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Can I Hug You?

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  • Can I Hug You?

    This was said by one of my customers last night. But before I get to that, let me just apologize for not posting stories in so long. I was sick twice this year (one was the flu, the other a viral cough...bleh) and...believe it or not, no sucky customers!

    Until this weekend, anyway. Figures...last weekend of the semester=suck.

    Can I Use That When You're Done?

    Plating rule #1: Don't steal our tools. Ever. Half the reason we plate the stuff in the first place is so scumbags like you don't help yourselves to 6-7 pieces of chicken and wipe our supplies clean.

    So don't look surprised if I glare death daggers at you if you ask me for my tongs.

    Thanks. Asshole.

    One of my biggest pet peeves about working the entree line alone is if I'm plating a meal, sometimes I lose track of other dishes on the line, so I end up running around like a headless chicken.

    While I'm doing just that, my plates of food have run out, so a dickwad decides he wants some chicken and because I hid the tongs from him stuck his whole hand in the tray of chicken. We ended up throwing the rest of it away for safety reasons and I was stalled another 10 minutes while the cooks in the kitchen made some more.

    I didn't see the guy's face, or I would've nabbed him and brought him over to Lady J and had him deal with her. She hates SCs. I'd imagine he'd be walking funny after she was done with him.

    Can I Hug You?

    There was a dance recital last night, so many of the dancers had their parents come down for dinner before the show. I see these two old women come over, and I prepare myself for crotchety evilness. One of them is scrutinizing every last thing on the line. Oh boy. Here we go. She opens her mouth, and the question I was least expecting comes out.

    "Which of these are gluten free?"

    Oh. That's....not so bad. I point out a few things which she happily takes, and told her to come find me if she wants anything for dessert because we have a secret stash of stuff for just this reason.

    At the end of the night I'm cleaning glass when she comes up and cheerfully tells me everything was so delicious and I was so nice and no one here's ever helped her with her allergy before and OMGPLZCANIHUGZYEW.

    I let her...when Lady J wasn't looking.

    Go. Away. NAO.

    Hiccups. They always come up when you least expect them, and when they do come they always get in the way.

    I had a bout yesterday for almost half an hour. I was afraid to open my mouth to ask anyone anything, because my hiccups are loud and weird. And painful.

    I still have no idea what brought them on.

    Why So Serious?

    Apparently today (Saturday) was Free Comic Book Day at a few comic stores in the area. Many people dressed up as their favorite characters to celebrate. I forgot about this holiday.

    At least until The Joker decided to order a tuna wrap. Then I was rather pleasantly reminded.

    Swine Flew

    Intentional misspelling was intentional...because I saw a random pork chop fly through the air tonight. The culprit apparently was trying to make a ham of himself. He was caught, to everyone's relief, and quarantined.

    I'll edit this tomorrow with Sunday's stories...

  • #2
    Swine Flew

    Intentional misspelling was intentional...because I saw a random pork chop fly through the air tonight. The culprit apparently was trying to make a ham of himself. He was caught, to everyone's relief, and quarantined.
    OK, I giggled.

    Don't recall any comic book characters, but I've seen Elvis in the bookstore...
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Quoth Nashida View Post
      Swine Flew



      • #4
        Hugz to worker

        A few years ago my fiance, my mother and I were shopping in a department store that catered to ladies only. We were going to pick out a dress for my fiance. After we had selected the dress we needed to speak to a salesperson.

        I noticed that one of the salespeople was almost in tears. A customer was reaming her out and badgering her over the prices. The cs was well I always get this discount and dontcha know how important I was. I walked over to the windbag and said "this person is trying to do their job and should not have to put up with your crap. How dare you treat another human being this way. You are a total bitch." The cs exclaimed "well!" and stormed away saying that she was going to speak to a supervisor.

        I turned to the salesperson and asked if she was ok. She was shaking she was so upset. I asked if she would like a hug. She said absolutely and I hugged her. She brightened considerably and helped us with our purchase.

