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Working the Counter

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  • Working the Counter

    Jeezus freaking Christ on toast.

    We were insanely busy tonight. There was a half hour wait on all tables, the drive through was packed, and every five or so minutes someone called an order in to be picked up.

    So of course, they put me on counter, by myself, and only signed me into one register instead of both. Luckily one of the Managers (B-Man) left me his sign in card so I could ring two people out at once by signing into his register, but wow. You think they'd have taken one of the three people they had in Dish and put them on counter, but noooo.

    I had people who were sitting in the drive through lane CALL THE STORE to whine about how long it was taking.
    Seriously? You couldn't have waited another two minutes, till you pulled up to the window and then could yell at the person there? You have to scream at the freaking CounterGirl?

    The lobby was packed FULL of people waiting for seats, waiting to be checked out, waiting for their food to be ready, waiting to order food, etc. I also had people calling me on the phone to complain about messed up orders (Drive through really sucked tonight), I had people calling in to ask about jobs, I had people calling in to place orders, and I had people calling in to talk to someone who was working.

    Most people tonight sucked, but one was especially horrid to me. He was Grouchy Old Man. He sat at the counter (After bitching about how he couldn't get a booth. We were packed and busy, we cannot waste a whole booth on ONE guy). Then he complained that I put too much ice into his cup of water. Then it wasn't enough ice. Then it was that I wasn't 'paying attention' to him because I was ringing out customers. Then he crabbed because he wanted 1000 Island on his burger (Which he didn't order, but whatever), and I had to take it back to the kitchen to get it put on.
    In the end, he ended up getting the meal comped because "The service was horrible, your CG was rude, and the food was dry." He then complained to the manager about me for a solid five minutes. I 'ignored' him and made him feel unwelcome (nevermind that I refilled his drink three times, gave him free sauce for his burger instead of adding it to his bill, and convinced the grill boy to rush this guys order because he was 'in a hurry').

    He then left me a penny, and an adorable little note. "If you want a better tip, try bending over more when you're sweeping."


    The whole night wasn't a total bust though. Twice I got what I consider "pity tips". These tend to happen on ridiculously busy nights, and usually I get them from middle aged men, or soccer moms. They're typically waiting for pickup orders, and while waiting, can see me running around like I just took a hit of speed, taking one order while checking out another and trying to keep my work area clean all the while. if their wait is longer than five minutes, I usually make time to get them a small free drink, whatever.

    This nice friendly man named Dave gave me two dollars because, "I just saw that lady yell at you about her shakes, and you didn't deserve that. You aren't on shakes, and you're doing a terrific job at your station."
    I almost freaking cried.

    Then another lady gave me four dollars because "Wow, you guys are really busy tonight but you still took time to ask if you could get me anything, and you're being polite to everyone. you deserve this."

    So the majority of people sucked, but two were really nice, and a few were pleasant.

    I used my pity tip money to buy a brownie covered in gratuitous amounts of hot fudge, chocolate sauce, two scoops of ice cream, walnuts and lots of whipped cream. I also got chicken fingers, cheesy fries and a chocoberry shake. I sat at the counter eating it (business had slowed down by this time) and shocked one man who saw this eensy 95lbs girl eating this mound of food.
    It was delicious.
    I'm new here, so if you have any questions, feel free to message me. I'll probably change this later when I find something funny to put here.

  • #2
    Most people tonight sucked, but one was especially horrid to me. He was Grouchy Old Man. He sat at the counter (After bitching about how he couldn't get a booth. We were packed and busy, we cannot waste a whole booth on ONE guy). Then he complained that I put too much ice into his cup of water. Then it wasn't enough ice. Then it was that I wasn't 'paying attention' to him because I was ringing out customers. Then he crabbed because he wanted 1000 Island on his burger (Which he didn't order, but whatever), and I had to take it back to the kitchen to get it put on.
    In the end, he ended up getting the meal comped because "The service was horrible, your CG was rude, and the food was dry." He then complained to the manager about me for a solid five minutes. I 'ignored' him and made him feel unwelcome (nevermind that I refilled his drink three times, gave him free sauce for his burger instead of adding it to his bill, and convinced the grill boy to rush this guys order because he was 'in a hurry').

    He then left me a penny, and an adorable little note. "If you want a better tip, try bending over more when you're sweeping."
    XD WTF?! That counts as sexual harassment legally speaking, yes?


