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done with ebay

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  • done with ebay

    i used to have good luck selling stuff on ebay. it's not that i don't get any bids anymore, it's that no one pays. i have a cell phone i've tried to sell THREE times, each time i get nonpayment.

    oh, and here was an excuse the one who did reply said:

    i was pidding on this item by mistack coz i think it was new but after this i know it is used but i
    couldnt cancel my pid so see what is ur dicision

    please read the auction details, thank you
    To err is human, to blame someone else shows good management skills.

    my blog -->
    my brother's blog -->

  • #2
    Can you reply with something simple like....

    Oh yeah - he asked to cancel his "pid". Sure you can. He didn't ask to cancel his "bid".
    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein.
    I never knew how happy paint could make people until I started selling it.


    • #3
      Quoth Bandit View Post
      Can you reply with something simple like....

      Oh yeah - he asked to cancel his "pid". Sure you can. He didn't ask to cancel his "bid".
      LMAO!! I like this.


      • #4
        Quoth Bandit View Post
        Can you reply with something simple like....

        Sadly, I don't think ebay would like that too much.

        Anyhow, on ebay it's impossible to bid "by mistake." Impossible, I say.

        After you put in your bid, you have to click through a second screen which basically tells you "you're about to bid on this item, you will be committed to honor it, are you sure you want to bid?"

        That numpty needs to spend his/her/its money on an English class anyways.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          Ebay is a pain in my neck. I tried to sell an item and apparently the auction was won by a person who was not registered and lived in Nigeria! Not only do they want you to give up your money but your stuff too. Still confused
          "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."


          • #6
            Quoth BethB View Post
            Ebay is a pain in my neck. I tried to sell an item and apparently the auction was won by a person who was not registered and lived in Nigeria! Not only do they want you to give up your money but your stuff too. Still confused
            I heard a wild rumor that sometime in 2006, somebody from Nigeria bought an item off ebay, and actually paid for it too!

            This has to be a big steaming pantsload.
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #7
              at least you're not sending the items out before you receive payment

              i think that's what some of those jerks are trying to get... "oh send it and then i'll pay hah hah hah"


              unless they did what i did once... i bid on an item and then realized i really couldn't exactly afford it. so I was glad when I was outbid. If I'd won the item though, I would have paid for it cos it was my stupid mistake.


              • #8
                Erm, you can retract your bid. The number of times you retract bids shows up on your profile, but you can do it.
                Interesting Fodder:


                • #9
                  Quoth bloodrose View Post
                  Erm, you can retract your bid. The number of times you retract bids shows up on your profile, but you can do it.
                  True. But you have to, you know, actually DO it. That would take...well... a smidge less laziness than the illiterate customer apparently possesses. 'Cause you know that one click takes time away from his pron surfing, and that would be horrible!
                  What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper


                  • #10
                    Quoth bloodrose View Post
                    Erm, you can retract your bid. The number of times you retract bids shows up on your profile, but you can do it.
                    This is true. However it is against ebay policy unless one of the following applies:
                    • You made a typo when entering your bid (for example, you meant to bid $25.00 but somehow entered $2500). You must then enter your correct bid amount. You can't change, say, a $30 bid down to $20 by retracting and re-bidding.
                    • The description of the item changed significantly after you bid.
                    • You attempted to contact the seller, and your e-mail message bounced or their phone number didn't work (and yes, you do have to make an attempt to contact them.)

                    Bid retractions go on your record and can be reported by anybody if inappropriate--the seller or anybody else who's following the auction. You can have your account suspended if you make too many invalid bid retractions.

                    Unless any of the above apply to the auction, I can't recommend bid retractions. On ebay you're expected to honor your bid.
                    Last edited by Irving Patrick Freleigh; 04-21-2009, 10:37 PM.
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #11
                      United States Post Office Knuckleheads

                      I had recently purchased some razor blades from a seller on ebay. He is really nice and shpped out the product as promised. He shipped them through paypal which provides a tracking number. The seller lives in Maryland. First the package went to Orlando FL (I live in Delray Beach FL). Then the package went to Shrewsbury MA. Next the package went back to Orlando FL. At this point (a week ago), the package disappeared. I let the seller know this and he is sending me a replacement out of his own pocket.

                      It gets better. I contacted the post office. They told me that since I didn't insure the shipment it is my loss. I spoke to a woman this morning and calmly told her that what they are saying is that if their employees rip off a customer they are not responsible if the package is not delivered (stolen by their own employees). She agreed that I was right but had not run across this situation with a customer. (She did run across the same situation herself). I told her that I would give it 3 more days for the package to arrive and if it did not that they should refund the seller. She said ok and that she would have to escalate to a manager at that time.

                      Do I have to notify the BBB on the US Post Office??


                      • #12
                        I gave up Ebay a long time ago for Amazon.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Bandit View Post
                          Oh yeah - he asked to cancel his "pid". Sure you can. He didn't ask to cancel his "bid".
                          You want to cancel your pud? There's doctors that can do that for you, sir. But if you want to cancel your BID, I'd be happy to do that.
                          The New Orleans Saints are your 2009 NFL champions.

                          Believe dat.


                          • #14
                            I ship with the post office, and haven't had problems... but you should always insure a package if you can't cover its loss. (I don't insure, because I ship a relatively large volume of identical items. Unless they were to lose more than 10% of my shipments, it is cheaper for me to replace lost items than pay insurance)

                            The thing that bothers me about ebay is that when I was selling an item earlier last year, they wanted the buyer to confirm receipt before the funds would be released to me. There was no protection for me as a seller, if the buyer should receive the item and then claim it never arrived. Which means insuring and tracking every shipment just so you can dispute people. Which, as above, would increase my costs more than 10%.

                            Blah to that, I say. With all the folks out there who cheerfully try to scam each other on ebay, like the charmers described above, noooooo thanks.
                            "Joi's CEO is about as sneaky and subtle as a two year old on crack driving an air craft carrier down Broadway." - Broomjockey


                            • #15
                              I had a shipment of books go missing from my apartment door. The USPS tracking number read as delivered yet I never received anything. The local post office suggested I file a police report for a stolen package and refused any further explanation or assistance. The poor seller went over and above working with her own post office in getting refunded. I'm just glad she insured the package, even if the freight itself couldn't be reimbursed.
                              A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