        During this the supervisor came up to the salesperson and told her that there was a complaint about her. I stopped the supervisor and told her what had happened. The supervisor dropped the issue.

        I hate nasty customers even though I haven't worked in retail in quite a while. No one deserves bad treatment.


        • #5
          Hiccups. They always come up when you least expect them, and when they do come they always get in the way.
          not sure how yours are like but i'll be honest.... my hiccups sound like the kind of belches high school boys dream about having. so obviously out in public is not a good time to be having them.

          my solution (works about 99% of the time, only time it doesn't work is if i do it wrong)...

          take a sip from the other side of a cup of water. ... only issue i have is that it makes me feel like water's going to go up my nose, so i usually just take a sip of liquid the normal way, and then bend over to swallow.

          i can still feel my body wanting to hiccup, but it's like... i suddenly *can't*.. and then the urges just fade.


          • #6
            Nope, not quite a belch. I've been told by S that they sound like a rubber duck or Tribble getting run over by a steam roller at 75 mph.

            Not that I've ever heard such a thing before, so...I don't know where he gets the experience from.

            Anyway, I forgot to post my Sunday suckies, so here they are:

            Specific. It's Not an Ocean.

            Well, the vague cheese issue seems to be resolving somewhat. Now it's the sandwich as a whole that they seem to be vague with. I've lost count of how many times somebody will come over and ask for a "ham sandwich" without telling me what goes with the meat, or what bread it goes on.


            Our waffle iron's been missing since last Wednesday or so. I have no clue where it went. If students ask for it, I tell them I have no clue and they usually accept that they won't have some golden brown fluffy goodness. Not this one.

            SC: No waffles?
            Me: No, sorry. I think the iron is broken.
            SC: You think?
            Me: I'm not entirely sure where it is. No one knows.
            SC: So how am I supposed to make waffles now?
            Me: Well unfortunately without an iron you won't be making any, sorry.
            SC: Unacceptable.
            Me: *offspring of a VRS customer...?*
            SC: Can't you make one for me?
            Me: I have neither batter nor an iron to do that with, sorry.
            SC: Use the panini press then.
            Me: I haven't been trained to use it, and that is not what it is used for anyway.
            SC: So you're not going to do anything for me?
            Me: I can't, sorry.
            SC: F*** you. *storm cloud*


            One of our parmesan cheese containers went disappearing tonight. We think a student walked off with it, because we usually have two and at the end of the night we only had one. I still don't see the point of that.

            Demand n Dash

            There's a new trend on the rise: people will come up and bark a sandwich order at me uber fast, and before I can clarify what it was they wanted (because it usually sounds like canIhavetrukeyswissletttuceoniontomatomustardnadmm ayoonwheatplzkthnx) they've teleported like Nightcrawler. I've just stopped acknowledging them and focus on orders made by more...umm...permanent customers. Then when they get pissy at me for not having their sandwich done, I can tell them to go to the back of the line. They're cutting.

            From the Bad Comes the Good

            Got a call on my cell this morning from BossmanK. He wants me to come see him at the pool store on the 10th about getting my hours up. Looks like the layoff I posted about was just for the winter season and I might still have a job at the pool store. I'll keep you posted.


            • #7

              Quoth Nashida View Post
              Go. Away. NAO.

              Hiccups. They always come up when you least expect them, and when they do come they always get in the way.

              I had a bout yesterday for almost half an hour. I was afraid to open my mouth to ask anyone anything, because my hiccups are loud and weird. And painful.

              I still have no idea what brought them on.
              I can relate. My hiccups are fairly severe. In very rapid succession: The hiccup starts, my throat closes, my diaphragm keeps trying to inhale, I feel like my chest is going to implode, I grab my chest while making a sound like that of Timmy (South Park) being strangled with a pained expression on my face, people around me get freaked out for some reason.

