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We're not competing with McDonalds...

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  • We're not competing with McDonalds...

    We're just trying to help people out with this economy." I swear if I hear that ONE. MORE. TIME. I'm gonna go nuts. Oh, but we can't specifically mention McDonalds either. Nope, we just decided to offer "value pairings" because we care.

    Why the beggining rant? Because this little decision has caused me more consistant annoyance than amost anything else in the past few months. You know it's coming when you read the words "No substitutions" immediatly followed by, "Remember our 'Just Say Yes' policy, but use your best judgement." I'll try to group every little..hiccup I've had with this.

    They let me at the other store!

    Me: Goodmorning, welcome to completely anyonomous coffee shop, this is Morningchaser, can we start you with random value pairing?

    SC: Yea, but can I get the sandwich with a large mocha with splendor (yes. Splendor, ladies and gentleman No irony, no sarcasm. Splendor.), no whip cream, tears collected from seven blind boys, and the distilled essence of a child's first laugh? (Okay, I exaggerate a bit, but some of our customers probably would if they could.)

    Me: Oh, I'm sorry, if you want the sandwich you have to get a regular coffee. Unfortunately the mocha doesn't go with any of the pairings.

    SC: *huffy sigh and tongue click* What?!

    Me: (Oh no you DIDN'T!. At this point whenever customer's get huffy with me it brings out my inner Wanda Sykes. I reign it in the best I can.) Well, the mocha doesn't come with value pairings. You can do a regular coffee with a sandwich, or you can do your mocha and the sandwich, but you won't get the pairing price.

    SC: Are you serious?!!!111!

    Me: ......yes.

    SC: They do it all the time at the other store! (Ah, yes, the infamous 'other store'. Well ma'am, I have new for you. I'M NOT 'THE OTHER STORE')

    Me: I'm sorry, but if they're doing it then they're wrong......

    SC: ......

    Me: .......

    SC: ........So, you're not going to do it then?

    Me: No. Sorry.

    SC: Fine. *drives up*

    CW: Uh...MorningChaser, what should we do about the drink?

    Me: Make it, trust me. She'll come up here and say that she still wanted it, and then complain if it takes more than a second to make.

    And lo, the great MorningChaser did fortell this event, and lo it came to be! What a delightful way to take the wind out of an SC's sails when our friendliest CW is at the window, her drink in hand.

    Repeat this, over and over. For 3 months. After a few weeks we FINALLY didn't have to offer these first off (suggestive selling. There's another rant entirely), but my manager got his review and: suprise suprise, noone really wants them so they don't order them. He gets talked to, we get chewed out, and now we have to try to sell people these things like our lives depended on them, otherwise we get to deal with Don (read my epic-in-length tale in Morons in Management if you want to know why this is such a situation.).

    And on an unrelated note:

    The do it at the other store AND I've gotten it here before

    Look. I'm sorry, but the hottest that we were told we can make a drink is 180 degrees. I don't know WHY you need it hotter, but we can't do it.

    SC: Yes, I need 190 degree chai.

    Me: Sorry sir, but the hottest we can make it is 180.

    SC: What?! That is not true, I go to other anyonomous coffee store and they make it 190!

    Me: Well, I'm sorry, but they're wrong (I should just make it my catch phrase...). We're only allowed to do it to 180 for safety reasons (not sure if it's true, but then again, neither does he )

    SC: I got it here before! They make it for me. 190 degrees.

    Me: (Ah, yes, well, I'm not THEY now am I?) Well, I'm sorry, if they do then they're doing it wrong as well. We can only make it 180.

    SC: Can't you make exception of people ask for it?

    Me: No sir, I'm sorry, it's policy.

    I didn't hear what he said next 'cause my friend who was the shift mouthed to me 'just tell him yes.' Because he knows that I will sit there and argue with someone till' the cows come home and then I'll argue with the cows. I'm a Taurus, what can I say?

    Me: Alright sir, pull on up.

    I felt pretty angry that I had to give up the fight, until I realized a second later that I'm the one making the drinks. I'm a bit slow sometimes, but guess who got a 180 degree Chai?
    "Some wounds grow worse beneath the surgeon's hand; better that they were not touched at all."

