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  • #16
    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
    If you are unaware of what kimchi is, I envy your naivety and will attempt to explain: It is a Korean food item commonly created by putting cabbage, chili and liquid fire into a jar than burying it beneath an indian graveyard for 6 months, 6 days and 6 hours. Upon which point it is dug up and foolishly opened. Whomever present that actually survives the initial unsealing than bottles or jars it for consumption.
    My second college roommate made kimchi (along with other noxious culinary experiments) in the apartment. It quickly got to the point where the RAs of both apartment blocks in the unit had to tell her in no uncertain terms to cease and desist or she would lose apartment privileges (a friend was curious as to whether that extended to any other college in the state as well).
    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
    "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


    • #17
      Quoth cinema guy View Post
      Hallmark needs to make cards.
      I would sooooo buy those!


      • #18
        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
        The Gorger

        Egads. I am forced to again mark an entry in my journal of transit denizens. It has been some time since I encountered a new species ( Something I was thankful for ) but alas, such tranquility cannot last forever.

        This evening I must mark an encounter with the Gorger. A fell beast of inexplicable and possibly bottomless appetite. Now, you’re probably picturing some sort of horrific, stubby beast with no neck, visible sweat stains and an unusual penchant for tank tops and bicycle shorts. While I have no doubt the Gorger exists in this form ( and that I would flee immediately if confronted by it ), it is not the only form it takes. No, sometimes its presence is completely unnoticed until it leaps into action.

        If you are unaware of what kimchi is, I envy your naivety and will attempt to explain: It is a Korean food item commonly created by putting cabbage, chili and liquid fire into a jar than burying it beneath an indian graveyard for 6 months, 6 days and 6 hours. Upon which point it is dug up and foolishly opened. Whomever present that actually survives the initial unsealing than bottles or jars it for consumption*

        *Actual steps may not be 100% accurate.

        So take that, and mix it with several cans of Fancy Feast, cram it all into a large Tupperware container than just whip it out on the most crowded Skytrain car you can find and dig in. Bonus points if you can make noises similar to various forms of starving domestic livestock fighting over a feeding trough.
        That grossed me out.

        This was only the 6th time she called...

        SC: “The maintenance person isn’t here yet!”
        Me: “Yes, he’s still driving there and should be there shortly.”
        SC: “Are you sure?! He’s not here yet! Are you sure he hasn’t been accosted or something?!”

        I’m pretty sure he hasn’t been waylaid by orcs or highwayman on his way there, no. I did make a random encounter check for him when he left and there was nothing. He’s not due for another check for another 2D4 rounds and he should arrive there before than unless he’s encumbered. In which case I may have to make another check before he gets there.

        Don’t worry, if he’s slain and devoured by owlbears on Kingsway I’ll call you back and let you know.
        Love the D&D refrences here.

        The Fangirl

        Her descent into madness is juuust about complete. I couldn’t understand a shred of her insane gibbering this evening and I’m usually pretty good at deciphering Lunatic. She’s also not even sure who she’s looking for anymore. Originally she would call seeking moi. But that soon degraded into calling and looking for “Mickey”. Now she’s calling and looking for "My monkey"

        So perhaps if we can instruct the staff to begin chittering like spider monkeys when she calls we can fulfill whatever gaping hole she has in her heart ( and skull ) and finally put her to rest.
        I can just imagine a call center of people making monkey noises now...


        • #19

          Ages ago when I was in college we had a number of Korean students that would live on what we then thought was pickled sewage. It turned out to be Kimchi. I have tried it over the last several years and it is delicious.


          • #20
            It can be good when made properly. I don't think the roommate quite figured out how to (I have no idea what she actually did, but the result scared a few people in the science lab).
            "I am quite confident that I do exist."
            "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


            • #21
              My ex-husband used to love making all kinds of strange food, especially things that involved fermentation or culturing. I think he's a frustrated microbial biologist at heart I was fine with the cheese, wine (mm!), beer, sourdough bread, sauerkraut, and only mildly squicked out by the kombucha tea.... but I really did have to draw the line at kimchee. Gah!!


              • #22
                Could be worse. What about Smutto?

                (Aka. Corn Smut, Mixed with Natto)


                Here's a link on how to make it.


                • #23
                  Quoth Salted Grump View Post
                  Could be worse. What about Smutto?.
                  You have seen nothing on Youtube until you've watched Masaokis cook.

                  It is an event onto itself.


                  • #24
                    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                    Don’t worry, if he’s slain and devoured by owlbears on Kingsway I’ll call you back and let you know.

                    yay for owlbears



                    • #25
                      Quoth wagegoth View Post
                      GK, your Skytrain posts remind me why I am so happy to only have to spend less than 40 minutes a day waiting for and riding BART.

                      Yeah, I never saw anything so...entertaining...when I took SEPTA to Philly every day.
                      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

