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Bitch played the cancer card.. Long ranty

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  • Bitch played the cancer card.. Long ranty

    I will sometimes get people playing the race card every now and then at work in regards to some customer service issue but last night I had someone playing the Chemo Card... a new one on me.

    A little background. It's Mothers Day week, the second most insane busy week in the florist industry outside of Valentines Day week. We have oodles of temps working who don't exactly always know what they're doing, meaning I'm getting some customer services issues that could have been prevented had the temp had any real understanding of how our company works. I fault management for not properly training the temps.

    Usually when you explain to the customer that the first person they dealt with was new and still trying to learn the ropes but that you've worked there X number of years and know exactly how to do this or that, or adequately explain what happened most people calm right down.

    And I've gotten good at being sympathetic and nice, which really defuses the situation. Unforch every now and again you run into a rat fuck crazy cake situation with someone who refuses to be calmed down or helped no matter how much you explain what happened and what the outcome will be. I had one of those last night and it snowballed, ending up with my direct supervisor spazzing out on me and screaming and ranting.

    A lady called last night upset that her order was canceled and scheduled for refund. Not an unusual situation. You get an order going to Bugtussle Iowa or Butttoocold, Alaska where there is exactly one florist who's swamped there's not much you can do. We call the sender back usually within an hour of ordering and let them know we're refunding the money because we cannot get the flowers out. We take pains to do it very quickly so that the sender can make other arrangements. Pretty cut and dried, right?

    Cancer Lady had spoken to the supervisor of CS about her order not being able to be delivered, got nasty with her and demanded someone higher up. CS Super transferred her to the operational supervisor and they apparently proceeded to get into a shouting match. Cancer Lady is demanding we don't refund her money and we get the flowers out asap, refusing to accept that there is no florist available to do the delivery in the middle of nowhere for 40 miles. She is insisting that we get that out.

    OS hangs up on her after twenty minutes or so and then I get her. She refuses to tell me her name beyond a last name, refuses to give me an order number or any identifying information so I can actually pull up her order details to discuss it. Every sentence starts with "I have cancer and am on chemotherapy and your company is making that much MUCH more difficult to deal with." She demands to talk to the VP and gets very rude once I tell her that no, I am not transferring her over to management, that if she wants to contact them I'd be more than happy to give her their email addresses. She goes into a twenty minute rant demanding we not refund her money, I transfer to her to someone who've I've explained many times is in a meeting, that we deliver her flowers immediately and that someone fire the OS for rudeness. I let her ramble for awhile before cutting her off and telling her that I'll pass her number onto the VP. She starts to say for the millionth time about her chemo and we're physically harming her and I tell her "Well guess what ma'am. I have been on chemo for the last ELEVEN months.." and I let it hang right there..... and she shuts the fuck up about her cancer and chemo, not one more mention the rest of the convo.... HA!

    I finally get her to hang up after promising I'll pass her phone number over to the Vp when she comes out of her meeting but warning her I cannot promise when or if the VP will return her call. I go to touch base with the OS and tell her I'm going to message the VP about this cancerous twatwaffle when she flips out on me and acts like I've sided with the Sucky Cancer Lady over her. Very awkward because I hadn't, I'd only explained her options, listened to her rant and taken down her name and number. i still don't know what the OS, who I consider a good friend, who trained me when I came to work there, was flipping out about.

    Decided not to take OS flipout personally, just sit back down and do my job. An hour later on the electronic message board I see a note from the OS listening Crazy Cancer Patient's phone number and name asking that no one discuss her order with her over the phone. Apparently she is calling over and over and over again and playing her Chemo Card...
    "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh

  • #2
    I had cancer last summer. (I had surgery to remove a very malignant tumor, and, so far, there's no evidence that it spread anywhere before it was cut out.) I never even thought to try to "play the cancer card" to get something I probably don't deserve.

    What sort of discounts or freebies am I missing?

    Seriously, though, that's low. Most of the other cancer patients I've met during my treatment and tests have been nothing but nice. They may be in pain and under stress, but, with the exception of one particularly grouchy old man, they've all still managed to smile, exchange pleasantries, and make conversation.

    Newsflash for Cancer Lady: You don't get sympathy when you demand it. At least, not real sympathy.

    Quoth calulu View Post
    Pretty cut and dried, right?
    Thank you for getting that phrase right. Nobody I know offline ever believes me when I tell them that it's not "cut and dry."
    I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
    - Bill Watterson

    My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
    - IPF


    • #3
      Wow, that's a new low in suckiness. My friend was initially diagnosed with cancer 6 years ago, was free of it for a while until it returned late last year. A few months ago she had a double masectomy and is currently cancer free. On top of that while she was on leave for her surgery her father suddenly got sick and passed on. She never played that card at all nor has anyone I've known with cancer. People like that despicable bitch disgust me.
      I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
      Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
      Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


      • #4
        I don't have cancer, I get low dose chemo to keep my immune system/asthma in check but I have had cancer and as a former cancer sufferer I just could not wrap my brain around the fact that she was trying to use her illness to get the impossible to happen. No one I've ever known with a serious illness tries that crap! I only mentioned my own chemo to make her shut up and it was effective.
        "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


        • #5
          I'm not sure I'd have been as nice. After watching a good friend, plus my grandfather die from cancer...I'm sure I'd have told her to "bugger off" when the Chemo Card was played
          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


          • #6
            My best friend just got done w/ chemo and the closes thing to the cancer card she played was when bill collectors kept calling at 3, 4, and 5 AM "Damnit you people stop calling at 3 in the morning! I have cancer and am on chemo I NEED MY SLEEP!"


