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But the website says you have it!

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  • But the website says you have it!

    Short one but a good one. Cast of characters.

    SC: self explanatory
    SCH: SC's husband
    CM: Cool manager

    Me: Thank you calling <games store> how may I help you?
    SC: Yeah I'm calling to see if you have <name of game>
    Me: Ok, let me check.
    SCH: (in background) The website shows they have it in!
    Me: Unfortunately we are sold out of that game right now.
    SC: My husband says your website says you have it in stock.
    SCH: See, it's right here.
    Me: The website might indicate that, but the site doesn't always show the correct inventory for us. It's likely the game was sold a bit earlier today and the site hasn't been updated yet.
    SC: Ok then, bye. *click*

    Not so sucky right? Well this wasn't the end of it. Our website allows you to select an item and pick it up in-store. Not long after this call, a notice came through indicating someone had reserved <same game as above> and expected it to be waiting for them when they got here. Oh boy.

    I didn't recognize the SCs when they came in, but I sure recognized the voices when they started talking.

    SC: *waves online confirmation in my face* Yeah I'm here to pick up this game.
    Me: Did you call earlier about it?
    SC: Yes and whoever we spoke to said you didn't have it but the website let us reserve it so we assumed it you must have some copies in.
    Me: I was the one you spoke to and we are still sold out of that game.
    SC: But the website let us reserve it! Maybe you'll be getting more in today?
    Me: It's Saturday. We won't get any shipments until Monday.
    SC: This is ridiculous, I have this sheet of paper here that says I have reserved this game. I want this game!
    Me: We don't have it in right now ma'am.
    SCH: This *waves online confirmation again* says you do.
    SC: I demand you sell me this game right now.

    (Oh no it's the 'D' word)

    Me: I would love to but I cannot sell you something I do not have.
    SC: Are you sure you don't have it stuck away somewhere in the back?

    (SC strike two. First a "demand", now a request to check in the infamous back room)

    Me: I'm sure ma'am, every game we sell is kept out here on the sales floor. Only things in the back are consoles and accessories.
    SC: Well I'm NOT leaving until I get my game. I know it's here somewhere, it must be, otherwise the site wouldn't let me reserve it.
    Me: As I explained to you on the phone, the website doesn't always reflect our actual inventory levels.
    SCH: We reserved this game, why won't you give it to us?
    Me: Because I -
    SC: I've had enough of this. Can I speak to your manager please?

    (annnnd that'd be strike 3)

    I briefed CM on the situation.

    CM: Well I'd love to help you folks, but like my employee said, we're sold out of that game right now. I can check to see if another store in the area has it.
    SC: *waves confirmation email again* this says you do!
    (oh how badly I'd like to send that email on an all expenses paid trip to shredsville)
    CM: Unfortunately we don't, the website made a mistake.
    SC: But, but...
    CM: Look I'm going to say this one more time. We DON'T have the game in right now. I can either try to find it from another store or you can wait until we get more in next week.
    SC: I think we should get a discount on this game because of the inconvenience of having to drive down here only to find out there was no game.

    (I jumped in, I had to)

    Me: That's ridiculous. I told you in advance we didn't have the game in and I also explained to you why the website might indicate we did. You chose to come down here knowing full well we probably didn't have the game. I don't think you should get a discount for that.
    SC: Well YOU aren't the manager. (to CM) So do I get my discount or not?
    CM: I'm sorry ma'am, I can't give you a discount pretty much for the reasons he just explained.
    SCH: You know what fine, we don't need this, we'll just go get it at <competitor>, they probably actually give a crap about taking care of their customers.

    *SCs stomp off*

    The true sadness of this story, besides the obvious, is that another store in our chain had several copies of the game and they are located only THREE miles away.
    "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant

  • #2
    Good lord, I think I had these asshats last week! Only that time it was the HUSBAND pitching a fit because we didn't have a game the COMPUTER says we have in stock...

    Not our website...

    THE COMPUTER said it....

    Ah yes, the all-powerful all-knowing COMPUTER...

    The one that will run the precious, precious game you seek...

    There is just one teeny little problem...

    With the exception of World of Warcraft...


    "But the computer says you do!'

    "It must be in the back, GO LOOK!"


    SCREW YOU!!! I'll go to "competitor"...

    Good luck with that.. THEY DON'T SELL PC GAMES EITHER!!!



    • #3
      I can't stand it when they don't believe what you tell them.

