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You want to throw a bottle at me? Bring it bitch!

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  • You want to throw a bottle at me? Bring it bitch!

    I work at a small bakery, that’s located in a kind of Danish Wal-Mart. I work 2 to 3 days a week after school. Usually people are pretty nice and relaxed, but come weekend, come crazy. Today I worked the early Saturday shift, and what a day. It started pretty calm, a bit stressed, but its Saturday so a lot of people want their cake. Anyway 2 thing happened that left me pissed beyond resons.

    Numero uno
    SC: Angry little man

    ME: (I’m standing at the register, in my normal clothes, and the register has a sign on it that says it’s closed and that you should go to the next register)
    SC: (Puts some money in front of me, and looks at me)
    ME: Sir im sorry you can’t bu
    ME: I’m sorry sir, but your going to have to go to the next register, you can´t use this one.
    SC: Well then I´ll just go then
    SC: (He keeps standing in front me)
    ME: Sir you can´t buy at this register, sorry.
    SC: Why not?
    ME: This register is closed sorry.
    SC: You can´t closed a register, when there’s customers in the store.
    ME: yes I can, because I’m off, and I have to count the till.
    SC: listen, I’m gonna give you this money, and you’re going to give me a doughnut.
    ME: No! (I was tired, angry and I just wanted to go home. Plus I was off, you don´t tell me what to do, when I’m of)
    SC: what is your boss´s name?
    ME: I don´t know, you’re going to have to the kiosk and ask.
    He looked pissed, and walked away. Just so you know, almost right next to me, a girl was a another register, helping a customer. He could have easily walked up to her instead of me.

    Numero dos:

    a drunk man comes up to my co-worker and gives her some bottles. He wants money for them, but we can´t do that. She says that to him and he starts to yell at her. He calls her all sorts of names. That pisses me off, but it’s not so bad, that I’m allowed to kick him out. Then he yells that he´s going to through the bottles at her. Then I explode. I run up to my co-worker, and tell the man, that I will not accept him talking to my co-worker like that. He then yells at me, and says that he´s going to through the bottles at me. I tell him to leave the store and he picks up one of the bottles and lifts it above his head like he´s going to through it. Then I flip. I yell very loud, that I want him to leave the fucking store now! I Point at the door, and tell him loudly to leave the store. He looks at me and walks away.
    The terrible thing here is that both I and my co-worker are 16 years old. And no one came to the rescue when a drunken man threatened us. No one. Not even the manager came up to us, to see if we where okay. That pissed me of more than anything.

  • #2
    Was your manager aware that you and your co-worker were being yelled at? If so, it's inexcusable of him to ignore it. A manager's job is to intervene when one of their employees is being verbally abused by a customer.

    If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


    • #3
      Yup your manager failed to do their job.


      • #4
        Must be so scary with the crazy bottle guy. Your manager sucks if he doesn't protect you from crap like that
        "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


        • #5
          Quoth Boozy View Post
          Was your manager aware that you and your co-worker were being yelled at? If so, it's inexcusable of him to ignore it. A manager's job is to intervene when one of their employees is being verbally abused by a customer.
          Alas, very few managers have received this memo. We've had customers scream, curse, insult, throw around their middle finger and throw items at us. However they (the customers) can't be thrown out/banned from the store because that would be bad customer service!

          Grumble, grumble...managers...spine removed...grumble grumble...

          To the OP, I'm sorry that happened to you. Good for you for sticking up for your co-worker.
          "Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did."
          George Carlin


          • #6
            OMG my boss would kick my ass if I let people treat our employees that way.


            • #7
              Quoth Boozy View Post
              Was your manager aware that you and your co-worker were being yelled at? If so, it's inexcusable of him to ignore it. A manager's job is to intervene when one of their employees is being verbally abused by a customer.
              Agreed. That's such bullshit. Can you talk to another manager about it?
              Check out my cosplay social group!


              • #8
                Your manager is full of fail for not at least intervening or checking in when you and your co-worker (who are both minors) were being threatened bodily harm and very close to having some drunk jackass customer throw a bottle at you both. Either this manager is spine or brain deficient.
                I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09

