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Can Easter be a Sign of the Apocalypse? (long)

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  • Can Easter be a Sign of the Apocalypse? (long)

    It's been a while since I've posted last, mainly because I've been working, and the times I haven't been working, I've been recovering.

    But life at the grocery has been hard this last week. Now I shall exorcise some of the retail demons by posting it here. Here we go...


    Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE the place I work for. It's a good company, they do great work, I like the people I work with, the managers are nice, and they actually care about me as a person and not just a worker. And, for the most part, the customers are really good people.

    And, in keeping with their 'we love our workers' way, and the fact that the store is Christian-based, we closed the store for Easter Sunday. I was happy about this, because a) it means I can spend a holiday with my family and b) I get some rest. Most of the customers actually said, 'I'm so happy you guys get some time off. I hope you enjoy the blessings of the holiday.' I seriously was very touched by them and I hope they keep coming back.

    However, there are some people who I just wanted to spork. Here are a few who I ran into...

    You mean I have to READ the sign???

    Now, by sheer experience (and I know that several of you will back me up on this), that even though we posted a sign on the door (in English and Spanish) that we would be closed Easter Sunday, not all people would read it. So, as I checked people out, I'd let it slip ("I'm glad you're getting your groceries now, because we're going to be closed on Easter")

    One woman absolutely flipped out when I told her this. "What? Why are you closing?" (Uh, because I have a LIFE outside of this job? Jerk.) I said, "Because it's a holiday and the workers want to spend time with their families."

    She said, "Well, this comes as a shock. How come nobody told me?"

    "We put a sign on the door."

    "Well, I didn't think I should've had to read it! I never read those signs. Why should I have to?"

    I basically had to bite my tongue to keep from giving her my 'Read or Die, Knowledge is the basis of our democracy' speech and keep quiet. Come on. Why would you not read the sign? What if it had been, 'Keep out of store, pythons have been released in produce section', then you would've been screwed.


    But what about the PROCRASTINATORS???

    Okay, okay, I realize that a lot of people procrastinate. I do it a lot myself. Even my Mom bought our turkey dinner and all our Easter stuff on the day before. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about the people who actually asked some of us to stay so that they could come in the next day and get their stuff.

    Uh...hello? Like I said, I have a life. We don't sleep in sleeping bags in the break room and hibernate until it's time to go back to work. We go home. We spend time with our families, our lovers, our friends. A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.

    You're already here, just pick the stuff up now. Idiot.


    I didn't plan ahead, cater to my every whim!

    This woman was just plain rude. I mean, the entire staff was biting their tongues not to tell her to just leave us the frig alone. She came through my line, and, being one of those people who doesn't read the signs, she was absolutely shocked to find that we were closing.

    She left her cart at the end of my aisle and went to get a new cart, I presume for her Easter stuff because she didn't even say anything. I flagged down a manager to suspend the order and kept going with another customer.

    Here are the things that happened with this portrait of entitlement:

    a) She started cramming Easter things into her cart, asked a manager where something was, and when he revealed they were out of stock, she asked two more managers because she thought he was lying, then when all three said they were sold out, she went to the head manager and said they were rude.

    b) I wasn't able to prove this later on, but I saw her swipe an Easter item out of someone's cart. If I wasn't busy with a large order, I would've called her on it.

    c) When she finally did get back to the line, she got angry at me because I didn't wait for her. Uh, what? There were fifteen people in line, and you were gone for half an hour. What did you expect me to do? Just keep the crown and scepter polished for you? Bitch.

    d) She made me call another few managers over to haggle over the prices of the Easter stuff. She claimed that since it was the last day before Easter, she should get a discount because there wasn't all the things she needed...excuse me? Procrastination does not constitute a discount. We're giving discounts after Easter, but not before. Why would you think we would do that?

    Finally she left, and we all just looked at each other with a face that said, 'What the hell was her problem?'


    Discounting the we go....

    Okay, like I said above, we did discount a bunch of our stuff after Easter. We slashed it 50% off, which I think is a great deal, because our prices are pretty low as it is. However, people still chose to haggle/bitch/whine.

    One of the things we sold was a large minature Hershey's Kiss, and I know how much they were because Mom got them for our Easter basket. They were originally $1.20. Slashed, they became $0.49 cents. One woman bought like, fifteen of them, and then after the transaction, stared at her reciept and goes, 'Is this the right price?' I looked, sure enough, $0.49. I go, 'Yes, ma'am, that is our sale price.'

    'That doesn't look like a sale price to me.' I go, 'They were previously a dollar twenty.' She goes, 'Well, I guess I'll take them anyway.' Once she left, my friend, who was bagging for me said, 'What's her problem? It's less than fifty cents, that's a great price.' Not common knowledge, apparently.

    Then I got a woman who asked, 'When are you going to slash this to 75% off?' I just said I didn't know and luckily she left me alone.


    Well, that's about it for now. Catch you on the B-Side, folks.
    Now appearing in comic form!

  • #2

    Discounts make my head hurt.
    Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

    Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

    Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


    • #3
      Easter candy on major clearance...oh, how I love it! And I'm sooooooo not telling you guys how much I bought.
      "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

      My pony dolls:


      • #4
        Stealing from another person's cart. Woah. Good thing that person didn't have their purse in there too or she might have helped herself to some $. Seems like that type.
        "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


        • #5
          Quoth GroceryWench View Post
          'Keep out of store, pythons have been released in produce section'
          Gods, why can't I keep this one in my head?
          "I'm sick of these mother f*ckin' snakes in this mother f*ckin' plantain!"
          "I call murder on that!"


          • #6
            I DARE someone to put up the python sign and record the reactions...

            And ooo, discount candy. I may have to go see if there is any left anywhere...


            • #7
              Quoth GroceryWench View Post
              d) She made me call another few managers over to haggle over the prices of the Easter stuff. She claimed that since it was the last day before Easter, she should get a discount because there wasn't all the things she needed...excuse me? Procrastination does not constitute a discount. We're giving discounts after Easter, but not before. Why would you think we would do that?
              Wow, last day before Easter and the customers are buying so much Easter merchandise that you're actually selling out... that puts EW in a great bargaining position


              • #8
                Quoth Juwl View Post
                Gods, why can't I keep this one in my head?
                "I'm sick of these mother f*ckin' snakes in this mother f*ckin' plantain!"
                If you were in arms reach I would most likely hurt you for that one.......................
                "It's times like these that make me wanna go straight."
                James from Pokémon.


                • #9
                  Quoth GroceryWench View Post
                  She said, "Well, this comes as a shock. How come nobody told me?"

                  "We put a sign on the door."

                  "Well, I didn't think I should've had to read it! I never read those signs. Why should I have to?"
                  I am SO waiting for someone to say this to me, cause I'm gonna ask them, "Why do you think we spend so much money and time to get them printed and then put them up? Who do you think they're up there for?" And I won't let them get away with a laugh or a eye roll. I'll stare straight into their eyes and wait for them to think about it and give me an answer.

                  Makes you wonder how they figure out how to get to where they're going when driving. Gotta read THOSE signs, right?
                  I love mankind ... it's people I can't stand. -- Linus Van Pelt


                  • #10
                    Well, Easter is always on a full moon...


                    • #11
                      Quoth GroceryWench View Post

                      You mean I have to READ the sign???

                      Now, by sheer experience (and I know that several of you will back me up on this), that even though we posted a sign on the door (in English and Spanish) that we would be closed Easter Sunday, not all people would read it.

                      She said, "Well, this comes as a shock. How come nobody told me?"

                      "We put a sign on the door."

                      "Well, I didn't think I should've had to read it! I never read those signs. Why should I have to?"

                      I basically had to bite my tongue to keep from giving her my 'Read or Die, Knowledge is the basis of our democracy' speech and keep quiet. Come on. Why would you not read the sign? What if it had been, 'Keep out of store, pythons have been released in produce section', then you would've been screwed.
                      The really sad thing is that Austin is one of the highest educated cities in the U.S.

                      And does anybody else remember the signs that used to be posted in the basket section at Pier 1? Something along the lines of, "Caution, we haven't seen our pet cobra in three weeks."

                      GW, I keep wondering which neighborhood you must work in to get such EWs, but then I realize that Austin is much different now than when I grew up there. The EWs are no longer restricted to Northwest Hills, Round Rock, Lakeway, or Bee Caves...they're everywhere now!
                      Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                      • #12
                        Quoth GroceryWench View Post
                        What if it had been, 'Keep out of store, pythons have been released in produce section',
                        In my best Samuel L Jackson voice:
                        "I.Am.Sick. And tired. Of G--damn Muthaf--kin Snakes. In the G--damn Muthaf--kin STORE!!"

                        (an epic movie that just about writes itself!)
                        "What did you have for breakfast this morning? Carnation Instant Bitch?"
                        -Eric Foreman That 70's Show


                        • #13
                          Quoth GroceryWench View Post

                          One woman absolutely flipped out when I told her this. "What? Why are you closing?" (Uh, because I have a LIFE outside of this job? Jerk.) I said, "Because it's a holiday and the workers want to spend time with their families."

                          She said, "Well, this comes as a shock. How come nobody told me?"

                          "We put a sign on the door."

                          "Well, I didn't think I should've had to read it! I never read those signs. Why should I have to?"
                          This person fails at life for three reasons:

                          1- Treating retail employees like slaves who don't deserve holidays.
                          2- Being shocked that you were closed on easter when she should be more suprised if you stayed open.
                          3- Getting mad that someone actually expects her to be able to read.
                          Check out my cosplay social group!


                          • #14
                            Quoth LillFilly View Post
                            Stealing from another person's cart. Woah. Good thing that person didn't have their purse in there too or she might have helped herself to some $. Seems like that type.
                            I thought something like that only happened at the WallyWorld on Black Friday.

                            Everytime you think people can't sink any lower, they grab a shovel and start digging.
                            Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                            • #15
                              Quoth GroceryWench View Post
                              , 'Keep out of store, pythons have been released in produce section', then you would've been screwed.
                              They might have been preparing for their self defence classes against fresh fruit.

                              Think about it...
                              Low lie the Fields of Athenry/ Where once we watched the small free birds fly/ Our love was on the wing/ we had dreams and songs to sing/ It's so lonely around the Fields of Athenry

