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Heartless SC's

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  • Heartless SC's

    Last week a worker at my ex-place of work was killed in a car accident. Everyone knew him and he was well loved by everyone.
    Many people got told about his death at work so alot of people went home and cancelled shifts and whatnot which is understandable cause some people had also gone to High-school with him etcetc.

    Yet the customers kept complaining about a lack of checkouts open. Our store boss told them there was an incident and he had sent people home because they were in no state to work. At that time we had just come from the managers office where we found out and were going home (some people were in uniform) and of course we all crying and had bloodshot eyes. We couldn't close the store because we are a chain of stores and there would probably be an uproar if we were closed for one day for 'no reason'. The customers reply? 'They should just suck it up, you have to work to keep the business going'

    Our store manager just glared at them and walked away.

  • #2
    In this cruel world, you'll find that it's seemingly only the customer and their lives that are important; the lives of the employees don't mean anything. They're just looked-at as lifeless pawns as part of a bigger picture. Surely the customers could endure one day of delay or closure?


    • #3
      People truly suck sometimes. It's times like those I wish upon them the same situation and be told to "Suck it Up".... though, at the same time, I'd hate for anyone to have to go through the loss of someone close to them...
      "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


      • #4
        One of my biggest dreams as a retail robot was to go to regular SCs' and EWs' places of work and personally go bug them on their smoke breaks, lunch breaks, and when they were ready to go home.

        I should have done it, too. I knew where almost ALL of them worked, because they drove company vehicles with the company name plastered all over the trucks and SUVs and whatnot. Ohh sweet revenge, what could have been......

        I would have given anything to waltz up to one of the biggest regular SCs while he was smoking after hours of pouring cement and scream "HAHAHA I RUINED YOUR SMOKE BREAK YOU NEED TO SERVE ME!" because without fail, at least once per shift he'd show up while I was trying to pound down a quick smoke and he'd chirp "Hyuck hyuck ruined your break! Har har har!"
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          You know, if you knew where they worked, you could always call their bosses and let them know that they were projecting a poor appearance for the whole company by being identifiable as an employee there, and being complete asshats.
          Those who are loudest about their qualifications, tend to have the least merit to their claims.


          • #6
            Wow. Unfortunately I'm not surprised. I'm a seasoned retail veteran, so my faith in humanity is little to none.

            Welcome to the boards, by the way!


            • #7
              I suppose this will be an unpopular opinion.... and I mean no offense, this is just my opinion.

              But I agree with the SC (to some degree) that the employees (including the store management) need to persevere through their grief to fulfill their commitments they have made to other people.

              Dying is part of the life cycle. Everyone will die. You will die. I will die. Some sooner than others. Some quietly, some violently. The dude is dead. You taking off work will not bring him back to life. He'll be dead if you are at home, or if you are at work. Welcome to mortality.

              The customer (or business owners) did not know the guy that died. The customer does not, generally, even know YOU. They just know that they need a gallon of milk and there are 12 people in line infront of them (including the coupon goddess). They do not know WHY no one is working. Because they do not know anyone involved they probably don't care.

              The thing that DOES make this sucky is the "suck it up" comment. It is rude to say that to someone you do not know. The correct thing to say is "I am sorry for your loss" and then slink away. Maybe the boss could make a sign for the front door explaining that they are short staffed because of the untimely loss of a co-worker.
              Last edited by jiarby; 05-05-2009, 05:44 PM. Reason: spelling correction


              • #8
                And had they merely asked why so few people were working that day, they would not have been sucky. Would you have said they had a right to complain about it if they were off because there was bad meat at a company picnic the day before and they were busy having their insides trying to become their outsides, thus calling off sick?

                They weren't SCs until they complained, it was explained, then they complained some more and told the employees to "suck it up".
                Those who are loudest about their qualifications, tend to have the least merit to their claims.


                • #9
                  Everyone dies and everyone handles it differently. It would also depend on the dead person's relationship to me. I would probably be one of the people to stay, as long as it wasn't someone very close to me. But if it were, and I couldn't function, I would leave.
                  Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                  HR believes the first person in the door
                  Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                  Document everything
                  CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                  • #10
                    I had to go into work the day after my granny's funeral. I was in a state, but could not get the time off at such short notice as it was a Saturday. This guy complained to my supervisor about me cuz I wasn't smiling, and kept blowing my nose and wiping my eyes. My supervisor then told the guy, "Lace's granny died and she went to the funeral yesterday."

                    Apparently, the guy went as white as a sheet, stammered out an apology and withdrew the complaint. I would have told him exactly why I wasn't my normal self had he asked, like a few customers did; all I told, and all were nice and sympathetic.
                    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                    My DeviantArt.


                    • #11
                      Man. One of my Kinko's buddies died a couple years ago and not only did the boss give everyone in the store the nod to go to the memorial service, but store stayed open...Kinkoids from other stores volunteered to come in and cover the store that day. There may have been a sign on the door explaining where the entire staff was gone, I'm not sure. I didn't work there at the time, but I was at the service, too.

                      So, while some people suck, there are people out there who rock.

                      Yes, everyone dies. It's part of life. And humans grieve. So the customers acting like douches need to...well, stop being douches and have a little compassion. Nobody's need for a gallon of skim should ever outweigh their need to treat other people decently.


                      • #12
                        that reminds me of when I was working as a carhop, a few years back. The day of my good friend's funeral, (which I was leaving work early for) I was trying to tough it out, and I thought I was holding together pretty well considering. Though grieving, I was pleasant and polite to the customers; however my snob douchwaffle of a boss lectured me because some SC called and complained to her that 'her carhop didn't SMILE

                        Some people just suck ass.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
                          I had to go into work the day after my granny's funeral.
                          Been there-I was the ONLY daytime cashier in a small craft store-had a run of bad luck-Stepfather, biological father, and stepbrother all died within 6 months-stepfather I took the call at work-boss man ran to the drugstore and bought me a box of tissues-also made a sign for my register, stating my stepfather had just died but I was "dedicated enough to work out my shift"
                          Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                          • #14
                            Quoth blas87 View Post
                            One of my biggest dreams as a retail robot was to go to regular SCs' and EWs' places of work and personally go bug them on their smoke breaks, lunch breaks, and when they were ready to go home.

                            I should have done it, too. I knew where almost ALL of them worked, because they drove company vehicles with the company name plastered all over the trucks and SUVs and whatnot. Ohh sweet revenge, what could have been......
                            And my question to you: Have you done? Oh please tell me you did it to one.

                            And to the OP: My sympathy for your loss.
                            Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


                            • #15
                              Quoth Melicious Motormouth View Post
                              so my faith in humanity is little to none.
                              What is this "faith in humanity" of which you speak?

                              I'm surprised most of the suit-wearing, Bluetooth-talking, Lexus-driving clownshoes who cross my path have opposable thumbs, much less empathy for their fellow human beings.

                              Was that bitter? That sounded bitter.
                              I have a map of the world. It's actual size.

                              -- Steven Wright