            • #7
              I used to get the "I have cancer" line in my old job. I worked for a company that sold whitegoods/browngoods I lost count of amount of times I had customers demand I get an Airconditioner fixed same day (in mid summer) becuase *family member X* was dying of cancer.

              Got hit with the same line about 5 times in one day and finally snapped telling the customer: "A/C does not cure cancer, we'll get there when we get there" Probably shouldnt have said that, but really hate it when people try to pull guilt trips on you. Luckily my boss didnt chew me out too bad for it.
              "When did you get a gold plated toilet?"
              "We don't have a gold plated toilet"
              "Oh dear, I think I just peed in your Tuba"

              -Jasper Fforde


              • #8
                I could see using that or similiar lines in certain situations. Like a pregnant woman on the bus (but seriously, who is not standing up for a pregnant woman? Those people should be shot.)

                But ordering flowers over the phone is not a situation where that line does anything at all.
                Melody Gardot


                • #9
                  Quoth calulu View Post
                  "I have cancer and am on chemotherapy and your company is making that much MUCH more difficult to deal with." .

                  She starts to say for the millionth time about her chemo and we're physically harming her ...
                  I would find it incredibly difficult to not tell her that the company is not doing's her who is doing it to herself.
                  "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                  • #10
                    Quoth raw456 View Post

                    Got hit with the same line about 5 times in one day and finally snapped telling the customer: "A/C does not cure cancer, we'll get there when we get there" Probably shouldnt have said that, but really hate it when people try to pull guilt trips on you. Luckily my boss didnt chew me out too bad for it.
                    It may not cure cancer, but believe me, when you are on chemo any small bit of comfort goes a long way to making you feel better. I suffered chemo with no air conditioning, on a 95 degree day I ended up in the bottom floor of the barn laying on bare cement trying to cool off. I ended up getting my doctor to check me into the hospital because I couldnt control my body temperature and keep from running 5+ degrees of temp.

                    I am not looking forward to chemo again if it turns out the mystery lump is not benign.
                    EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                    • #11
                      You have my sympathies! After my latest bout of chemo I lost the ability to regulate my body temps well so I have to stay indoors in the air conditioning on days above 95 degrees. Really hard because I love gardening.

                      One thing I find that helps with the chemo and hot temps thing is to keep a container of Utterly Smooth Shea Butter Cream in the freezer and rub it on my feet when I get overheated and get neuropathy in the feet from the chemo. Cools you down quickly and makes those pesky pains go away.
                      "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


                      • #12
                        Quoth calulu View Post
                        You have my sympathies! After my latest bout of chemo I lost the ability to regulate my body temps well so I have to stay indoors in the air conditioning on days above 95 degrees. Really hard because I love gardening.

                        One thing I find that helps with the chemo and hot temps thing is to keep a container of Utterly Smooth Shea Butter Cream in the freezer and rub it on my feet when I get overheated and get neuropathy in the feet from the chemo. Cools you down quickly and makes those pesky pains go away.
                        my hot weather coping mechanism ended up being ice cold showers, ice water, ice cold grapes, mandarin orange segments, water melon for keeping hydrated, candied ginger for nausea along with the dread phenergan suppository, and a freezer gel 'ice brace' for a leg that fit unfolded on the chairback. We got an in the window air conditioner on Rob's next paychek and life was more comfortable after that. Im getting ready just in case, stocked up on premade diet jello, canned mandarine orange segments, candied ginger [well i keep that around, i love to bake]

                        Did they try neurotin for the neuropathy?

                        Lush cosmetics makes these great facial sprays, i have a tea tree one I keep in the fridge =) I still have some residual heat issues ...
                        EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                        • #13
                          I love my mother to death and her going through chemo for her breast cancer was probably one of the hardest things I've had to deal with.

                          That being said, I did start to worry when she started hinting to people about her cancer in order to get free stuff. She even pulled the cancer card once when the hotel she was staying at for her father's funeral messed up her hotel room. I understood the situation was stressful, but from the way she described it, she could have handled herself better. I told her as much, too, although I don't think it got through to her.

                          It's not easy, but that woman could have conducted herself much better.
                          It's like the people in Vegas who have sex in video-monitored elevators.. -MoxisPilot
                          The elevators are monitored?!!! OH CRAP!!! -Sheldonrs


                          • #14
                            Quoth calulu View Post
                            I"I have cancer and am on chemotherapy and your company is making that much MUCH more difficult to deal with."
                            umm.. and spending all this extra energy screaming and complaining and making yourself more and more upset over this - instead of accepting it and calling another florist - helps you in anyway?

                            My mom had months of chemo before she finally passed - she wouldn't have had the ENERGY to go on and on like this - though she wouldn't have done so when she was in good health either!

                            Though I do realize there are differant types of chemo and some may not be a draining as others.

                            I have had guests try the "cancer card" with me... though most of them didn't have cancer. (raises a flag if the first thing you say is "i'm not a crackhead - I have cancer.)


                            • #15
                              Quoth AccountingDrone View Post
                              Lush cosmetics makes these great facial sprays, i have a tea tree one I keep in the fridge =) I still have some residual heat issues ...
                              I was just going to recommend tea tree oil body wash for you guys - it seems to make a noticable difference in comfort level.
                              sorry, OT

