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Enemy At The Gate

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  • Enemy At The Gate

    An early week update, as was prophesied. Warn me if I hit a duplicate though. Not sure what I missed and what I posted and I'm too tired to sort it out ;p

    More and more crazies are discovering our building lobby and intercom... ><

    I Call Her Venus
    ( We have a security camera system so I can watch out front ;p )

    Around 5am, some weird guy wandered up to the front door and peered lustfully inside at one of the potted plants for quite some time before wandering off. I'm not exactly sure what it was about our plant life that tugged at his heart and warmed his loins, but it brought him all the way in from to street to peer through the glass. I mean, dude, what the hell? It's just a plant. I mean, sure it has soft, leafy curves and those long, thin stems...and those pert, perky little bud-er I mean, dude. Seriously. It's just a plant.


    SC: “Yeah, I’m calling about the 2 bedroom?”
    Me: “Hmm, ok, well, this is the afterhours service for <rental company>-"
    SC: “Oh, sorry, sorry. I’ll call back in the morning. I didn’t know this would go to a business.”

    You…didn’t think this would go to a business? That implies you were expecting, and completely ok with, calling up someone at 3am on their personal line to ask about a 2 bedroom rental? I….fail to grasp how you could possibly conceive of this being a good idea? Oh man, I was totally expecting to wake someone up in the middle of the night with my rampant stupidity so I could ask them if they’d let me move in! I didn’t think I was calling a business though, I’m so sorry for disturbing you!


    Me: “Good evening-"
    SC: “I’M SO GOOOOOO~<click>”

    Wait! Come back! You’re so what? Don’t just leave me hanging like that. You’re so good? You’re so gone? You’re so gopher? What is it?! Why must you be such a tease? Now I’ll spend the rest of the night, brow furrowed in contemplation as I try to unravel this devious mystery you have left lodged my heart.


    SC: “Um, I ordered a hoodie last week. It was………uhh…….errrrr”

    Easy there, lass, don’t strain yourself. Why, it’s amazing you can even remember last week to begin with. I would have thought it’d just have been a haze of empty paint cans, beer bottles, pink elephants and nacho cheese dust. You should just take it easy and be proud of yourself that you even remembered you placed an order at all. Heck, you’ll likely forget even that by tomorrow. Than when it finally does arrive it’ll be just like Christmas!

    Oh, Right.

    SC: “Where are you located?”
    Me: “We're in BC, personally. But this is only the head office, we cover all of Canada”
    SC: “Oooh, I use to live in Vancouver. 20 years!”
    Me: “…..?”
    SC: “….I was just trying to make conversation”

    ......oooooooh, ok. I see. You mistook me for someone that actually gives a fuck. Right, don't worry about it. Happens all the time!

    Crisis Averted

    SC: “I juz wanna know how much it is. Cus I’ll jus buy an I’z put it on mah self”
    Me: “I’m afraid we don’t sell it directly, it must be installed by a professional.”
    SC: “Oh…..daz bad.”

    Bad? Honestly, in this case I’d say it’s rather good. In fact I probably just saved your life. I mean, don’t take this the wrong way, but I’ve only been speaking with you for about 45 seconds and I can already determine that if left unsupervised with a hammer and nails you'd be dead, blind or sterile inside of an hour. You should be thanking me.

    Red Alert

    Me: “Can I help you?”
    SC: “Ok.”

    …….ok…and what? That was not a valid answer. Please readjust your response so that it falls within the spectrum of “Yes” or “No” and we shall be able to proceed.

    Me: “Alright, are you in the US or Canada?”
    SC: “We’re in the 7th concession of Arkgula”

    ...right. Perhaps my question was a tad too specific. What galactic quadrant are you in again? Also, you do realize that the tiling you're trying to order is likely very poor by your technological standards? I don’t want to get an angry call back 6 months from now from you raving about how “puny Earth creature squares” began leaking after you hit warp 4.

    Me: “And your postal code please?”
    SC: “Mah postal cord iz-“

    Cripes, you are in another world, aren’t you?

    Me: “Alright, and have you ever ordered from us before?”
    SC: “3601”
    Me: “…..pardon?”
    SC: “360101”

    …..I…don’t understand. Is that the frequency I must modulate my shields too in order to receive the proper response?

    Enemy At The Gate

    An odd, possibly somewhat deranged gentleman rang our intercom this evening and asked, of course, for a room. Because this completely unmarked building with no visible front desk clearly provides accommodations. I attempted to explain this was not a hotel. He countered with he wasn’t really looking for a hotel…..So I can only assume he’s just wandering around to every building downtown asking if he can come in and just sort of hang out or something I guess. Alrighty. I also attempted to explain that this was not any form of apartment building or dwelling either. He countered that basically we should let him come in and hang out because he “fought for our freedom”.

    Interesting argument. But somehow just not quite compelling enough for me to consent to let some random nutjob into my place of work so he can hang out and sleep in a cubicle and possibly knife <coworker> while I’m on break. It’d be <coworker> too, because I’m much more wary from years of working graveyard shifts downtown than he is. I can smell the crazy. He can’t yet. He’s still naïve and untrained. Serial killers always know who’s the easiest and go after them first so they can stretch the movie out for the full 90 minutes. I’d make it at least halfway through the movie and probably perish doing something that allowed the main characters to escape. But <coworker> is more like that girl that gets stabbed in the shower 10 minutes in while singing "Kokomo".

    Our would be serial killer lurked around front for another 5 minutes or so mumbling to himself before he finally wandered off, I assume, in search of other victims.


    SC: “Yeah, you guys have a 1 bedroom for rent?”

    Do we? I wouldn’t know, because it’s midnight and the office closed some odd 8 hours again. So obviously this is the best time to be attempting to appeal to potential landlords. Why hello! Yes, I know its past midnight and you and your family are probably sleeping, but I would like to rent living space from you! Heck, you know what? I’ll just come down there and ring your intercom and ask if I can just sort of come in and hang out with you guys? Maybe sniff your underwear? No? Ah well.

    ( Different line )

    “Yeah, you guys have a 1 bedroom for rent?”

    … again. Ok, look, seriously dude this is not the best time to be calling around looking for a rental. Even if you did manage to get a hold of someone I’m sure they would verbally, oh, what’s the term….tear you a structurally superfluous new behind? Yeah, there we go.

    ( Another different line... )

    “Yeah, you guys have a 1 bedroom for rent?”

    ….right, ok. Seriously. Since you can’t seem to desperately clutch onto to this little piece of common courtesy of your own accord allow me to spell it out properly: It’s impolite to randomly call people after fucking midnight over a rental ad. Let alone anything else short of “Hey, this is Bob next door. Did you notice your garage is on fire and your wife is going down on a goat on the hood of your new truck?” really.


    Me: “Are you calling to place an order?”
    SC: “Maybe”

    Incorrect. What I laid ever so gently upon your platter was a yes or no question. “Maybe” is an invalid answer. If you are locked in an fervent struggle with the great maw beast that is indecision than please do not bother picking up the phone until after you have driven a righteous blade through its dark heart.

    Alrighty than

    SC: “Well I’m in and out all the time so I might not be here to answer”
    Me: “Ok-“
    SC: “an’ I don’t have a wife so there’s no one here to get the phone”
    Me: “..Alright”
    SC: “So she wouldn’t be here to answer when you call.”

    ….no, no she wouldn’t. Because she doesn’t exist. You’re a very lonely man, aren’t you? Do you want the number to eHarmony or something? I can’t really vouch for them or anything, but according to the commercials they’ve successfully matched the same couple at least 3 times now. So they must be doing something right.

    I now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

  • #2
    I feel so bad for you, GK, but I can't help but laugh.


    • #3
      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
      ( Another different line... )

      “Yeah, you guys have a 1 bedroom for rent?”

      ….right, ok. Seriously. Since you can’t seem to desperately clutch onto to this little piece of common courtesy of your own accord allow me to spell it out properly: It’s impolite to randomly call people after fucking midnight over a rental ad. Let alone anything else short of “Hey, this is Bob next door. Did you notice your garage is on fire and your wife is going down on a goat on the hood of your new truck?” really.
      God, GK. why can't I have your gift of colorful quotes?
      Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


      • #4
        Quoth ralerin View Post
        God, GK. why can't I have your gift of colorful quotes?
        Because he is GK and we are just the lowly beings that bask in his divine light?

        On the other hand, I wouldn't want to have his motivation for said colorful quotes.
        My NaNo page

        My author blog


        • #5
          Someday, I too shall complete the bizarre ritualistic training required to write like the Gravekeeper! Someday...

          I'm imagining little lead-weighted pencils. Or a keyboard hooked up to a timer and a tazer.
          Last edited by Ree; 05-12-2009, 10:50 PM.


          • #6
            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

            Enemy At The Gate

            An odd, possibly somewhat deranged gentleman rang our intercom this evening and asked, of course, for a room. Because this completely unmarked building with no visible front desk clearly provides accommodations. I attempted to explain this was not a hotel. He countered with he wasn’t really looking for a hotel…..So I can only assume he’s just wandering around to every building downtown asking if he can come in and just sort of hang out or something I guess. Alrighty. I also attempted to explain that this was not any form of apartment building or dwelling either. He countered that basically we should let him come in and hang out because he “fought for our freedom”.

