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Sucky E.R. Patient (Epic Length)

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  • Sucky E.R. Patient (Epic Length)

    I have a new job as a Security Guard for a hospital. So a couple weeks ago I come into work and the guy I'm relieving tells me there's a woman in the E.R. who is drunk and overdosed on blood thinners. The E.R. said she'd taken anywhere between 16 and 22 pills.

    He also said that she was trying to sign herself out of the hospital AMA (against medical advice) but they couldn't let her because she was so drunk she was incapable of making rational decisions. So they had to keep her in the E.R. because if she left the hospital, then got in some sort of accident, the hospital would be held liable.

    Since she couldn't sign out AMA, she decided to try and escape by saying she needed to go smoke a cigarette. Well that plan didn't work, and her purse was confiscated and put in our safe and she was raising Hell about everything. The nurses told her to either quiet down and stay in bed or get restrained.

    You can guess what she chose, they restrained her and I was also told to keep an eye on her. Not even 5 minutes after I sit down, she starts begging me to take off her restraints. I tell her no.

    So she asks for a nurse, and I stick my head out and call for one of the nurses. She tries the same crap with him, he says no, and also says he'll be dropping by occasionally to check on her until she's seen by the Dr.

    So she again starts begging me to take her restraints off, and I ignore the request. Then she starts begging me to get her a nurse. I tell her the nurse will be dropping by at random so she needs to wait. Somehow she managed to get ahold of her Nurse Call Button, which was up above the bed. And she starts pressing the button until one of the nurses finally comes in.

    He comes in tells her the same thing, that she's restrained until she's seen by the Dr. and that the Dr. will see her whenever he gets a chance. Then he takes away her button. So she starts in again begging me to either take off her restraints or get a nurse. I tell her to stop wasting her breath because I'm not going to take the restraints off or go get a nurse and proceed to ignore her.

    The nurse comes in again after a bit, and offers some activated charcoal to try and absorb the drugs and alcohol. He also loosens one of the restraints and leaves her to drink it. As soon as his back is turned she takes the restraint off, gives me a look, then starts undoing the other restraint. I let her get it halfway off before I called for a nurse to come in and he stayed in the room.

    Suddenly she starts claiming that the drink will make her sick, and the nurse says fine don't drink it. Then she decides that she'll drink it but only if she can see the Dr. immediately. He tells her again that she'll see the Dr. when he has time. So then she decides she wants to either be admitted or to go home, but the nurse tells her she's in the E.R. for the night. Then she starts arguing with the Dr. about redoing her bloodwork, and tests which they refused to run again until morning. They go back and forth for awhile, and he just keeps on repeating himself. Finally he left again and shut the door.

    So she starts screaming at me that I need to get off my fat lazy ass and get some exercise by getting her a nurse. She says it must be nice to have my job, where all I have to do is sit around. Then she asks if she was having a heart attack, if I'd just let her die. Sometimes silence is the best answer

    Finally the Dr. came in, said she was in the E.R. for the night, and that her labwork wouldn't be run again until morning. So she asks for a sleeping pill, which they gave her. It didn't do any good because of the activated charcoal it was just istantly absorbed. But she thought it worked which calmed her down. She agreed to stay in bed, so they took off the restraints, gave her a sandwich and she fell asleep.

    A couple hours later she woke back up, better than before but not by much. She asked for something to drink which we were out of. So the nurse bought her a pop which she proceeded to dump all over the room. Then she claimed her heart was racing, she was sweating and shaking, and needed drugs for it. They refused because all of her vital signs looked fine. Then she demands her bloodwork be run again, which they refused. So she starts whining about needing to get up and use the bathroom. Because of her earlier stunts of trying to escape from the hospital, they wouldn't let her and made her use a bed pan.

    I had to stay and babysit this woman all night, it was a very long night to say the least. But the E.R. staff took pity on me and fed me really good pizza and Pepsi. As for the woman she was sent to the ICU after her bloodwork was run again because the drug levels were still dangerously high.

    A week later, she was back in our Emergency Room for the same thing, being drunk and overdosing on blood thinners. Some people just never learn.

  • #2
    Ouchies. That woman needs to be in a psychiatric ward.