  • #2
    I'm sure when he requested the 190 degrees at "the other store", it was the same as yours but they also told him yes to make him STFU. He can't really tell the difference anyway, right? Next thing you know he will get mad and say he burned his tongue lol

    I hate the phrase: But the other (store, cashier, manager, etc) let me do it!!!



    • #3
      How can anyone notice a 10 degree difference anyway? If it burns through your mouth its just right?
      Melody Gardot


      • #4
        Quoth Anakah View Post
        I hate the phrase: But the other (store, cashier, manager, etc) let me do it!!!
        When people tell me this I ask them if they know the name of the person who said whatever so I can report them. That shuts them up.


        • #5
          Quoth Anakah View Post
          I hate the phrase: But the other (store, cashier, manager, etc) let me do it!!!
          One of my classic moments:

          (15-year-old SC trying to buy cigarettes, naturally has no ID)
          SC: "But the guy who was working last night let me have them without ID!"
          Me: "No I didn't."


          • #6
            As to the 180's not like he'd know the difference between 180 and 190.
            "Do not quibble with me over apostrophes. I have my shit together when it comes to apostrophes." - BookBint


            • #7
              Quoth Morningchaser View Post
              SC: Yea, but can I get the sandwich with a large mocha with splendor (yes. Splendor, ladies and gentleman No irony, no sarcasm. Splendor.), no whip cream, tears collected from seven blind boys, and the distilled essence of a child's first laugh? (Okay, I exaggerate a bit, but some of our customers probably would if they could.)
              That's absolutely great!

              Look. I'm sorry, but the hottest that we were told we can make a drink is 180 degrees. I don't know WHY you need it hotter, but we can't do it.

              SC: Yes, I need 190 degree chai.

              AS IF this buttmuncher could tell the 10 degree difference!!! Really! I bet you could've given him a 170 degree chai he wouldn't know the difference.
              "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


              • #8
                Quoth Panigg View Post
                How can anyone notice a 10 degree difference anyway? If it burns through your mouth its just right?
                You should warn him he will get cancer...

                There Can Be Only One


                • #9
                  Quoth Duncan MacLeod View Post
                  You should warn him he will get cancer...

                  In that case all SC's should get 190 degree drinks.


                  • #10
                    I once had a SC at a previous job demand that they get ice water but the water must come from the faucet not the pitchers of ice water. I gave the ice water from the pitcher instead of getting ice then getting water.

                    I got multiple complements on how i made the perfect water.

                    All whine and Enttilement, no substance.


                    • #11
                      Yeah, generally people can't tell the difference between a couple degrees or...between...half a splenda/equal/sweet and low/chunk of dignity and a full one (sorry for the elipses. I thought going slower would stop my soul from shriveling up. Didn't work). I wish I had a dollar for everytime I've heard "I want HALF a splenda. HALF! I can tell the difference." Only to be complimented on my perfect drink after I put a full one in >.<. But, I'm pretty sure with that guy it was also partially my aggrivation (it was towards the end of a stressful and busy day) and my apparent love of arguing my point when I know I'm right ^_^.
                      "Some wounds grow worse beneath the surgeon's hand; better that they were not touched at all."


                      • #12
                        Quoth mattm04 View Post
                        I got multiple complements on how i made the perfect water.
                        It is all in the presentation, and what the customers think. A good example is in this exerpt from Penn & Teller's B*llsh*t!, The Best.
                        "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                        • #13
                          Quoth jerkface11 View Post
                          In that case all SC's should get 190 degree drinks.
                          Chemo technicians' jobs are bad enough without dealing with SCs.


                          • #14
                            ^_^ power to the Tauruses Hon! ^_^ Arguing is my favorite sport.
                            "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


                            • #15
                              Quoth Ironclad Alibi View Post
                              It is all in the presentation, and what the customers think. A good example is in this exerpt from Penn & Teller's B*llsh*t!, The Best.
                              That was hilarious! Some things I can see (to me most wines taste...nasty, so $2 versus $1K I would still not care), but Cool Whip?!?! You should at least be able to tell the difference between cream and white chocolate...

                              So yeah, presentation matters. Dress it up and you can fool anyone. Except Gordon Ramsay of course.
                              "This isn't a home, this is a swirling vortex of entropy." - Sheldon "The Big Bang Theory"

