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  • EWWWWWWW!!!!

    Just one tonight....

    I strolled over to the bathroom to turn off the light and shut the door... cause the fan drives me batty. and I see a pair of boxer briefs in the trash can.

    Now I am thinking some one stole a pair of new ones and ditched their old ones. So I call LP to come and get them.

    LP shows up with gloves and a trash bag and walks into the bathroom. He comes back out looking green.
    Apparently someone just couldn't hold it no more. The inside of that trash can around were the undies were was a veritable SHIT storm.
    I mean, I know there are times/conditions when you just cant stop what is going to happen. But it doesn't make it any less gross.

    The most disgusting part to me was that these were adult boxer briefs. It wasn't some little kid, it was an adult... and I just find that icky. Specially the part where they couldn't at least cover it up in paper towels or something, they just left it sitting there in plain view of everyone.
    "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

  • #2
    Trust me adults, teens, and kids all still shit their pants. Maybe the dude has some kind of stomach issue like IBS or maybe he had food poisoning. Atleast he got it into the trash and not on the floor right? That still sucks maybe the guy could have mentioned what was in there or offered to take it out himself? Even a phone call if he was embarassed, I know I would have been.

    Maybe no towels because he maybe worried that someone would just stick their hands in and maybe if they saw the horror infront of them that it would be better? I'm not defending what happened but (pardon the pun) shit happens regardless of age.

    And kudos to your LP (by the way what does LP stand for?) , I don't think I could have handled that storm and not thrown up. As far as in the plain view of the public--maybe he was so sick that he just ditched them and ran for it?

    But yeah I get the major ick factor.


    • #3
      LP = Loss Prevention


      • #4
        shit happens

        Many years ago I had severe problems with my thyroid and my digestive track. I was eating lunch with a friend at a chinese buffet when the urge hit me. I did not make it to the toilet. We had to leave quickly. It was not a happy day.


        • #5
          I have to agree with Anakah. I have ulcerative colitis, and sometimes you litterally get a 10 second warning. Thankfully I have never had an accident when I was in public, but several years ago when I was still in college I was walking back to my apartment it suddenly hit me and I knew I was not going to make it to the apartment. Turned out I was wrong. I made it to the living room.

          Thats when I realized there was something seriously wrong. When I went to the doctor, he said there are people out there with UC that have some horror stories that would put mine to shame. I believe him. I mean I can't imagine if I had UC in high school and had an accident.


          • #6
            LP= loss prevention.. or LPO= loss prevention officer.. you are now "in the loop"


            • #7
              Reminds me of a nice day as a housekeeper.

              I came to the house that day to find a trail of poo from the bedroom to the bathroom, and a pair of boxers in the sink.

              I try to do something about it, but in the back of my mind I realized that I'm not paid for this kind of thing.

              The 50 year-old man had MS, and he was caring for his elderly father, who was in the mid-stages of senility.

              Before the poo thing happened, the younger man had an MS "event," where he just couldn't move. The older man pleaded with me to help him to his bed, and I just couldn't say no. But he was over 6 feet tall, and well-built. I knew I was outmatched.

              I had to call it in, and the company recommended some in-home health care. I was not equipped to deal with these potential emergencies.

              Eventually they got a health-care worker, and someone else resumed the light housekeeping that I had been doing. I got assigned to a different client in the meantime.


              • #8
                I remember reading a post on a forum years ago, the title of the thread was "worst dates ever"

                I don't remember the whole story, but the jist was guy and girl on blind date, meeting with couple that set them up.

                Girl is tearing into her food at a rapid pace, then suddenly farts loudly. Turns red, excuses herself. After 1/2 hour or so the other girl goes into the bathroom to find some poo stained ladies underroos on the floor, but nothing else.

                I have a friend with colitis and when we went on vacation with them there were times were we had to get back "right now" so I can understand, but man I would have tried to make it less obvious.


                • #9
                  Quoth Red_Dazes View Post
                  LP shows up with gloves and a trash bag and walks into the bathroom. He comes back out looking green.
                  Apparently someone just couldn't hold it no more.
                  I completely understand how certain conditions can make it necessary to go right now, but there wasn't any excuse for the "bodily waste" to be in the trashcan with the undies. They were already in the bathroom, literally right next to the toilet!

                  Annnnnd this is where I wake up and remember what website I'm on!


                  • #10
                    Quoth Red Hand of Ulster View Post
                    I completely understand how certain conditions can make it necessary to go right now, but there wasn't any excuse for the "bodily waste" to be in the trashcan with the undies. They were already in the bathroom, literally right next to the toilet!

                    Annnnnd this is where I wake up and remember what website I'm on!
                    Ahh, but just because the soiled under garments ended up in the bathroom trashcan doesn't mean they were soiled in the bathroom. The bathroom is just the most logical place to take care of soiled unmentionables. Lets be honest, you just crapped your pants. Are you really going to scoop it into the toilet, or are you going to try to contain it where it already is and put the entire mess in one place?


                    • #11
             least it was in the bathroom and not the fitting room.
                      Kangaroo Squee!


                      • #12
                        T minus

                        Quoth Terl1982 View Post
                        I have to agree with Anakah. I have ulcerative colitis, and sometimes you litterally get a 10 second warning. Thankfully I have never had an accident when I was in public, but several years ago when I was still in college I was walking back to my apartment it suddenly hit me and I knew I was not going to make it to the apartment. Turned out I was wrong. I made it to the living room.

                        Thats when I realized there was something seriously wrong. When I went to the doctor, he said there are people out there with UC that have some horror stories that would put mine to shame. I believe him. I mean I can't imagine if I had UC in high school and had an accident.
                        "A 10 second warning" Damn. That a countdown I wouldn't want to be anywhere near.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Digitalpotato View Post
                 least it was in the bathroom and not the fitting room.
                          I've found grosser things in the Fitting room... Like a "poo" corner...or a bag of pee... *shudders*
                          "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


                          • #14
                            Quoth Red_Dazes View Post
                            I've found grosser things in the Fitting room... Like a "poo" corner...or a bag of pee... *shudders*
                            A bag of pee? You mean they couldn't pretend to be throwing something in the bin and put it there? That is quite strange, I could maybe understand a pee stain or wet patch, but an actual bag? They took the time to bag it but couldn't go to the bathroom, that person needs to see someone...
                            Began work Aug as casual '08
                            Ex-coworkers from current place of work: 26ish
                            Current co-workers at current place of work: 15ish - yes he just hired 3 more casuals
                            Why do I still work there again?


                            • #15
                              Quoth Stryker One View Post
                              "A 10 second warning" Damn. That a countdown I wouldn't want to be anywhere near.
                              Yeah... that is what ppl with crohn's/colitis have ot deal with when they are flared up. As i have mentioned before i have crohn's... i also love to take road trips... these 2 things do not mix well. i don't know how many times i have had to find a secluded highway in the middle of nowhere and drop trow... while at the same time making sure not to kneel in poison ivy and keeping an eye out for potential dangerous animals/bugs.
                              Also... there has been a couple of times when in public i haven't been able to make it to the head. Though luckily i was able to conceal the fact that i had just crapped my pants as i was making a bee-line for a place to change.
                              That being said. those times that i have had to ditch the underwear... it is always wrapped up and concealed as well as i can make it before vigorously washing my hands.

