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Round #2

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  • Round #2

    With rare cameos from my wonderful coworkers.

    Yes, That's What I Mean

    Me: "Ok, and your name please?"
    SC: "....uh...."

    I really should just hang up outright whenever this happens. No questions, no warning, just click. Because nothing good has ever come from this. It's always the very harbinger of the coming intellectual darkness. I can almost hear the caller breaking the 7th seal in the background. Well, failing to break it with their fingers and than having to resort to trying to tear it open with their teeth while they whine about how stupid it is that they made this thing so hard to open and they really should call and demand a refund. But I digress.

    I've never had a call go well after the person failed "What's your name, durrrrr~" on the first attempt. It just doesn't happen.

    Me: "Ok, and what's the serial number for your software?"
    SC: ""
    Me: "......?"
    SC: "Ummm......uh...."
    Me: "......."
    SC: ""
    Me: "........"
    SC: "Wait, you mean the serial number?"
    Me: "..Yes."

    Yes, I mean the serial number. That's why I said "serial number" instead of "nun panties". If I had indeed desired a nun's undergarments instead of the serial number I would have requested it and had you or another of my underlings locate them and bring them to me. Which would bring our dark plans just one step closer to mean yes, serial number, please?

    The Curious Call

    Me: "Ok, would you like to place an order?"
    SC: "Yes."
    Me: "Ok, can I have your name please?"
    SC: "Maggie at box 102."
    Me: "....can I have your full name please?"
    SC: "........"

    That's all we have to go on is it? Very well than. Come along now, Luke.

    I Know, I'm Farked Up

    Midway through shift, I turn to my coworker....

    Me: "There's something wrong with my brain."
    CW: "What else is new."
    Me: "No seriously. You know that little song from the old Cheese Whiz commercials?"
    CW: "Cheese Whiz adds personality?"
    Me: "Yeah, that one. Except in my head my brain has replaced "personality" with "Gothopotamus".
    CW: ".....what? Yeah, you're farked."
    Me: "No seriously, it works. Sing it in your head."
    CW: "Right."

    5 minutes later.....

    CW: "Cheese whiz adds....gothopotam~ FUCK!"
    Me: "See!?"
    CW: "I hate you so much."

    Hitting a Nerve

    Me: "Ok, do you have a customer ID number?"
    SC: "A what!?!?"
    Me: "A customer ID number"
    SC: "I have a VISA?"
    Me: "No, a customer ID number. If you've ordered from us previously we mail them o-"
    Me: "!?!?!"


    Me: "?!?!! excuse me?"

    Sweet furry mother of Mandy the narcoleptic panda what in the sam low flying under radar fuck Hell are you talking about, woman!?

    Me: "You can, the ID number just lets us bring up your address and information to make placing a new order faster."
    SC: "Oh."
    Me: "I can just put in a new order with a Visa."
    SC: "Oh, ok."
    Me: "Can I have the Visa number please?"
    SC: "Wait a sec, I threw it on the floor there and I can't find it."
    Me: "........"

    It appears Hurricane Ragecunt was at least a category 4 and seems to have caused some local property damage.

    SC: ".....where is it....can you hold on a minute?"
    Me: "Sure."
    SC: "......"
    Me: "......"

    Literally 2 minutes pass.

    Me: "Hello?"
    SC: "......."
    Me: "....hello?"
    SC: "I can't find it! Can you hold on a few more minutes?"
    Me: "Alright, but I'll have to put you on hold while I take other calls."

    2 more minutes, I come back

    Me: "Hello?"
    SC: "Hi, yeah, I'm still looking."
    Me: "Ok."

    I come back 3 minutes later.

    Me: "Any luck?"
    SC: "No, hey, can I call you back when I find it? I have no idea where it went."
    Me: "Sure."

    Yes, she did eventually call back. About half an hour later. Bravo, madam. Bravo.

    You What?
    ( This is a maintenance line for a certain chain of gas stations/convenience stores )

    SC: "Yeah I accidentally put supreme instead of natural gas into my truck and now they won't give me a refund!"

    ....wait, you what?

    SC: "They won't just void it and give me my money back!"

    No no, back up. There is a far far more grievous offense of stupidity here that needs to be addressed first.

    SC: "Can't you tell them to do it for me?"

    Screw your refund, go back to the first part. You did WHAT to your truck?

    SC: "I want my money!"

    and I want to laugh into the vacant, cavernous space within your skull. So please, start from the beginning and tell me what happened in excruciatingly stupid detail.

    Christ, how do you even do that? The nozzles don't even fit. Or did you just sit there and vacantly dump gas onto your truck for 5 minutes? You sure they're denying you a refund? They're probably trying to get you the fuck away from the pumps before you get them all killed.

    A Clever Ploy

    I arrived at the office the other night just in time for this:

    CW: "Hey GK, can I ask you about something on this account?"
    Me: "Sure."
    CW: "This lady wants to order this shirt, but she's not sure if it will fit so she wants to order it in all the sizes so she can try them all on than send back the ones that don't fit...should I let her or?"
    Me: "Hahaha! No."
    CW: "Yeah, I wasn't quite too sure what to do with it."
    Me: "Tell her to get bent. If she has a problem with it she can call during the day and talk to customer service."
    CW: "Ok."
    Me: "You know the stupidest part about this is she could have gotten away with it if she didn't tell you what she was up too."

    And yes, this was on the "omigawd pants" order line.


    Me: "Ok, and what seems to be the problem?"
    Me: "....ok, well I'll send the caretaker by-"

    Dude, seriously. It is...let's see, about 16 degrees out at the lowest. If it's so cold you can't sleep its not because there's no heat, it's because you woke up naked on the balcony. So close the windows, insulate your groin with some shorts, a blanket or a nearby domestic animal and go back to bed.


