I am sure that for those who work in family owned businesses you always get that one customer who may get special treatment from the owner because they are family etc. My arena is in a small way family owned. Here's the backstory: The arena was founded by three men, the leader who I will call Mr. X. Mr. X had two business partners known as Mr. T and Mr. Pink. Mr. T and Pink passed away many years ago but their families still play a small role in the business. My mom works for these people in Mr. X's private suite, and many friends or family members of the founders often come. Tickets are often given to their friends because there are times when the founders families are taking care of other thing. The two late founders are given tickets not only for an obvious reason but out of respect for the family. Most of the guests are nice but my mom will occasionally have to throw guests out because of their action; and recently they seem to have been coming from one family.
During a basketball game, my mom had a problem with some troublesome kids (teenagers) in her suite. They were being rude, taking all the food, and getting in others way. After enough complaints from the guests, my mom went to take care of them. She tells the teens that they can either stop their antics or can leave. One of the kids, not liking the idea of being told what to do says that they know the owners of the arena. My mom asks which owner and they do not realize that she is setting them up for a big surprise and will be talking to the owners. She then promptly throws them out and talks to the owners the next day. The family that gave the guests those tickets was Mr. Pink's an the kids are not allowed in again.
During a concert, a sleazy looking group of 4 come in. They pretty much treated my mom like a ghost and kept to themselves. Some time during the show, someone goes into the bathroom. A line starts and my mom is sick of waiting, she knocks, no answer. She decides to unlock it herself and what does she see? Lo and behold, the sleazy couple that came in having sex. My mom instantly threw them and the other couple out. They also know Mr. Pink.
Nelly had come to the arena a few years back, I told my mom that it's going to be idiot fest. Most of the suite was filled with kids, a lot of them being thrown out for plenty of things. The kicker: One kid who was 19 at the time peed all over the bathroom. My mom tore him a new one, saying that her 14 year old son (Me
) has more intelligence than this idiot. Right after that, my mom threw him out and called the owners, and wondered who gave the tickets. Mr. Pink.
I asked my mom at one point about this and she said that the troublesome guests are friends of the Mr. Pink's family. I asked if because of the troublesome guests they have over and over given tickets to if they could have that ticket privelage revoked. She said no because it was out of respect for Mr. Pink. I have seen some of their guests and they would make the Darwin Awards intelligent.
During a basketball game, my mom had a problem with some troublesome kids (teenagers) in her suite. They were being rude, taking all the food, and getting in others way. After enough complaints from the guests, my mom went to take care of them. She tells the teens that they can either stop their antics or can leave. One of the kids, not liking the idea of being told what to do says that they know the owners of the arena. My mom asks which owner and they do not realize that she is setting them up for a big surprise and will be talking to the owners. She then promptly throws them out and talks to the owners the next day. The family that gave the guests those tickets was Mr. Pink's an the kids are not allowed in again.
During a concert, a sleazy looking group of 4 come in. They pretty much treated my mom like a ghost and kept to themselves. Some time during the show, someone goes into the bathroom. A line starts and my mom is sick of waiting, she knocks, no answer. She decides to unlock it herself and what does she see? Lo and behold, the sleazy couple that came in having sex. My mom instantly threw them and the other couple out. They also know Mr. Pink.
Nelly had come to the arena a few years back, I told my mom that it's going to be idiot fest. Most of the suite was filled with kids, a lot of them being thrown out for plenty of things. The kicker: One kid who was 19 at the time peed all over the bathroom. My mom tore him a new one, saying that her 14 year old son (Me

I asked my mom at one point about this and she said that the troublesome guests are friends of the Mr. Pink's family. I asked if because of the troublesome guests they have over and over given tickets to if they could have that ticket privelage revoked. She said no because it was out of respect for Mr. Pink. I have seen some of their guests and they would make the Darwin Awards intelligent.