I was seeing red after this encounter yesterday. I normally work the floor but when a cashier needs a lunch break i will happily jump on a register to cover. we were fairly busy and i had a steady stream of customers. no big deal.
Until "crazy lady." She had a fair sized purchase of about $140. She runs her discover card through the pin pad. My register tries to authorize and comes back declined. it happens, so we run it again. nope. Now these were both hard declines. Meaning that the system was up and the card really was declined. If our authorization was down for whatever reason (and it does happen fairly regularly) we get a prompt to manually call in the card and enter the auth code. This time i didn't even have that option. Crazy lady starts getting pissed and i am forming a line. she pulls out another card, again discover, and again both times i run it are hard declines. I tell her sorry, explain that i can't do anything. She huffs and throws down 2 $100 bills, finish transaction, and walks away. I get the line cleared and she comes bck demanding to know whose fault it is. I explain that the system is up because i had been taking other cards just fine, and maybe there was a problem at discovers end. She walks over to our front window and pulls out her cell phone.
I finish off with a few customers right before the cashier gets back, taking two visa cards in the process. As i am gathering up the software i was working on securing Crazy lady yells to me from her phone. "discover says its your card readers problem". I respond "I'm sorry mam but i have been taking cards all day and i just did two more while you were on the phone. I'm sorry." I was still trying to be polite but getting annoyed because she couldn't get over the fact that her cards wouldn't work. On another note our pin pads were all replaced less than a month ago because some security features were upgraded, so definitely not our equipments fault.
I think the mess is done but oh no. As I am stocking my software the lady comes to find me and starts berating me. "You mad me feel completely embarrassed up there. discover said it was you fault. you made me feel like a complete looser in front of everyone."
Shocked i respond "I am really sorry that was not my intention i feel bad but there is nothing i could have done." From there it gets kinda hazy but she turns on me and lets go again and then says what every customer does when in the wrong. Yep she pulls the store managers name (who she has known since high school) and says she will be going to the competition from now on. Then Storms out.
So anyway i never raised my voice, tried to apologize and ended up feeling like shit, and very angry.
Sorry still not done. Anyway about ten minutes later another associate was ringing out a gentleman and his discover card was getting the same treatment. they tried him on every register and even hand keying the number. so something was screwy, but only with discover cards. I left before anyone found out what . i had no way to know there was a prblem at the time of crazy lady. Even if i had know, without the register prompting for phone authorization i still couldn't have helped her.
Was it our end or discovers end, i don't know, all i know is crazy lady deserves whatever she felt for treating me like crap. She didn't have to get uppity, could have let it go. everyone from time to time has a card declined, i think. and yes you feel embarrassed no mater what reason, but it happens move on.
and now after some good therapy here i am going to do the same and move on, thanks all
Until "crazy lady." She had a fair sized purchase of about $140. She runs her discover card through the pin pad. My register tries to authorize and comes back declined. it happens, so we run it again. nope. Now these were both hard declines. Meaning that the system was up and the card really was declined. If our authorization was down for whatever reason (and it does happen fairly regularly) we get a prompt to manually call in the card and enter the auth code. This time i didn't even have that option. Crazy lady starts getting pissed and i am forming a line. she pulls out another card, again discover, and again both times i run it are hard declines. I tell her sorry, explain that i can't do anything. She huffs and throws down 2 $100 bills, finish transaction, and walks away. I get the line cleared and she comes bck demanding to know whose fault it is. I explain that the system is up because i had been taking other cards just fine, and maybe there was a problem at discovers end. She walks over to our front window and pulls out her cell phone.
I finish off with a few customers right before the cashier gets back, taking two visa cards in the process. As i am gathering up the software i was working on securing Crazy lady yells to me from her phone. "discover says its your card readers problem". I respond "I'm sorry mam but i have been taking cards all day and i just did two more while you were on the phone. I'm sorry." I was still trying to be polite but getting annoyed because she couldn't get over the fact that her cards wouldn't work. On another note our pin pads were all replaced less than a month ago because some security features were upgraded, so definitely not our equipments fault.
I think the mess is done but oh no. As I am stocking my software the lady comes to find me and starts berating me. "You mad me feel completely embarrassed up there. discover said it was you fault. you made me feel like a complete looser in front of everyone."
Shocked i respond "I am really sorry that was not my intention i feel bad but there is nothing i could have done." From there it gets kinda hazy but she turns on me and lets go again and then says what every customer does when in the wrong. Yep she pulls the store managers name (who she has known since high school) and says she will be going to the competition from now on. Then Storms out.
So anyway i never raised my voice, tried to apologize and ended up feeling like shit, and very angry.
Sorry still not done. Anyway about ten minutes later another associate was ringing out a gentleman and his discover card was getting the same treatment. they tried him on every register and even hand keying the number. so something was screwy, but only with discover cards. I left before anyone found out what . i had no way to know there was a prblem at the time of crazy lady. Even if i had know, without the register prompting for phone authorization i still couldn't have helped her.
Was it our end or discovers end, i don't know, all i know is crazy lady deserves whatever she felt for treating me like crap. She didn't have to get uppity, could have let it go. everyone from time to time has a card declined, i think. and yes you feel embarrassed no mater what reason, but it happens move on.
and now after some good therapy here i am going to do the same and move on, thanks all