    As someone who's had a friend nearly OD on Panadol, that woman needs serious help.
    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...


    • #3
      Oh yeah she definitely needs help. The kicker is she was in a different hospital before she came to ours, then she came to ours twice in 2 weeks. They threatened to send her to the Psych ward, not sure why they never did.


      • #4
        Sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't be better for the gene pool if we were to just let Darwin take care of people like this.
        I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


        • #5
          Maybe I'm just mean, but I'd let Darwin take its' course.
          She keeps overdosing? Fine. Any consequences are her own responsibility.


          • #6
            4 words.
            Straight jacket. Thorazine drip.
            Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.


            • #7
              When I was training to be an EMT we had to do 24 hours (2 or 3 shifts) in the local ERs just to see real patients instead of training dummies.

              Well, one shift I wound up essentially babysitting this drunk-ass older woman. She was probably mid-50s and upper class. Someone at her country club had seen her drinking earlier and when he went out to his car he saw her sitting in HER car in the driver's seat looking confused. He called the cops to prevent her from driving drunk.

              She was so drunk the hospital couldn't let her leave. I want to say her BAC was around .3 something (0.08 is drunk in NY). She was still wearing her nice pantsuit but she wouldn't stay in her damn bed. Kept threatening to call her lawyer because 'we can't hold her without charging her.'

              I had to keep turning her around and putting her back in her bed. At one point they called me off to watch a procedure and when I came back she was standing in the hallway with no pants on, arguing with a nurse.

              So enjoy your guard gig. You will see plenty of crazies to contribute lots of stories for us!


              • #8
                Quoth boringscreenname View Post
                Oh yeah she definitely needs help. The kicker is she was in a different hospital before she came to ours, then she came to ours twice in 2 weeks. They threatened to send her to the Psych ward, not sure why they never did.
                If she has no insurance most Pshyc wards won't let you stay long enough to get real help.

                A former (and soon to be again) co-worker went through phases of getting drunk and ending up at the hospital. Twice they put him in Pshyc only to kick him out after he had detoxed because he had no insurance.


                • #9
                  Shes sounds like she needs to be somewhere for substance abuse (possibly a dual diagnosis place for CRAZY/Suicidal druggies lol.). Psych Ward visits are highly regulated, usually b/c theyre more expensive (my hospital is $2200 a DAY on the psych floor, more expensive than the intensive carfe units) so harder to get into...

                  She also just sounds like a dumbass to be honest. LOL.


                  • #10
                    Quoth draftermatt View Post
                    If she has no insurance most Pshyc wards won't let you stay long enough to get real help.

                    A former (and soon to be again) co-worker went through phases of getting drunk and ending up at the hospital. Twice they put him in Pshyc only to kick him out after he had detoxed because he had no insurance.
                    Actually according to the nurse she worked for the IRS and had insurance.


                    • #11
                      I've got a better four words for this woman.

                      Chainsaw of Natural Selection.

                      I swear, there are way too many people that just need to be culled from the population.
                      The customer is not always right. Most of the time, the customer is a clueless moron. If this offends you, you are this moron.


                      • #12
                        does that mean she'll threaten the hospital with a tax audit if they don't let her leave drunk off her ass?

                        Or better yet... just show the toxicology report to her boss?


                        • #13
                          Quoth boringscreenname View Post
                          I have a new job as a Security Guard for a hospital.
                          Hoo-boy. You need to read this thread from the student doctor's forum. It deals with oddball ER situations, is rather long, and gets squicky occasionally. Consider it job-prep reading, and count it as a bonus that it is entertaining for the most part.
                          The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                          "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                          Hoc spatio locantur.


                          • #14
                            (warning, don't click linky if you think you might barf)

                            o god... all i have to say is...

                            was the flashlight on?

                            and the eyeball brings a new meaning to "here's looking at you!"
                            Last edited by PepperElf; 05-04-2009, 08:48 PM.


                            • #15
                              I'm saddened by the number of people ready to dismiss her as a human being on the basis of the little we know of her.

                              If her brain chemistry really is screwed up, she needs treatment. Once treated, maybe she'd be a fantastic person. We don't know, and can't tell from what little information we have.
                              Seshat's self-help guide:
                              1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                              2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                              3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                              4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                              "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.

