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Good Riddance to Good Friday

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  • Good Riddance to Good Friday

    I hurt. Owwie.

    Thanks to this FUBAR, we had to unload half the truck when we came in this morning, then take all the freight to the floor and fill and backstock it. Somehow we got it all done except for furniture, which wasn't our concern anyway.

    But of course, we could not accomplish this without a few fucknuts gracing me with their presence:


    So, yeah, I got yelled at by a nun today. Why, you ask? Because she misread our ad.

    In our ad, we have a certain kind of flat bedsheet for $3.88, a fitted bedsheet for $3.88, and a set of pillowcases for $6.88. Or something like that. Anyhow, this is clearly disclosed in our ad, yet she took this to mean she could get an entire sheet set for $3.88.

    MOOOP! Bomp bomp a bomp Bwaaaammmmmppppp....

    So I told her this and she started arguing with me about how our ad was misleading and blah blah blah, and I looked around for the shortest escape route in case she yanked a yardstick out of her ass and whacked me across the hand with it (obviously she had a stick of some kind lodged up her backside) then she went up to the service desk to complain some more, then she demanded the store manager come down so she could complain even more.

    She told him she liked shopping at Ye Olde Clearance Swampe, but now she was going to be shopping at Wally World forever. Of course, by "forever" she means "until the next Senior Day at the latest."

    Sandbagging on sandboxes

    Another lady asked me about a sandbox with cover we had advertised, and it turned out we were out of it.

    So then she wanted to get a raincheck--but only after we told her the dimensions of this sandbox, which I could not get for her because we didn't have it. I did offer, though, that when the sandboxes came back in and she got a raincheck, she could come back in and we'd measure the sandbox for her then.

    This got me a huff and a "Thanks for nothing." Next time get here sooner, hon, and we might be sold out of what you want to buy.

    All the little birdies proclaim thy name: CHEAP! CHEAP!

    Most days when I working truck, I manage to give off a decent "Don't bug me, I'm busy" vibe and don't get asked too many questions. But of course, today, when we're in an epic death race against the clock, I get everybody and their brother coming up to me with questions.

    This guy came in and asked me if all the prices on the signs for the patio furniture were correct. I told him as far as I knew.

    Of course, this meant I was telling him a big ol' whopper, so he dragged me into the department and had me scan every piece of a patio set--table, chairs, side table, umbrella, and umbrella base--to find out the prices.

    Get ready for the shock of a lifetime. I mean it. Every item scanned at the price shown on the sales sign.

    So obviously he was asking me to do this because he was interested in buying the set, right? Oh NOOOOoooooO! You see, he had already bought the set some time ago, and was going to return everything and then repurchase it so he could get the cheaper prices on everything.

    This may be horribly customer-unfriendly, but I make no apologies for saying it: If you're going to be that much of a cheap bastard, you can do all the legwork yourself and take your chances with the prices or the availability of merchandise.

    *yawn* I didn't sleep too good last night after the night I had. Irv sleep now.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

  • #2

    *gives hugs to Irv*
    "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

    I belly dance with tall Goblins!


    • #3
      Irv, here's one on me...
      I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
      Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
      Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


      • #4
        I've never understood that return mentality. Anything wrong with the furniture? Nope? Then eff off. The store is only required to take it back if there's something wrong with it, not if you change your mind, or they suddenly put it on sale the next day.

        Had that happen once. An outdoor set that we bought and then was on sale next weekend for half price. We just shrugged and went "man, that was bad luck" and ignored it.

        Is that not what other people do? (Rhetorical question - it's clearly what grown-ups do but not what 'other people' who aren't grown-up yet do).

