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Sucky Customer Profile #3. The deliberately obtuse....

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  • Sucky Customer Profile #3. The deliberately obtuse....

    Hola all, it is I, Dingwell, returning from another sojourn into the world of tech support.

    The group of customers I work with are diverse and varied, and they run the gamut of emotional, financial, educational, racial and religious types. After five years of working in this environment i'm pretty thick skinned and hard to rile.

    But there's always one. One that emerges from the pack. The one that not only instinctively knows where my buttons are, they jump up and down on them with alarming vigor.

    I present such a customer today.

    Dingwell: Our Dashing Hero.

    DO: Our deliberately obtuse button pushing customer.

    Dingwell: Thank you for contacting Kersnizon. My name is Dingwell and I will be happy to assist you today. What seems to be the problem?

    DO: I'm having a problem with my email.

    Dingwell: I can help you get that working. What email program are you using?

    DO: The one you gave me.

    Dingwell: We provide several different email programs. Can you look at your program and see what it says?

    DO: It says email.

    Dingwell: I understand that. Can you tell me what else it says on that page?

    DO: There's a letter from my sister Mary.

    Dingwell: I see. And if you were going to go to your email program and try and get your email, which icon would you be clicking on?

    DO: The same one I click on every day.

    Dingwell: ....

    DO: Are you still there?

    Dingwell: Oh yes, I'm still here. (With a growing bald spot now...) Let's try this again. Do you see a help button on the top of the page?

    DO: Yes.

    Dingwell: If you click on the link, does a gray menu appear?

    DO: Yes.

    Dingwell: What does it say on that menu?

    DO: It says Help, Read Me, Microsoft on the Web and About Microsoft Outlook Express.

    Dingwell: Excellent. Now what account are you having the problem with?

    DO: Mine.

    Dingwell: Ok, and what would the address on the account be?

    DO: It's the Outlook Express.

    Dingwell: No, that's the program, we need to know which email address you are having the problem with.

    DO: I already told you that! Mine!

    (At this point, I start clenching my teeth so hard that a tendon in my jaw cracks like a gunshot. Nelson and John, two good friends and co-workers look at me with some concern and edge away a little bit. Some time passes as we begin to inch closer and closer to the actual email address that the customer uses. Finally, after several minutes of coaxing, the customer accidentally provides me with the information that I need. Victorious, I proceed to the next step.)

    Dingwell: All right, that's good, now that we know what email program we're using and what your email address is, what specifically seems to be the problem? Are you getting an error message of some kind?

    DO: Yes.

    Dingwell: Great! And what does that error message state?

    DO: I don't remember. Something about a server.


    To make an extremely long and aggravating story shorter, I'll summarize the session.

    Time required to get customers email program, email address and the error message: 27 minutes.

    Time required to fix the problem: 2 minutes.

    Time taken from my lifespan by a customer literally unable to answer basic questions: 3 months.


  • #2
    Yargh. I'm in tech support too, so I'll sympathize a little.

    For me it's more like...

    Me: Hi welcome to Firedog at CC what seems to be the trouble?
    Them: It ain't workin.
    Me: Okay can you describe the symptoms.
    Them: Just aint work it's slow n shit
    Me: Do you use any P2P programs?
    Them: Look you're the tech I ain't know your stupid mumbo jumbo now do you f*cking know what's wrong with it or not you dumb broad?

    (I swear)


    • #3
      That is funny, yet I feel so sorry for you.
      "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


      • #4
        I maintain that there should be a written exam required to purchase a computer and again to obtain Internet access. ><

        Unlicensed purchasers will be beaten with curtain rods.

        I get a few like that now and then too. Ever get someone thats calling for tech support when they don't actually use any service or product from your company/client? I had someone call in the other night asking for help with their email....except they weren't a customer of our client ( An ISP no less ). Apparently their ISP's tech support wasn't open late so they decided to call around other ISPs till they found someone who was.

        Why of course we can! I may be a CSR, but I'm also an accomplished server tech *and* self proclaimed ninja. Give me a minute to catch a cab, I'll go break into your ISPs offices and fix your email server. Because I'm just *that* helpful.


        • #5
          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
          I maintain that there should be a written exam required to purchase a computer and again to obtain Internet access. ><

          Unlicensed purchasers will be beaten with curtain rods.
          When the internet is outlawed, only outlaws will have the internet(s).

          I can just imagine the back alley, shady dealings going on if the internet were outlawed.

          Junky (J): Dude, man, hook me up, I needs ta check ma emails!
          Provider (P): Hold on, man, I got four others on my account right now. Any more and they'll find me. *put on tin foil hat*
          J: *shaking, slowly sliding to the ground* I needs ta check ma emails, now, ya bastard! *apparently, slowly turning Irish as well*
          P: I told you man, the first hit is free, but everything else costs money.
          "I call murder on that!"


