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Cover Your Mouth! and other minor tidbits

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  • Cover Your Mouth! and other minor tidbits

    Not too much to report lately. I'll start with the tale from the title.

    Background: I work at a bookstore that likes the color green. Usually I'm at the main info. desk.

    Cover Your Mouth!

    I'm checking the prices on a couple things for a customer when she starts randomly coughing on me. She won't stop, even after I lean back, and let my temper goad me into making a passive-aggressive comment about the fact that I'm on immunosuppressants right now. She treats it like some kind of $%#^ joke. And keeps coughing. The whole time her hands dangled by her sides, empty, idle, like a selection of manicured breakfast sausages. Not a twitch towards her horrible germ-hole mouth did they make the entire time.

    Warm water, soap, and hand sanitizer are my friends. That woman? Not so much.

    I guess I could've handled it better, but seriously? When someone coughs, there are precisely two acceptable courses of action:
    1. Cover your mouth with something. Anything. I don't care. A puppy's backside, if that's all that's available.
    2. Turn your head and cough into your shoulder, because your hands are full with heavy/sharp/burning objects, or otherwise occupied with important, life-saving activities.

    Dr. Jekyll, you're welcome to shop here. Mr. Hyde, on the other hand...

    So I've mentioned before that we have the occasional disadvantaged type show up in our store, and we're generally welcoming as long as they don't try to steal or start randomly cussing or something. Well.

    There's this one guy, kind of tall, obviously not all there, that wanders in sometimes. I've never had a problem with him but I don't try to really hear what he's mumbling in my general direction. Yesterday, apparently just out of earshot of my desk and for no reason I could see, he decides he's going to start yelling and cussing and generally carrying on. He starts this immature behavior on our main floor, continues as he rides the escalator downstairs, and doesn't stop as he proceeds towards our children's department, where we have our restrooms.

    Thankfully the manager on duty stepped in. He refused to calm down, so he got escorted outside. First inkling I had of any of this was as manager was showing him to the door and he started shouting how she was white trash.

    If he shows his face here again we're calling the cops. From what the manager said he scared some of the other customers.

    What else... not much else, actually. A couple things for Cursing out Coworkers, I'll post them later. I had one really nice little old lady come in, though, that I kind of wish would give Customer Lessons to some of our regulars. Mainly because she knew exactly what she wanted and was polite. After I'd found a couple of her books for her she waved me off, saying, "Go on and take your break, honey, I'll be all right." I wanted to hug her because I was starving at that point.

  • #2
    2. Turn your head and cough into your shoulder...
    Actually, I have been told this is the preferred method. It keeps your hands less germy so when you touch things, you aren't spreading your crud around. I fully agree, though - I tell my kids constantly to cover their mouths and noses when they cough and sneeze. It's just gross. I wish I could tell everyone that, but around here I would get the crazy soccer mom with everything-rage. So I just avoid the gross ones as best I can.

    Thank dog I no longer have to work with the public - I am much healthier!
    "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


    • #3
      this is odd/funny cuz i was just at Target and some lil kid was open mouth coughing on all the boxes of cereal at his height and his mom was just ignoring gross


      • #4
        There was a woman in the library today doing the same thing. Browsing an isle of DVDs while just hacking away. Ugh.
        The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

