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"There will be an exception" EW pwnage

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  • "There will be an exception" EW pwnage

    Hey everyone!

    The other day a person came in wanting to apply. Our deadline for this type of applications has passed and it was made very specific to us that we are not accepting any more whatsoever.

    I was at the reception area and I over heard this one lady starting to get an attitude with the student worker. The student told her that the deadline was passed. The lady was insisting that she talk to someone or someone make an exception or etc.

    I jumped in and told her whats what, she asked to speak to a counselor and I told her they would say the exact same thing I did. She said something about how she made deans list and etc (this was a non-trad student, FYI), and how great she was.

    I had the student go back and verify just to make sure before I got all uppity with the lady.

    The lady had the balls to say two things:

    1) That she knew we were having budget issues (what university isn't) and that she knew that we would take students past a deadline

    2) She said there are exceptions to the rules and that there WILL be an exception

    That's when my "I Had Enough" gene kicked into high gear. I somewhat laughed at her, rolled my eyes and told her that she can't go into situations like that - there aren't exceptions to rules and deadlines were established for a reason.

    By the way, she missed this deadline by like 2 or 3 weeks.

    I also told her that last summer, I had the reputation of being the hardest counselor and that I wouldn't allow any applications past any deadline whatsoever.

    I don't know if I startled her or not because I didn't yell or raise my voice, but she was filling the air with "I understand, but" all the time. She said again that there has to be some kind of exception or she'll go somewhere else.

    The student came out and told her that we aren't accepting anymore of these types of applications (which take a shit-ton time to process which is why we are so stringent), and the lady said "OK" kinda bitchy and left.

  • #2
    WTF man. entitled much or what?

    I'm glad you stuck to your guns. Rules ARE there for a reason. Now if only the rest of the SC's could grasp that...


    • #3
      Quoth kirk2010 View Post
      She said again that there has to be some kind of exception or she'll go somewhere else.
      I love this . . . You flatly told her that you wouldn't accept her application, and she replies, "Then I'll go somewhere else" . . .

      . . . As if that was some sort of threat. As if she was the one who decided that she was going to go elsewhere.

      This is such a Gord moment.

      "I don't have a credit card."
      "You can't open a rental account in my store without one."
      "Then I won't rent from you."
      " . . . You say that as if you were the one who made that decision. I do seem to recall that it was made for you."

      “Excuse me. Is this bracelet real jade?”
      “Ma’am, this is a thrift shop. The tag on the bracelet says $1.50. It comes with a matching mood ring. What do you think?”
      “I don’t know.”
      “Yes, it’s real.”


      • #4
        Ah, the "I understand, but..." phrase! Usually if used, does NOT mean you understand.

        What did she want you to do, magic her a place into the university?
        Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill

