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"I come in everyday...I should get store credit..."

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  • "I come in everyday...I should get store credit..."

    Ok regular customer comes in. He usually gets a small coffee with a bagel with cream cheese. No problem. Today he becomes a problem.

    He asks me if I can give him store credit or something because he doesn't have cash on him and that he ONLY wants a small coffee AND that he comes in everyday. (That becomes bullshit later on, but he does come here a lot.) & (I don't know why people come out of the house with no cash if you're planning to buy stuff. Beats me.) I say no because the manager isn't here and of course I don't want to be THAT spineless. The SC says, "Oh who's going to know?" I said, "UH the CAMERA. I could get in trouble and they'll see I'm giving you free stuff." My CW hears everything and the SC gives him the story and my CW is a nice guy, but unfortunately he is spineless and so is my manager and my other CW. I am the least spineless out of everyone at my job. It's sad. Anyways, my CW says, it's okay he'll pay next time. I give him that "be quiet look" and I tell the SC how much money you have on you. I then told him to be nice, "Ok I'll give you a coffee with senior citizen discount." (The guy is fairly old anyway so whatever.) I give him the coffee. I go back to my CW and he's STILL STANDING THERE. My CW says, "I think he wants a bagel." I go back over to the SC and he tells me he wants a bagel with cream cheese. (I THOUGHT YOU ONLY WANTED A COFFEE. ASSHOLE. ) Whatever I didn't want to cause anymore problems, so I gave him the bagel with cream cheese and I told him, "You didn't tell me that." He just ignored me. I hate people like this.

  • #2
    And you just know that none of these discount-driven SCs work in a job that deals with the general public. Because otherwise they'd hear things like "Oh, you're a mechanic? Discount my repair charges by $100, no one will know. You know I'm a good customer because I come here every few months and I once gave you a free bagel"
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      what-the-crap? I woulda blanket-partied that douche. I hate CW's who butt in on crap they shouldn't...


      • #4
        We had a regular come into the shop the other day with the same issues. He comes in probably 2-3 times a week on a good stretch and by far is not one of our more pleasant regulars. He went up to my cashier and jokingly started off with "Since I come here so much I should get a discount! Hyuk!" But when my CW shot him down (politely) he flipped out and ranted on and on how he is a special butterfly with the prettiest wing....or something....I zoned out

        Gotta love those EW regulars!
        Now, if you smell the roses but it doesn't lift your spirits, you're either allergic to rose pollen or you need medical intervention. ~ Seshat


        • #5
          I stop at Dunkin and get a large coffee every morning, but I just save up my full frequent buyer cards so that if I don't have cash one morning, I can still have my yummy large coffee (with extra cream) I am so addicted that I don't think I could function when I get to work without it.
          "I guess they see another cash cow just waiting to be dry humped." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


          • #6
            We had crotch-zits like that at the gas station all the time. At least they didn't lie too horribly...they DID come in every single day. Sometimes multiple times every single day. (Just a small rant, but why someone would want to just put $5 in gas in their car every day and just buy one pack at a time every single day boggles my mind....but I guess those were some really special people and the best part of their day was going to that stupid store!).

            When the owner raised the price of coffees, the regular EW SCs were outraged and demanded the old price. My stupid manager caved to most of them. They thought they could just trash the gas station with their $50 worth of scratch offs and their napkins and spilled coffee on the counters, their dirt that they dragged all over the store from their shoes and clothes, their filth and stench....great!
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              In some stores I do actually get free things and special treatment. I have never asked for it, demanded it or expected it, but shops I go to all the time/used to work in tend to still give me staff discount or left over discount vouchers.

              Difference between me and an SC- As I said, I don't expect it.
              Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.


              • #8
                I go to this resturaunt in the mall for lunch quite a bit. Every so often the owners will give me an extra egg roll or a little extra teriyaki chicken, but I never ask for it. They do it to be nice.

                I don't think people who ask for these special discounts ever really appreciate it. They're just trying to get something for nothing.


                • #9
                  I have a good example of non-waited or non-demanded discounts. I was buying jewellery from a shop today and the store manager was there. We are friendly to each other and use to just chit chat if it's not busy. (I don't know his name, but if I knew, we'd be on a first name basis) The necklace I bought was priced €19,90, but as he entered it to the POS he reduced the price to €16,00. I was astonished. I thought the 19,90 price was cheap too! And he's discounting it to even less. I didn't complain, though I thanked him profusely for the un-awaited discount and he just smirked and said something to the effect of "If I do these little things I can ensure you to stay with us". And I will. The service is great, the prices are good and it's near to me.
                  A man can be stupid and not know it, but not if he is married.


                  • #10
                    Like Ginger, I'm in a similar situation. I go to my usual cafe, don't cause any hassles for Mark the owner, and he discounts me - every single time! (course, he's the owner, so he can!). I've even walked past without the cash, he's asked if I want something, and I tell him "No, don't have my wallet on me" (cos I go for walks up that way), and he's still said I can get coffee and pay him back later.. haven't done that yet (principles!)

                    But when it's a big chain like that, sorry sunshine - no-ey bringey the cashey, noey gets the coffeeeeee. And no-ey whingey about it...ey.
                    When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


                    • #11
                      This shit happens a lot at the bar. Not just my bar....any bar. And I've said it before and I'll say it again....the only people who get drinks free are those who don't ask for them for free! The minute you ask for a free drink is the minute we decide you ain't getting jack shit for free, genius.

                      Yes, I often get free shit at some of my regular watering holes. Why? Because I am a good and regular customer, and I never fucking ask for it.

                      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                      Still A Customer."


                      • #12
                        Quoth Jester View Post
                        Yes, I often get free shit at some of my regular watering holes. Why? Because I am a good and regular customer, and I never fucking ask for it.
                        I sometimes get free shit at the hobby shop. Why? Well, when you've been going to the same store for 15+ years, and don't give them a hard time...they tend to remember that. That's why I can usually pick up their older Japanese car kits at a serious discount, and usually get my locomotives fixed for free....even if it's something that I've screwed up. 15+ years of patronage, and I've never had problems.

                        Why do I get a discount on those kits? Well, nobody seems to want models of old Nissan Skylines, Leopards, Bluebirds, or other obscure vehicles. As such, they'll sit on shelves for years, usually collecting a fair layer of dust. Did I even ask for the discount? Nope. Most of the time, the kits aren't even marked--all I do is ask how much they are. Shop owner knows that I'll take them off his hands, and is only too happy to let me have them.

                        Anyway, I have seen people go apeshit in there, because the owner doesn't negotiate all the time. I've seen people bitch over prices, over the cost of paint, because they don't service some items (Marklin trains, for one), and just be a pain simply because they can't get what they want.
                        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                        • #13
                          Quoth Jester View Post
                          This shit happens a lot at the bar. Not just my bar....any bar. And I've said it before and I'll say it again....the only people who get drinks free are those who don't ask for them for free! The minute you ask for a free drink is the minute we decide you ain't getting jack shit for free, genius.

                          Yes, I often get free shit at some of my regular watering holes. Why? Because I am a good and regular customer, and I never fucking ask for it.
                          Amen, I have gotten drinks free and on occasion even a free sub from subway.

                          WHY? Two reasons.

                          1) The establishments are very close to where I work and I am in there all the time, the people know me and I am always a courteous NON SC.

                          2) I NEVER ask for freebies, sometimes they are just nice and give them to me. I always make a point of telling how much I appreciate the comps.
                          "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


                          • #14
                            I would have yelled at your CW. What the hell? I would NEVER say oh hey, I shop her a lot can I have blah blah for free!? Now he's going to do it more often because of that. He will now know that CW will do it and wait for that person. I would have said: Hey, you can have anything you want, CW will personally pay for it. That makes me angry. Sorry you work with spineless idiots.