      Me: We don't keep fabric in the back, sorry.
      SC- Can you check?
      Me: ... no ...
      Check out my cosplay social group!


      • #4
        I still think the answer to the back room request should go like this:

        SC: blah blah blah go check the back room.
        ME: Okay. Stay right here. It's going to be a while. The back room is large and has lots of product in big unlabeled boxes. I'm going to go through every single one of them just to make sure for you.
        SC: Ok

        Go to the back room, hang out there for about 15-30 mins.. rest.. don't stress.. find something that fits about 25-50% of the customer's description. Take it with you back to the customer.

        ME: What you're looking for isn't there, but I found this next to the flux capacitor and the coldfusion reactor. Is this sufficient? (Have a very wide grin afterwards.)
        Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.


        • #5
          I love "The Internet Says You Have It!"

          At that point, I usually open up the website on our POS terminal and then pull up our inventory (if I know the count is zero already) in a separate window.

          I show both to the customer and then pull up the other stores in our district which have the product on hand and offer the customer the other stores' phone numbers.

          Most of the time, they haven't even bothered to click the "check stores" or "check shipping & availability" buttons in the product description and just assumed because the website had it that we would.
          "Sigh, I'm going to Hell.....but I'm going with a smile on my face." -- Gravekeeper


          • #6
            Oi, I always use the web to check stock levels of desirables at my fav geek hole ( Netlink ftw ) and my least fav geek hole ( God damn you futureshop ) but I never expect it to be there if the stock quantity is less than 5-10. Nor would I reserve something for in store pick up and expect it to be ready the same day the second I arrive. =p

            But than my brain operates in the real world and can assess things realistically.


            • #7
              Quoth Mordenheim View Post
              Good lord, I think I had these asshats last week! Only that time it was the HUSBAND pitching a fit because we didn't have a game the COMPUTER says we have in stock...

              Not our website...

              THE COMPUTER said it....

              Ah yes, the all-powerful all-knowing COMPUTER...
              Trust the Computer. The Computer is your friend.

              Your post is treasonous. Please report for termination. Thank you for you co-operation, citizen.

              "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


              • #8
                Our customers don't seem to get that just because someone is listed on the website, that it might not be in all stores. "But the website said you had mickey mouse cake pans!". No, the website said that the chain carries mickey mouse cake pans. And then we get to argue for 20 minutes because they don't understand the concept of all stores not carrying all the same products.

                "But the OTHER location had it!"

                Nevermind that the OTHER location is twice the size of our store. Or that they went to that store on Sunday, and it's now Thursday... na, it's us, all hiding crap in the infamous backroom.
                you are = you're. not "your".


                • #9
                  Quoth cinema guy View Post
                  Trust the Computer. The Computer is your friend.

                  Your post is treasonous. Please report for termination. Thank you for you co-operation, citizen.

                  That smiley was green. What is your clearance level, citizen?

                  Paranoid much?

                  Anyway, I get that sometimes too, but within our own store! And with our own computers, too- usually when it claims we have 1 copy of something... usually a bargain book... yeah, it's nowhere to be found. Then I have to explain to the customer that sometimes, the magical computery box can be Wrong!


                  • #10
                    I learned my lesson about how sites on the Internet work the hard way. I assumed that my bank account as I saw it online was real's not's one day behind.
                    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                    • #11
                      Talk about lazy entitlement minded SC's. Seriously, how hard would it be to call ANOTHER store to check or at least go to another store to see if they have whatever they're looking for?!!
                      I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                      Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                      Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                      • #12
                        Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
                        (oh how badly I'd like to send that email on an all expenses paid trip to shredsville)
                        Or, uptheSC'sassville?



                        • #13
                          I ordered the DVD sets The Tudors, Season 1 and 2 from on Thursday for pickup from the nearest store today. It was for my sister.

                          When I got an e-mail confirmation Friday morning it turned out they had already sold the 2nd season boxset, but that was okay, we didn't mind.

                          This morning, it was updated that they got more copies of season 2. We asked an employee if they still had one, and they did, so we picked up that.


                          • #14
                            There are so very many things that cause discrepancies between virtual inventory and physical inventory that it is completely impossible to trust virtual inventory.
                            Theft, damage, mislabled stock, mislabled shipments, miskeyed inventory... gremlins.

                            Even after a store-wide inventory there are discrepancies possible.

                            The computer is only as reliable as every human ever involved divided by Murphy's Law.
                            Everything sucks. I must be living in a vacuum.