    • #3
      Quoth Nelsonette View Post
      He then left me a penny, and an adorable little note. "If you want a better tip, try bending over more when you're sweeping."
      I'd tell a manager about this myself. A) Because it shows what type of person he is and will make the complaints he made against you stick less (I would think so anyway)... and B) So if he comes back, the manager and other workers will know who he is and how to deal with him, and that he won't get a comped meal again when the female staff don't give him a lap dance!

      "Ignoring" him... Jeez. Some people just can't go 2 seconds without someone waiting on them hand and foot, can they Sorry to hear about your sucky night. Glad to hear you had some nice people recognise you for your hard work though!


      • #4
        Re: guy with the penny. Oh boy oh boy do I wish he wrote that note BEFORE he was comped. I'd love to have him forcefully escorted from the building by the grills guys that rushed his order. I can dream, right?
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          Yeah, I let out an audible *gasp* at my desk while reading this and my coworkers looked at me like something bad had happened....just said I was reading my favorite board.

          That's appalling...insults you and berates you to a manager and then makes an inappropriate pass. That burns me up and I wasn't even there!
          "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


          • #6
            Men like that make me completely ashamed to share a gender with them. I mean, honestly, not only was he a complete asshole, but he was also a pervert. I just want to stab out his eyes with a pencil, or slit his throat with a rusty straight razor, because his actions make all men look bad.
            The customer is not always right. Most of the time, the customer is a clueless moron. If this offends you, you are this moron.


            • #7
              If I were you, I'd,

              1) Hang onto the note
              2) Make a copy & show it to your managers, making SURE they know who wrote it & the lousy tip he left. (Stuff like that has a way of "magically" disappearing when it comes to things that back you up.)
              3) Get the tosser banned from your place. No-one should put up with crap like that.
              Last edited by lineswine; 04-18-2009, 08:06 PM. Reason: Clarity


              • #8
                I showed the note to the manager, and she was PISSED. If she'd known he was like that, she wouldn't have comp'd the meal, apparently. She's talked to the other managers, supposedly if he comes in they're going to tell him that he isn't welcome because of previous behavior. She could tell I was really upset.

                Before I showed her the note though, I tried to explain that I most certainly did not ignore this man (I was afraid I'd be wrote up!), and she told me not to worry. Apparently, all the managers I've worked with get compliments on my behavior from customers, and coworkers, so the manager that night didn't even believe the guy when he was complaining about me. She knew how busy we were and that I don't ignore customers no matter what's going on.
                When she told me that, I think my face turned bright red. I didn't know I got compliments. Lol.

                The really awesome thing, though? My counter is filmed 24-7, so if he protests, they have video of him actually writing that note.
                I'm new here, so if you have any questions, feel free to message me. I'll probably change this later when I find something funny to put here.


                • #9
                  That's really sad.

                  No, not the old guy. That's just sick. What's sad is that you apparently get compliments ... and don't know it.

                  Your managers should be passing on good comments. Every time.


                  • #10
                    Quoth One-Fang View Post
                    That's really sad.

                    No, not the old guy. That's just sick. What's sad is that you apparently get compliments ... and don't know it.

                    Your managers should be passing on good comments. Every time.
                    Damn right.

                    My work rocks for this - they send an e-mail out to the whole Call Center and will actually write an official letter for your CV.
                    How ever do they manage to breathe for themselves without having to call tech support? - Argabarga


                    • #11
                      Thanks for the update! SO glad to hear your manager is a sensible lady
                      Thumbs up to all of em for having the integrity to ban him from the place when they knew about his behaviour too.


                      • #12

                        Thanks for the update. I love updates like this, because I've gotten so jaded - I'm actually shocked when I read that a manager had the stones to step up and do the right thing!!
                        "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                        • #13
                          So far, all of my managers here are pretty cool, except for one (but she's moving soon!)

                          They always tell the servers when they recieve compliments, I didn't even know I'd been getting any. I asked our senior grill lady, A, if "Have...have you guys really been giving compliments about me to the managers?" and she said "Oh Crash sweetie, of course we have! Didn't you know?"

                          No. o.o She then laughed as I turned red again.

                          It would have been a relief to know my coworkers think I'm good at what I do. I'm still fairly new there, and I worry a lot that I slow the others down or I'm not good at the job, I really would have loved to know that my coworkers think I'm good. It'd helped with the stress, y'know?
                          I'm new here, so if you have any questions, feel free to message me. I'll probably change this later when I find something funny to put here.

