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  • Drunkyyyy

    so tonight was my brothers first night running the store himself. they had me work a few hours just in case he needed anything.

    so tonight or fave, V, lets a customer into the bathroom. this customer is in there for a while. and is talking, yelling, and other stuff.

    we made V knock on the door, since shes the only one who knew who was in there.
    she asks the customer if shes ok, and she says yes.

    about another oh say 15 minutes go by now the womans been in there 30 minutes. there was some banging on the wall, and now wasn't responding to our knocking. so V goes back and the door was open

    the customer was curled up on the floor. drunk. the bathroom reeked of alcohol. so we decided to call the cops, since all she could do was lay there.

    the cops come and the woman gets up, (just as they walk in haa) and they end up having to take her to the hospital for detox.

    she had brought in a bag with her that had the tall can, of bud light ..two of those. neither was opened so she mustve been drinking before that. they asked if she was on any meds and she said she was, but we don't know if she mixed them

    so we call the manager to let him know about it. never answered his phone. jerk, called back like an hour later.

    my brother is gonna love this new position