaves me a briefcase full of money and jewels, I no longer know what the clearance swamp is.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
            If somebody leaves me a briefcase full of money and jewels, I no longer know what the clearance swamp is.
            If it were me, you'd find my ass at the beach down at Oak Island, under an umbrella sipping on a Yuengling and watching the porpoises with a good book in my lap.

            Of course, my Mom would have enough money to take care of her and LB while I'm gone.
            Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


            • #7
              the briefcase of jewels

              so i typed/posted all this out once before and it never materialized so here i go again...(hopefully technology doesnt spite me)...

              so for a few years in high school and all through summers of college i worked at a deli for a supermarket. now, because i was the only young co-ed in the appetizing department, i got a lot of attention (not to toot my horn) .. but i was used to being pranked or joked/teased with.

              so one day a customer service rep comes to the back in tow with a friend of mine in another department. the CS rep pulls me aside and says, "So some customer here is asking for his briefcase of jewels and money. He says he gave it to you to hold and wants it back." Assuming this is possibly the lamest joke ever, I laugh and play along, "OH YEEEEA TOTALLY."

              A couple hours later, the STORE MANAGER is quickly approaching me with a couple other men in ties and hes like "wheres the briefcase?" i look and smile (wondering if hes playing with me) and am like uhhh what? and he replies dead seriously, "the customer...he wont leave without his briefcase, now why wont you give it back"

              im so stunned and a little taken back like --- yea, ok, completely logical someone would hand me over their precious briefcase of money and jewels while i stay here making $9 an hour...mmhmm....

              i guess by my reaction they realized this guy is a NUT and at the end of my shift the store manager escorted me through the store and to my car "just in case."

              now, i never saw this customer nor did he approach me for his supposed briefcase.... but for a couple weeks there i was a wee bit nervous bout the psycho with the mysterious "briefcase"


              • #8
                That happened to me once. But instead of a briefcase it was a purse, and when it became clear there was no purse back there the woman said (and I quote)
                "Oh you lost it?? Uhg fine.... Well just go get yours out of the back and I'll take what I lost out of it." Then stared at me impatiently until the manager grew an itty bitty pair and directed her attention elsewhere. I was just so shocked that someone could be that blatant about it. I actually had a roommate come get my car and my purse because I was worried that she would prove to be actually batshit insane and would try to steal something..


                • #9
                  Quoth RetailKate View Post
                  "Oh you lost it?? Uhg fine.... Well just go get yours out of the back and I'll take what I lost out of it."
                  Uh... that's not how it works, m'dear... try the police first. Or at least small claims court. For now, though, I think, "Get the hell out of my store" will suffice.
                  "I call murder on that!"


                  • #10
                    Quoth artifical sweetner View Post
                    so i typed/posted all this out once before and it never materialized so here i go again...(hopefully technology doesnt spite me)...
                    It did materialize. Here.
                    "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                    • #11
                      Quoth artifical sweetner View Post
                      so i typed/posted all this out once before and it never materialized so here i go again...(hopefully technology doesnt spite me)...
                      Just a tip - if you cannot find a thread or post you have made, before creating a duplicate either try doing a search, or go to your User Control Panel, click on statistics and select threads or posts created by you.
                      The report button - not just for decoration


                      • #12
                        yea i did that...that is weird...i swear i checked!! haha...sorry bout that