    SC: "How long will it take?
    Me: "it should take about 2 weeks to arrive."
    SC: "What?! Why it take so long for one hat?!"

    Because you live at the end of the Earth.

    ...annnd some of backlog successfully cleared.

  • #2
    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

    I Know, I'm Farked Up

    Midway through shift, I turn to my coworker....

    Me: "There's something wrong with my brain."
    CW: "What else is new."
    Me: "No seriously. You know that little song from the old Cheese Whiz commercials?"
    CW: "Cheese Whiz adds personality?"
    Me: "Yeah, that one. Except in my head my brain has replaced "personality" with "Gothopotamus".
    CW: ".....what? Yeah, you're farked."
    Me: "No seriously, it works. Sing it in your head."
    CW: "Right."

    5 minutes later.....

    CW: "Cheese whiz adds....gothopotam~ FUCK!"
    Me: "See!?"
    CW: "I hate you so much."
    What is it?! WHATS HAPPENING?! Must...poke...out...mind's eye!

    And now the songs stuck in me head too.
    Last edited by RebeccaOTool; 04-06-2009, 03:31 PM.
    "Because that's how magical meteoric size-altering space goo works." IMDB Message boards.


    • #3
      I've seen people put diesel fuel into their regular unleaded vehicles before. I've managed to stop a few of them. You would think that because a diesel nozzle does not even fit in the car, that would be your first big clue that perhaps you are using the wrong fuel. I mean this is after picking up the nozzle labeled diesel, and pushing the flashing green diesel button...

      I've also had a single phone call where a guy filled up both his tractor and truck, which both required diesel, with regular unleaded. Fortunatly he didn't want a refund... He just wanted to check to see if that's actually what he did.


      • #4
        Many a nefarious scheme has been foiled by a SC when they make the mistake of telling you what they're up to...


        • #5
          Quoth RebeccaOTool View Post
          And now the songs stuck in me head too.
          I've never even heard the song, and it's stuck in my head. My brain's just latched onto a random tune, and I can't make it stop!
          The High Priest is an Illusion!


          • #6
            never heard of that song. Is there a link?

            Did your fangirl give up or she really trying to find out where you work/live?


            • #7
              I've never heard the song, and yet it's in my head. It just latched on a tune and won't stop! Damn you GK!!!


              • #8
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                What on Earth did I do to deserve seeing that?
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  I have had the song Barrett's Privateers stuck in my head for 4 days now. Cheez Whiz/Gothapotamus is giving it a run for it's money, but so far the privateers are winning. I hope this state of affairs continues, or I might have to throttle GK.
                  "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

                  My pony dolls:


                  • #10
                    Quoth Becks View Post
                    What on Earth did I do to deserve seeing that?

                    What, you don't know by now to approach any link our beloved GK makes within one of his legendary posts with the utmost caution?

                    Let this be a lesson.
                    You're only delaying the inevitable, you run at your own expense. The repo man gets paid to chase you. ~Argabarga


                    • #11
                      Great. Now I have to explain to the new girl why there is diet dr. pepper on my keyboard. You are an evil and funny man.
                      A crisis is a problem you can't control. Drama is a problem you can, but won't. - Otter


                      • #12
                        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                        It is...let's see, about 16 degrees out at the lowest.
                        Dude, I really hope you are talking Celcius.


                        • #13
                          I drive a TDI. Do you have any idea how many men have accosted me at the pump to interfer with my innocent attempts to fill my car with the appropriate fuel because they are assuming that I'm too stupid to know the difference?
                          Everything sucks. I must be living in a vacuum.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

                            The Fuck.

                            Was THAT ?!?!?

                            You What?
                            ( This is a maintenance line for a certain chain of gas stations/convenience stores )

                            SC: "Yeah I accidentally put supreme instead of natural gas into my truck and now they won't give me a refund!"

                            ....wait, you what?

                            SC: "They won't just void it and give me my money back!"

                            No no, back up. There is a far far more grievous offense of stupidity here that needs to be addressed first.

                            SC: "Can't you tell them to do it for me?"

                            Screw your refund, go back to the first part. You did WHAT to your truck?

                            SC: "I want my money!"

                            and I want to laugh into the vacant, cavernous space within your skull. So please, start from the beginning and tell me what happened in excruciatingly stupid detail.

                            Christ, how do you even do that? The nozzles don't even fit. Or did you just sit there and vacantly dump gas onto your truck for 5 minutes? You sure they're denying you a refund? They're probably trying to get you the fuck away from the pumps before you get them all killed.
                            I did a little reading on what that would do to a guy's engine, and it ain't cheap. I'll bet we're going to hear a story about 'the gas station ruining my truck... HYUK!" in the news some time soon.
                            "Kamala the Ugandan Giant" 1950-2020 • "Bullet" Bob Armstrong 1939-2020 • "Road Warrior Animal" 1960-2020 • "Zeus" Tiny Lister Jr. 1958-2020 • "Hacksaw" Butch Reed 1954-2021 • "New Jack" Jerome Young 1963-2021 • "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff 1949-2021 • "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton 1958-2021 • Daffney 1975-2021


                            • #15
                              Quoth Kittish View Post
                              What, you don't know by now to approach any link our beloved GK makes within one of his legendary posts with the utmost caution?

                              Let this be a lesson.
                              Oh, I know.

                              I thought I was mentally prepared, truly I did.

                              I was so very, VERY wrong.
                              Unseen but seeing
                              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                              3rd shift needs love, too
                              RIP, mo bhrionglóid