          • #6
            Soooooo, Dingwell...did the hair ever grow back?
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
              I maintain that there should be a written exam required to purchase a computer and again to obtain Internet access. >
              Of course if that happened, AOL would go out of business. Oh wait, that would be a good thing
              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


              • #8
                Quoth protege View Post
                Of course if that happened, AOL would go out of business. Oh wait, that would be a good thing
                OT (Majorly OT, in fact):
                Have you seen the new commercials for Earthlink (I think...) that say they've worked out a deal with AOL that you can now transfer to Earthlink, and keep your AOL email address?


                You mean, they'll tell you about How kind of them, since you're using their services!

                The hell?
                "I call murder on that!"


                • #9
                  Quoth Juwl View Post
                  OT (Majorly OT, in fact):
                  Have you seen the new commercials for Earthlink (I think...) that say they've worked out a deal with AOL that you can now transfer to Earthlink, and keep your AOL email address?


                  You mean, they'll tell you about How kind of them, since you're using their services!

                  The hell?
                  I've seen similar commercials in my area for RoadRunner that are similar. They offer AOL content now.

                  Where? I've had my RR account for a year and a half now and haven't been able to get into AOL's exclusive content (I do miss their downloads. That would be the only thing that was good about AOHell.)
                  Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                  • #10
                    You should have every right to repo their computer RIGHT NOW. From now on, they get a piece of chalk and a board in which to communicate. Long distance? Use smoke signals.


                    • #11
                      Dear god, Mighty Girl, Don't let the stupid people play with fire!
                      I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                      • #12
                        Quoth Pezzle View Post
                        Me: Hi welcome to Firedog at CC what seems to be the trouble?
                        Them: It ain't workin.
                        Me: Okay can you describe the symptoms.
                        Them: Just aint work it's slow n shit
                        Me: Do you use any P2P programs?
                        Them: Look you're the tech I ain't know your stupid mumbo jumbo now do you f*cking know what's wrong with it or not you dumb broad?
                        "You don't know how to work your own machine, you won't give me the information I need to help you and you call me a 'dumb broad'?! Time for a little hands-on education..."
                        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                        My LiveJournal
                        A page we can all agree with!


                        • #13
                          Ok, I got one. This was in the Music area Friday night (or Hell Night as we refer to them)

                          Me - Yours Truly
                          OC - Obtuse Cow

                          OC - (walks up to the Music desk where I am with co-worker) I'm looking for oldies.
                          Me - Is there a specific artist you're looking for? Because, unfortunately, we don't have an oldies section.
                          OC - No, I'm just looking for compliations from, like, 50's or 60's.
                          Me - Those can be found in the Various Artists at the end of each section.
                          OC - Well, where's that?
                          Me - Uh, there's various at the end of Soul, Rap, Country, Rock/Pop, every section has one.
                          OC - Well, that's not helping! (Co-worker and I just look at each other and go )

                          A little while later, I was stocking CD's and was walking to put up something in the W's in Rock/Pop. Who do I see looking at the Various Artists? I'll give you three guesses, and the first two don't count. Well, a few minutes later, me and co-worker are both at the Music desk alpha'ing some CDs. Up walks Ms. Obtuse with a smug look on her face and announces to co-worker that she found what she was looking for! I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying, "Yeah, right where I told you they would be!"

                          Since when is answering the question and telling you exactly where to find it not helping?
                          It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                          • #14
                            I feel for you tech support people. My best friend does that and we swap stories regularly. Which has helped when i had to call them.

                            Except for one time when I spoke to a lady who was convinced that I was 5 years old and I had never seen a computer before.

                            "Now, i need you to click on the "Start" button for me, that would be the small button in the lower left hand corner of your screen with a little flag on it. Can you do that for me? Goood. Now, i need you to find something called the "Control Panel. It will be in a little menu that will pop up, AFTER you have clicked the "start" button and the right hand column will have something that says "Control Panel," Now, i need you to click on that for me please. Goooood. Now, a menu will pop up with a lot of ICONS on it, but don't worry, i'll talk you through it."

                            ...maybe i got her on a bad day, or maybe she was getting monitored, but she got worse as i got more pissed off. Its not like i was landing a 747. Damn, i hated that.

                            "Thank you for calling Conglomo Corp technical support! And rememeber, when we go potty, we wipies like a big boy! Good for you!"
                            Last edited by Getoutofmylobby; 11-12-2006, 03:59 PM.


                            • #15
                              I agree. I HATE when I call tech support and they treat me like I'm a moron!

                              As for your customers...well...I think I would be all day.
                              I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK

