For those of you who don't know, I am using this site to relive my past job in camping. This particular story comes from my second year as a counselor when I was placed in the oldest boys cabin (ages 12 - 15). That is relevant to the story.
We have a bed wetting policy at our camp. I believe any halfway decent camp should have a similar policy. Counselors in the younger cabins (for overnight camp we start at age 5-6) will check every morning to make sure there are no pee pee sheets as we so affectionately call them. If any are found the counselors wait until the kids have gone to their activities then engage in a brutal and violent physical battle where the broken and bloody loser has to clean the messy sheets (sometimes paper, rock, scissors is substituted for the fight). The whole idea is the counselor must wash, dry, and remake the bedding before the kids return after lunch for the blessed, sacred rest period. This serves two purposes. First, the child does not have to sleep on a wet bed. Second and most importantly, the non of the other campers know the child wet the bed. If there is one thing that enrages me more than anything else it is bullies, and pissy bed sheets are ambrosia for bullies.
As previously stated I was a counselor for the oldest boys, so we did not check the beds, because we never expected there to be pee pee sheets. Here is one of my biggest failures in that job. We did not detect a kid's piss bed, because we weren't expecting it. He slept in it at least one night. We know this because it was dry and he had put paper towels in his bed to soak it up.
Of course when it was discovered, we followed the procedure. Unfortunately, I lost the battle and had to take care of the cleanup. Now as I was walking up to the laundry facilities the camper with the piss soaked sheets is walking back towards the cabin with another camper.
SC=Soaked Camper
CF= Camper's Friend
Me: Whoa, where doe you guys think you are going?
SC: I forgot something in the cabin *activity counselor* said I could go get it as long as I had a buddy.
Me: *Looking at the trash bag of soiled sheets in my hand* No!
CF: *Looking startled* but he said it was ok if he had a buddy!
Me: I am the counselor of that cabin, and I said no. You can tell *activity counselor* I said no and he will understand.
SC: *Angry* But I forgot my *needless item*!
Me: Sorry SC but you will just have to get it later
SC: Whatever! You are a jerk!
Then he turned around and stomped away with his friend back to his activity presumably talking about what an asshole I was. Now I guess this is kind of sucky on his part, but completely understandable. The interesting thing me and other counselor's puzzled with was this infinite question:
We obviously knew he pissed the bed.
Since it didn't magically clean itself, he obviously knew that we knew he pissed the bed.
Since we are exploring this chain of logic, we knew that he knew that we knew he pissed the bed.
So if that is the case, Did he know that we knew that he knew that we knew he pissed the bed? And if he did then We knew that.... Well you get the point.
Honestly, I do still wonder if he thinks back on that time and understands now why I wouldn't let him back in the cabin.
We have a bed wetting policy at our camp. I believe any halfway decent camp should have a similar policy. Counselors in the younger cabins (for overnight camp we start at age 5-6) will check every morning to make sure there are no pee pee sheets as we so affectionately call them. If any are found the counselors wait until the kids have gone to their activities then engage in a brutal and violent physical battle where the broken and bloody loser has to clean the messy sheets (sometimes paper, rock, scissors is substituted for the fight). The whole idea is the counselor must wash, dry, and remake the bedding before the kids return after lunch for the blessed, sacred rest period. This serves two purposes. First, the child does not have to sleep on a wet bed. Second and most importantly, the non of the other campers know the child wet the bed. If there is one thing that enrages me more than anything else it is bullies, and pissy bed sheets are ambrosia for bullies.
As previously stated I was a counselor for the oldest boys, so we did not check the beds, because we never expected there to be pee pee sheets. Here is one of my biggest failures in that job. We did not detect a kid's piss bed, because we weren't expecting it. He slept in it at least one night. We know this because it was dry and he had put paper towels in his bed to soak it up.
Of course when it was discovered, we followed the procedure. Unfortunately, I lost the battle and had to take care of the cleanup. Now as I was walking up to the laundry facilities the camper with the piss soaked sheets is walking back towards the cabin with another camper.
SC=Soaked Camper
CF= Camper's Friend
Me: Whoa, where doe you guys think you are going?
SC: I forgot something in the cabin *activity counselor* said I could go get it as long as I had a buddy.
Me: *Looking at the trash bag of soiled sheets in my hand* No!
CF: *Looking startled* but he said it was ok if he had a buddy!
Me: I am the counselor of that cabin, and I said no. You can tell *activity counselor* I said no and he will understand.
SC: *Angry* But I forgot my *needless item*!
Me: Sorry SC but you will just have to get it later
SC: Whatever! You are a jerk!
Then he turned around and stomped away with his friend back to his activity presumably talking about what an asshole I was. Now I guess this is kind of sucky on his part, but completely understandable. The interesting thing me and other counselor's puzzled with was this infinite question:
We obviously knew he pissed the bed.
Since it didn't magically clean itself, he obviously knew that we knew he pissed the bed.
Since we are exploring this chain of logic, we knew that he knew that we knew he pissed the bed.
So if that is the case, Did he know that we knew that he knew that we knew he pissed the bed? And if he did then We knew that.... Well you get the point.
Honestly, I do still wonder if he thinks back on that time and understands now why I wouldn't let him back in the cabin.