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Does anyone else get these people?

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  • Does anyone else get these people? I'm not exactly sure where I was suppose to put this. So please move if I was wrong! (sorry)

    I'm sure that with this economy all of our workplaces have been getting more and more applications turned in. At my store, we're already a pretty popular place for teens and whatnot but now it seems that everyone and their mother (literally! Had a mother/son team apply today) are coming in for apps.

    But has anyone else gotten the really agressive appliers? The past couple of months we gotten some interesting people:

    1. Have you look at mine App yet?

    every few days we get a call from someone wondering about their app. they submitted. I know they (just as I was) have been told that follow-up is a good thing but place i've worked (at least retail/food) has ever been " that you've called I will look at your application! Thanks!" If the application fits what we need..we'll call you. If not, sorry.

    This one girl took the cake. She called up at noon in the middle of our rush (really..who calls a food place at noon to talk business?) and asks if I have looked over her app. I tell her my usual spiel about how all apps. are looked at and called. She then tells me that I need to grab it and go over it with her to explain it further! uh? no! I have a line of people out the door and you're holding me off the line to do this NOW?!!?

    2. Persistent lil buggers.

    So we had interviews a couple of weeks ago. (oy..we have to do them at 6am to see how they react that early) We always do 2 interviews..usually a day apart. We had a couple of special guys that didn't get the meaning of "We'll call you!"

    So both of these guys had interview 1 done but my mgr wasn't sure when I could do the 2nd round so she told them that we will call them to sched. interview 2. (both interviews were done by 10am) so these boys decided to call us at 11am. then at noon. Then at 3pm (sensing a pattern yet?) each time we tell them the same thing...WE WILL CALL YOU WHEN WE HAVE A DEFINITE SCHEDULE!!! so the next day rolls around (oh..btw..I wasn't there on day 1...) and it's my opening shift. Boy 1 calls and asks for manager. I tell him that mgr won't be in until 1pm (it was about 8am). His reply? "Oh...Ok. Ill hold on the line for him." ask him what he needs since I'm the mgr on duty and can probably help him. "No...I can only talk to mgr!" uh huh..well..I try to get his name and come to find out its an interviewee I'm in the middle of scheduling for! Yay! I can help him right? So I verify that he's waiting for interview 2 and tell him that I'm the mgr in charge of those so I can get him sched. now. "NO!! ONLY MGR CAN DO IT!!!! I'LL WAIT FOR MGR! JUST PUT ME ON HOLD!!! RAAAWWWRR!!!" can call back.

    An hour later...Dumbass #2 DOES THE EXACT SAME THING!!!!

    so when my mgr gets in at 1 I tell him about tweedle dee and dumb and we come to the concensus that we don't want to work with these guys. So I get to call them and tell them that we've already filled the positions!

    Why? Why would you badger the people you're trying to have hire you? PISSING US OFF DOES NOT = JOB!!!!!

    *ahem* thank you for letting me rant. (sorry it's long )
    Now, if you smell the roses but it doesn't lift your spirits, you're either allergic to rose pollen or you need medical intervention. ~ Seshat

  • #2
    Quoth Spork4pedro View Post
    Why? Why would you badger the people you're trying to have hire you? PISSING US OFF DOES NOT = JOB!!!!!
    Why would you insist that the person you are speaking with can't help you after they have expressly told you that they can?
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      I've actually NEVER had a buisness call me back when they said they would. I applied to 42 places in 2 months, and every single one said "we'll call", four months later and my 3rd time applying there I called the walmart back and they hired me as a temp remodel. So I see why people would call you, because almost every buisness lies about it or just forgets to call you. *nodnod*
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      warning! warning! warning! gunna short circuit my identity


      • #4
        Quoth Spork4pedro View Post
        I know they (just as I was) have been told that follow-up is a good thing but place i've worked (at least retail/food) has ever been " that you've called I will look at your application! Thanks!"
        Actually, this is exactly how I got my p/t job in retail, not to mention two other interviews and a job offer while I was looking. Sometimes the hiring manager has so many apps/resumes that he/she doesn't bother looking closely. That follow-up call shows an active interest in working, when a lot of people just want a paycheck without putting forward any effort to get it. It also allows me the chance to sound like a professional adult with prior experience, instead of just another scribble on just another application.

        But you're right, badgering or annoying the decision-maker will not get you a job offer. When you're told "Don't call us, we'll call you", that means stop calling.
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          But I'm sure that you didn't call every hour on the hour.
          "If ignorance is bliss, then I work in Heaven."


          • #6
            All. The. Time.

            I've had people get angry and start yelling after telling them that well, no, we're not actually hiring, and since I'm not hiring I'm not even LOOKING at applications at the moment.

            And then I have to tell them, not unkindly, that yelling at the guy who will, ultimately, decide whether or not to hire them is, to be Christian about it, stupid.
            I have a map of the world. It's actual size.

            -- Steven Wright


            • #7
              Well i have found to do a personal show-up once a week is really good for getting a job... and that phone-calls only work after i have talked to some ppl


              • #8
                One or two follow ups is okay, but after that, you're going from being attractively inquisitive to downright annoying.

                Sad thing is when I was younger and going job hunting, my mother required that I continually hound places I was applying to, either going there or calling them every single day.

                I explained to her that this would only piss off the very people that would review my application, but noooo...she kept "encouraging" me to the point that she would force me to call them with her watching, because otherwise I was being "lazy."

                Funny how when I got out onto my own I suddenly became much more adept at finding employment.

