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1st Post- Insane Apartment Guy

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  • 1st Post- Insane Apartment Guy

    I work as a concierge/ front desk person for a temp agency that provides temps for luxury apartment buildings. One day I was on assignment at a VERY swanky building. I'd been there a few times before, and all the residents seemed very nice. I thought I'd be in for an easy day. Wrong!

    When I arrived at 7am, I was told that the heat was not working in some of the apartments, and if residents called to complain, take their unit number and add it to "the list". The maintenance crew was hard at work to solve the problem already. Ok, great.

    A couple of hours later, a man in his mid-50s came to the desk to complain that his heat wasn't working. He was a little irritated, but not sucky. Yet. I apologized, explained that the maintenance team was working on the problem, and took down his information. He left. Again, great.

    The rest of the day passed with a few complaints about heat, but no SCs. People were very understanding. Then, just about 30 minutes before I was to leave, the man from earlier came STOMPING up to the desk. This is the conversation that ensued:

    SR= Sucky Resident
    Me=Me, 5'2", 100 lb Concierge
    Italics= My thoughts

    SR: My heat is STILL not working! What is going on here? I pay blahblahblah in rent and you guys can't even get the heat to work? And I can't turn on my fireplace because that's been broken for -however long- and they keep fixing it and it keeps breaking! This is ridiculous!

    Me: Sir, I'm really sorry about the heat. I did note your complaint this morning, and you are on the list that the maintenance crew is working on right now. I understand your frustration but they are working hard to get it fixed as soon as possible.

    SR: What? What are they working on right now? Where are they right now? Right this very second, are they working on it? WHERE ARE THEY? I pay rent and I don't get heat! What is this, a tenement? -mumble mumble mumble Obama- (I don't know what he meant either).

    Me: I'm not sure where they all are at this moment, but I've been informed by management that this is the #1 priority and they will be working on it until it is done.

    SR: WHAT? NO! You get on the radio right now and call them! I'M GOING TO START KICKING PEOPLE IN THE BELLY IF YOU DON'T CALL THEM RIGHT NOW!

    Oh no you didn't. Wait, yes, you just did. The second you start threatening violence, I no longer have to even speak to you, let alone help you.

    Note: the way he said this was really scary. He didn't sound like he was just expressing his frustration. He sounded like he was actually going to come over the desk and kick me. I was afraid and angry and didn't say anything to him.

    Just at that second, one of the maintenance guys happened to walk across the lobby. SR stomps over to him.

    SR: What is going on with the heat in this dump? What the hell? Is anyone even working on it? Do I have to start KICKING people to get some help around here? This THING at the desk won't help me!

    Me: Sir, I can't help you when you're threatening violence.

    SR (now shouting): This C--T over here won't help me!

    EXCUSE ME? No one has EVER called me that before in my life!

    I retreat to the office and get management. I'm so angry and scared that I'm physically shaking and have to sit down. When I've got myself a little more together, I go back out to the desk. SR is still there, yelling at the manager and asst. manager about how I wouldn't help him. He even admits that he threatened to kick me, maintenance people, and everyone in the general area. He sees nothing wrong with this threat, because he wasn't getting service quickly enough. He also kept repeating this gem: "I told her my heat was out and she didn't do anything! She just LOOKED DOWN!" Because apparently the fact that I was alarmed at a person who was screaming at me and glanced down at the desk for literally 1 second while I thought of what to do is justification for threatening me.
    He won't listen to management when they say it is totally unacceptable for him to be threatening anyone, ever, period. I have to go back into the inner office because when he sees me again he gets so enraged that he literally turns bright red. I thought his head was going to explode.

    Finally they basically tell him to shut up and go away, and he does. Manager and asst. manager come in the back and apologize to me about a million times. The manager tells me that SR will be getting a letter saying that his lease is being terminated immediately. She also says that if I want to press charges against him for the threats, she'll back me up 100%. I decline to press charges, as long as he will be kicked out of the building. She tells me he'll definitely be gone. I don't totally believe her, because after all, I'm "just a temp", and I've never really seen management stick up for a lowly temp like that.

    The next time I work at the property, the service manager comes to talk to me at the desk and tells me that the SR was, in fact, kicked out for his behavior that day. They kept their word!
    Last edited by bammertheblue; 04-11-2009, 06:09 PM.

  • #2

    Try and get a permanent job there! You've hit upon that rarest of treasures, managment with spines!


    • #3
      Whoah, an SC actually got what they deserved?!?! I want to send a gift basket to your amazing manager!!!


      • #4
        He also got hit with a big fine for illegal subletting! Apparently, one of his adult children was the one who signed the lease (legal resident, even though s/he never lived there), so SR was technically subletting from his kid (very forbidden in these kinds of buildings, although occasionally a blind eye is turned). So in order to get him out even quicker and eliminate any possible legal hassles, management told him that he had 3 days to produce a utility bill in his name as proof that he was a legal resident of the unit. Of course, he couldn't. So out he went!

        Unfortunately, it would be hard for me to get a permanent position there because of the terms of the contract the building signed with the temp agency...oh well.


        • #5
          He lost his home because he was a douchebag? That kicks ass on so many levels.


          • #6
            Quoth bammertheblue View Post
            She tells me he'll definitely be gone. I don't totally believe her, because after all, I'm "just a temp", and I've never really seen management stick up for a lowly temp like that.

            Well honestly they have no idea if you may know someone who's thinking of leasing at one of their properties. Do you think anyone would want to pay swanky apt rental to live with an unstable possibly violent individual? And it's possible there were other complaints about this tenant and since this was witnessed by management they could finally do something rather than go on "he said, she said".
            Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


            • #7
              I want to see who angrily yells "I'M GOING TO KICK YOU IN THE BELLY!". Belly? Really? What a tough guy!


              • #8
                Why am I never there as a passer by when stuff like this happens.

                I wish I was, I can be a lot more graphic and descriptive about what I'd do to a person, moreso than "I'M GOING TO START KICKING PEOPLE IN THE BELLY"

                More along the lines of

                I'm going to rip your spine out and use it to floss your digestive tract, strangle you with it and then horse lash you with it.

                I'm a cheery chappie aren't I?

                I don't shout it either, I do it in one of those low voices that would, to normal people, set off the "Step the fuck back" alarm bells in their head.
                I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


                • #9
                  I too suggest that you drop off a resumé there as _soon_ as possible.

                  @Rayven- I was a bouncer and learned that you can get just about anyone's attention by speaking in that low, serious tone.
                  "What did you have for breakfast this morning? Carnation Instant Bitch?"
                  -Eric Foreman That 70's Show


                  • #10
                    Quoth StanFlouride View Post
                    I too suggest that you drop off a resumé there as _soon_ as possible.
                    I imagine "the terms of the contract the building signed with the temp agency" would make that action expensive for both bammertheblue and the building.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Toysarenotme View Post
                      I want to see who angrily yells "I'M GOING TO KICK YOU IN THE BELLY!". Belly? Really? What a tough guy!
                      Yes, that's a direct quote. After the whole thing was over, I filled out an incident report, and when I got to that part, I started laughing and couldn't stop. It was funny that he went from that to calling me a c--t.

                      And yes, he did have a history of bad behavior at that building. He'd never done anything this bad before, but once the c--t word and the threats came out, that was the last straw. (Not to mention the illegal subletting. Ironically, if he'd been nice and never caused problems, that might have very well gone "unnoticed".)

                      The reason I somewhat doubted that he'd actually be evicted was that at the building I worked at a couple of years ago as a regular employee (not a temp), there was a resident whose father had signed the lease for him, so he was also illegally subletting, but management decided it was ok for some reason. However, it turned out that he was a paranoid schizophrenic who went off his meds after a couple of months in the building, and his behavior got totally out of control. He stole things from common areas, broke a thick glass door, acted bizarrely toward female residents, and threatened female employees. One of my coworkers and I actually had to call 911 on him one time. This went on for months and management didn't kick him out- all they did was call his father. (The resident was an adult, late 20s I'd say). When I left that job he was still living in the building. So that's why I was a little doubtful.


                      • #12
                        Ironically, if he'd been nice and never caused problems, that might have very well gone "unnoticed".
                        I can imagine they'd turn a blind eye too. As long as the rent is paid on time and there aren't any complaints against him, then there's no good motivation to kick him out.

                        However once he started threatening you, maintenance, and screaming - yeah that's the motivation to notice the other things they were ignoring.

                        As for the guy who was off his meds... It could be that kicking him out would cause other legal issues, such as lawsuits about how they treat mentally ill residents.

                        In your case however... the violent resident was legally sane, he just chose to act the way he did. Another reason to kick him out.


                        • #13
                          We had a neighbor for a while who was a full-time tweak. Up for days at a time, stereo blasting all the time he was home.

                          We called the sheriff's department several times about the noise. Finally, they got there in time to listen to the music for a while. When the deputy came up, the tweak had forgotten to shut his door so the deputy knocked, yelled and went in. Tweak physically shoved deputy and yelled, "My mom's on the city council and you can't touch me." Deputy then calmly told Tweak that he was living in the county, not the city. Landlord finally kicked him out after that one.
                          Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                          HR believes the first person in the door
                          Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                          Document everything
                          CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                          • #14
                            "this THING behind the counter"

                            Ooooh that'd make me get real angry....
                            "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


                            • #15
                              Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
                              "this THING behind the counter"

                              Ooooh that'd make me get real angry....
                              Yeah, that was when I started to shake, I got so mad.

