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Fast Food Friends

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  • Fast Food Friends

    Ten years ago, I worked at a Taco Bell on the main road through my town. I worked there for 2 and a half years during high school, and a few of my classmates went there all the time.

    First off, let's get the abbreviations out of the way.

    CM- Classmate

    Well, one day, I come into work, and I see this group I know, and one of the guys gives me a shit eating grin as I clock in. I look at him strangely, but I say nothing as I go and find out my responsibility for the day. I find out that I am working front register that night, which I preferred, because I couldn't stand the drive-through headset. (I have unusually great hearing, and the combination of background static, people not speaking clearly and that ping that happened when we got an order gave a headache at the end of a shift. That said, because of that sense of hearing, I was great at drive-through, and I got put there all the time.)

    Anyway, CM comes up to me when I get signed on to the register, and proceeds to tell me that, shortly I got there, he dumped an entire 32 ounce cup of Mountain Dew on the floor.

    Me: You're shitting me.
    CM:I shit you not.
    Me: Why didn't you tell the person on the last shift about this?
    CM: What would she have done this close to shift change over?
    Me: So, you left it for me?
    CM: Amy (the Shift Leader on duty that day, and older sister of one of our classmates) said you were working today.

    I spend the next 20 minutes, off and on, moping the dining area because of him. The thing that makes him sucky is the fact that, if he knew beforehand that I was working that day, would have deliberately dumped his drink on the floor. And he knew I was working that day, because we were both friends of Amy's sister. Whether that is what actually happened or not is debatable; the fact that he WOULD do that is what got under my skin.

    I laugh at it now, but it was annoying as hell back then.
    Last edited by Hitokiri Akins; 05-01-2009, 07:59 PM.
    The customer is not always right. Most of the time, the customer is a clueless moron. If this offends you, you are this moron.

  • #2
    Employee: Aaaand since your such a lovely "friend", here's a mop. Go knock yourself out.

    CM: But you're the employee, it's not my jooooob!

    Employee: True. And next week I'll do the same at your place of employment. And the week after. And the week after that... Perhaps you should get to it then.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      His parents were rich enough to buy him a brand new car at 16(I had a piece of junk), so he didn't work. And, while it was cool to go over to his house and play the newest video games on his "brand new PS2" (I had an N64) and watch movies on the "new DVD format" (still using VHS until I entered the USAF), I dreaded him coming into my job, because he didn't have to work for a thing.

      Until he "had" to go to college. Then he learned what I went through with him. I haven't heard from him since.
      Last edited by Hitokiri Akins; 05-02-2009, 01:45 AM.
      The customer is not always right. Most of the time, the customer is a clueless moron. If this offends you, you are this moron.

