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I'm an ass from protecting you from humiliation? (Long)

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  • I'm an ass from protecting you from humiliation? (Long)

    For those of you who don't know, I am using this site to relive my past job in camping. This particular story comes from my second year as a counselor when I was placed in the oldest boys cabin (ages 12 - 15). That is relevant to the story.

    We have a bed wetting policy at our camp. I believe any halfway decent camp should have a similar policy. Counselors in the younger cabins (for overnight camp we start at age 5-6) will check every morning to make sure there are no pee pee sheets as we so affectionately call them. If any are found the counselors wait until the kids have gone to their activities then engage in a brutal and violent physical battle where the broken and bloody loser has to clean the messy sheets (sometimes paper, rock, scissors is substituted for the fight). The whole idea is the counselor must wash, dry, and remake the bedding before the kids return after lunch for the blessed, sacred rest period. This serves two purposes. First, the child does not have to sleep on a wet bed. Second and most importantly, the non of the other campers know the child wet the bed. If there is one thing that enrages me more than anything else it is bullies, and pissy bed sheets are ambrosia for bullies.

    As previously stated I was a counselor for the oldest boys, so we did not check the beds, because we never expected there to be pee pee sheets. Here is one of my biggest failures in that job. We did not detect a kid's piss bed, because we weren't expecting it. He slept in it at least one night. We know this because it was dry and he had put paper towels in his bed to soak it up.

    Of course when it was discovered, we followed the procedure. Unfortunately, I lost the battle and had to take care of the cleanup. Now as I was walking up to the laundry facilities the camper with the piss soaked sheets is walking back towards the cabin with another camper.

    SC=Soaked Camper
    CF= Camper's Friend

    Me: Whoa, where doe you guys think you are going?
    SC: I forgot something in the cabin *activity counselor* said I could go get it as long as I had a buddy.
    Me: *Looking at the trash bag of soiled sheets in my hand* No!
    CF: *Looking startled* but he said it was ok if he had a buddy!
    Me: I am the counselor of that cabin, and I said no. You can tell *activity counselor* I said no and he will understand.
    SC: *Angry* But I forgot my *needless item*!
    Me: Sorry SC but you will just have to get it later
    SC: Whatever! You are a jerk!

    Then he turned around and stomped away with his friend back to his activity presumably talking about what an asshole I was. Now I guess this is kind of sucky on his part, but completely understandable. The interesting thing me and other counselor's puzzled with was this infinite question:

    We obviously knew he pissed the bed.
    Since it didn't magically clean itself, he obviously knew that we knew he pissed the bed.
    Since we are exploring this chain of logic, we knew that he knew that we knew he pissed the bed.
    So if that is the case, Did he know that we knew that he knew that we knew he pissed the bed? And if he did then We knew that.... Well you get the point.

    Honestly, I do still wonder if he thinks back on that time and understands now why I wouldn't let him back in the cabin.

  • #2
    I like your camp's policy. It's better than, "If you wet the bed you can't come to camp," which I think is BS because it's not something the kid can generally help. That's like when my brother was getting car sick and the teacher told him he couldn't go on a field trip because of it.

    Assuming the kid is around ten to thirteen I would have pulled him aside later, told him about the sheets and the wet bed and asked him if he'd rather his "buddy" saw it.


    • #3
      Our bed wetting policy is actually a selling point for our camp. We have sheets that parents fill out to let us know anything special needs about there kid (I will be starting a new thread at some point to rant about those. Fucking parents is all I will say for now). If a parent knows their child wets the bed and tells us they are often greatly relieved by how we handle it. We also have special plastic coated matresses for those kids too.

      You can't imagine how many times I considered asking him about that bedwetting issue. The funny thing is he had been coming to camp since 8 and that was the only incident from him before or after. Amazing really. My plan was to wait till he got on staff (as he eventually was), but even then I felt too bad to embarrass him as we had let him sleep in it for a couple of nights. He was a good kid.


      • #4
        Have the kids bring GoodNites
        Your neck is 7 and a half feet wide and 4 and a half feet tall. Your shoulders are also around 4 and a half feet wide. Your butt is 4 feet wide and your arms are around 3 feet long-gravekeeper


        • #5
          Quoth Bagboy View Post
          Have the kids bring GoodNites
          Some of them did! Obviously it was the younger ones who did, and that was a whole other set of bullshit to keep the other kids from finding out. Damn am I happy that I was never stuck in one of those cabins!!


          • #6
            I think I'm going to be entertained by your future stories, in fact I don;t think I know! Ever have really really asshole type kids?
            Your neck is 7 and a half feet wide and 4 and a half feet tall. Your shoulders are also around 4 and a half feet wide. Your butt is 4 feet wide and your arms are around 3 feet long-gravekeeper


            • #7
              Being that this was a young teenage boy....are you sure it was pee pee on the sheets and not something else?