            Interesting argument. But somehow just not quite compelling enough for me to consent to let some random nutjob into my place of work so he can hang out and sleep in a cubicle and possibly knife <coworker> while I’m on break. It’d be <coworker> too, because I’m much more wary from years of working graveyard shifts downtown than he is. I can smell the crazy. He can’t yet. He’s still naïve and untrained. Serial killers always know who’s the easiest and go after them first so they can stretch the movie out for the full 90 minutes. I’d make it at least halfway through the movie and probably perish doing something that allowed the main characters to escape. But <coworker> is more like that girl that gets stabbed in the shower 10 minutes in while singing "Kokomo".

            Our would be serial killer lurked around front for another 5 minutes or so mumbling to himself before he finally wandered off, I assume, in search of other victims.

            Actually, you're the slightly-crazy guy everyone starts out trusting, but end up suspecting as being the killer, driven mad from years of idiocy on the phone lines. You will struggle to convince them of your innocence, and be stabbed from behind through the gut with a car antenna while pleading your case.

            They will finally know you are not the killer.
            "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


            • #7
              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
              Seriously. Since you can’t seem to desperately clutch onto to this little piece of common courtesy of your own accord allow me to spell it out properly: It’s impolite to randomly call people after fucking midnight over a rental ad. Let alone anything else short of “Hey, this is Bob next door. Did you notice your garage is on fire and your wife is going down on a goat on the hood of your new truck?” really.
              I admit I'm curious as to where he comes up with these quotes. Creative mind? Really warped childhood? Asbestos at the work place?
              Be a winner today: Pick a fight with a 4 year old.


              • #8
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                Me: “Good evening-"
                SC: “I’M SO GOOOOOO~<click>”

                Wait! Come back! You’re so what? Don’t just leave me hanging like that. You’re so good? You’re so gone? You’re so gopher?


                • #9
                  Quoth HorrorFrogPrincess View Post
                  Actually, you're the slightly-crazy guy everyone starts out trusting, but end up suspecting as being the killer, driven mad from years of idiocy on the phone lines. You will struggle to convince them of your innocence, and be stabbed from behind through the gut with a car antenna while pleading your case.

                  They will finally eventually know you are not the killer....
                  ...the antenna was merely a ploy to try to lead the authorities astray...

                  Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                  • #10
                    Once again, the giggles just keep coming! You truly have a way with words, my friend. It really must suck for you to know so many laugh at your pain on a regular basis.

                    (Just kidding, btw ... we all know you love it!)
                    "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


                    • #11
                      GK, at my old job we'd sit by the window and set off our car alarms every time the crazies would wander too close. I know you don't drive to work, but perhaps you could find a similar way to screw with those who try to obtain access to your lobby. Like when answering the intercom, just let out a high-pitched squeal or something?
                      "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

                      ...Beware the voice without a face...


                      • #12
                        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                        Bad? Honestly, in this case I’d say it’s rather good. In fact I probably just saved your life. I mean, don’t take this the wrong way, but I’ve only been speaking with you for about 45 seconds and I can already determine that if left unsupervised with a hammer and nails you'd be dead, blind or sterile inside of an hour.
                        Bearing in mind the probable outcomes of such an act, I can only ask Why? didn't you sell it to him...? Would certainly reduce the idiocy you deal with, or at least prevent it from being passed on...
                        A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                        • #13
                          Quoth HorrorFrogPrincess View Post
                          You will struggle to convince them of your innocence, and be stabbed from behind through the gut with a car antenna while pleading your case.

                          They will finally know you are not the killer.
                          Sadly, that's probably much more accurate.

                          Quoth Alpha Strike View Post
                          I admit I'm curious as to where he comes up with these quotes. Creative mind? Really warped childhood? Asbestos at the work place?
                          Disturbingly enough: Runs in the family.

                          Quoth NightWatch View Post
                          Like when answering the intercom, just let out a high-pitched squeal or something?
                          Tempting. Very tempting. If its not busy I usually have a 5 minute rule. If you lurk around the front for more than 5 minutes I ask wtf you're doing over the intercom. Usually makes them jump. ;p

                          Its just that recently they discovered the button to buzz the intercom to start with.


                          • #14
                            Quoth NightWatch View Post
                            GK, at my old job we'd sit by the window and set off our car alarms every time the crazies would wander too close.

                            At my last job, the smokers would use the hoods of nearby cars as their lunch tables. I took offense to them using my truck as a portable table. I'd eat my lunch inside the building, and if some genius tried putting their 44-oz soda on my hood, the alarm would mysteriously sound. We got great enjoyment watching them try it again & again......sure said alot for the intelligence of my former co-irkers.
                            That is so full of suck Dyson doesn't know how they did it - shankyknitter


                            • #15
                              This post is totally Star Trek XI.

                              Seriously, go watch it.
                              Melody Gardot

