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Mild suck and a funny

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  • Mild suck and a funny

    So I'm back to the daily suck because my brain can't remember all the weekly suck to write up a post and having been off for a week makes it worse. So here we go, this came from my first shift back after being off for a week (annual leave, NOT sick leave).

    We have magical cleaning fairies...

    Didn't know whether this was sarcastic or not, but on this shift, there were four of us due to finish up at 7. Sometimes what happens is that if we're not entirely busy, the 7pm finishers will get jobs over the closers, nothing wrong with that.
    So one of our 7pm finishers, K was cleaning the registers...nothing to it really, when she starts talking to me about the fact that she got to clean while I'm serving a customer. The lady behind the customer I was serving however, goes to both of us:

    "How did you get that job? You should be serving me!"

    Other than that, she wasn't sucky...thankfully. But still...

    Oh and to clarify, I didn't answer K's questions until I'd finished serving.

    She MUST be stupid!

    Another coworker, a closer this time, was cleaning out the trolleys to allow for freer movement. She came across a full trolley and an empty trolley. The full trolley was from MY customers...a couple who were fairly grumpy in general: not at me, but at each other. Coworker goes to take empty trolley but she asked the male customer if it was his. Customer responds "No, of course not, DUH!" And when she's gone, he adds to himself, "Eesh, how stupid is that?" Fortunately, this coworker didn't hear him, but I did. I didn't mention it to her.

    Can I hug my boss?

    So, like most people, I'm part of a social networking site. Not mentioning which one. Now I'm sure you're all familiar with the rule: posting stuff about the COMPANY is bad let alone your customers (and if it's obvious), but nothing about certain CONCEPTS that aren't company related but still relate to the service industry. So my boss...the type who would be more than likely to scour said social networking sites for the groups that could cause mass firings...creates a group...about the plastic bag ban that's coming up.

    I want to hug my boss now. And I do feel sorry for him, he's had to deal with months of abuse from customers because we aren't providing bags on certain registers. The group doesn't mention the company, nor does it mention his location....
    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...

  • #2
    Quoth fireheart17 View Post
    And when she's gone, he adds to himself, "Eesh, how stupid is that?" Fortunately, this coworker didn't hear him, but I did. I didn't mention it to her.
    At my store, our Central Trainer also works on the front end, and one thing she will not put up with is people calling our cashiers 'stupid.' If a customer comes up and says "I need a refund on this item because your stupid cashier rang it up wrong," she'll calmly reply "I can help you with that, but I'm pretty sure she's not stupid," then go on with the transaction.

    Mind you, I don't know if everyone at the store could get away with that. She's been with the company forever and is as close to bulletproof as you can get
    Last edited by VComps; 04-22-2009, 01:17 PM. Reason: If you open a quote tag, make sure to close it again, otherwise all the awesome leaks out.


    • #3
      I want a magical cleaning fairy...
      Saying I'm "turning down a sale" and thinking I give an airborne fornication – GUILTY – Irving Patrick Freleigh


      • #4
        We have an unwritten rule at work, called the No Bullshit Rule.

        That is: we look out for one another when we can, more senior staff help out the more junior staff and that when we get flak from customers, we only take as much as we can handle. Swearing of any sort AT US DIRECTLY however, overrides that.
        The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

        Now queen of USSR-Land...