              Either sounds like a nice camp.


              • #8
                Quoth Terl1982 View Post
                Our bed wetting policy is actually a selling point for our camp. We have sheets that parents fill out to let us know anything special needs about there kid (I will be starting a new thread at some point to rant about those. Fucking parents is all I will say for now). If a parent knows their child wets the bed and tells us they are often greatly relieved by how we handle it. We also have special plastic coated matresses for those kids too.
                I worked at a camp for kids with disabilities years ago - it was one of the best summers I ever had - despite the fact that many of the kids were incontinent. Not just bedwetting but actual 100% zero-control. Of course, incontinence was usually part of the nature of the conditon these kids had (it was a camp devoted 100% to kids with this particular condition), so, it was no big deal that "Johnny" had to wear diapers, or that "Teddy" has a "bag", etc.

                Working with the kids was so fun - even for the sudden weather changes (imagine trying to get 100 kids in wheelchairs across the field in the driving rain!) I'd still be doing it, except for the fact that its a summer job, no "benefits" etc.

                And, yes, while we did ask the parents about the kids' needs, we didnt get the "helicopter parents" that I read about today. In fact, one of the things a camp does for kids is give them experience living "on their own" and relating to other people, without their parents by their side. Couple that with the fact, that, if you're a parent with a disabled kid, you would be glad for some time off sometimes too! Lots of the parents were grateful for their "week off" while we took care of their kid.

                Originally Posted by edible_hat
                (also, wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?)


                • #9
                  Quoth Bagboy View Post
                  I think I'm going to be entertained by your future stories, in fact I don;t think I know! Ever have really really asshole type kids?
                  Yes, yes I did. Check out my hat rape story for one. Much much more to come I promise.

                  Quoth Amina516 View Post
                  Being that this was a young teenage boy....are you sure it was pee pee on the sheets and not something else?
                  Haha. Apparently you have read my hat story. But no, nothing quite smells like human urine. It is funny you mention that though, because the standard "quick and dirty"pee pee sheet test for the younger kids is to run your hand down the bed or in the sleeping bag to check for a wet spot. That is probably not advisable for 13 y/o boys.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Amina516 View Post
                    Being that this was a young teenage boy....are you sure it was pee pee on the sheets and not something else?

                    Either sounds like a nice camp.
                    Yeah, what, if anything, do you do for....those sheets?
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #11
                      Quoth Wembley View Post
                      Couple that with the fact, that, if you're a parent with a disabled kid, you would be glad for some time off sometimes too! Lots of the parents were grateful for their "week off" while we took care of their kid.
                      It is not just the parents of disabled kids who are grateful for a week off. I agree about wanting to do the job forever though. Best job of my life!


                      • #12
                        At least he was wetting his own bed at 12....I was a camper at that age at a camp for children with ADD, I had the top bunk and my bunkmate would claim i was wetting from the top down to his bunk on a regular basis. Despite the fact my bunk was always dry the counselors failed to take any kind of pro-active response to this kid......even when it got to the point that he got up and pissed in MY SHOES AND DUFFEL one night......yeah.... Yet the time I lost dessert privliges, the counselors were quick enough to take them a 2nd night because I said I didn't WANT any, not that I lost it.....which was compounded by everyone at the table taunting me and "mmming" over their cookies, including the counselors.
                        Last edited by roadgypsy; 05-03-2009, 06:55 PM.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Terl1982 View Post
                          You can't imagine how many times I considered asking him about that bedwetting issue. The funny thing is he had been coming to camp since 8 and that was the only incident from him before or after.
                          Maybe he had had more to drink than usual that night and/or was overtired so he didn't wake up? And you can't really blame yourself for "letting" him sleep in it if he didn't tell you about it and it's not standard procedure to check the beds of kids that age. I can understand why he wouldn't want to tell anyone; but at that age I'd say it's kind of his own fault if he had to sleep in it the second night.
                          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                          • #14
                            Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                            Maybe he had had more to drink than usual that night and/or was overtired so he didn't wake up? And you can't really blame yourself for "letting" him sleep in it if he didn't tell you about it and it's not standard procedure to check the beds of kids that age. I can understand why he wouldn't want to tell anyone; but at that age I'd say it's kind of his own fault if he had to sleep in it the second night.
                            He could have also been pranked. It had been like that way for two nights, maybe someone had put his hand in a cup of water?
                            Kangaroo Squee!


                            • #15
                              I guess these are all possibilities. He was well liked and I don't think we had a problem with bullies. Most of the time kids (and even adults) can't keep their mouths shut.

                              I felt bad about it because it must really suck to sleep in pee 2 nights in a row. I can't imagine how humiliated he felt.

