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shoplifter extraordinaire

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  • shoplifter extraordinaire

    my mom owns a boutique that is in a center with a bunch of other boutiques and restaurants.

    Anyways, it was about an hour to closing and her employees had already gone home, and this was saturday, the day before mother's day.

    My mom is helping customers and she sees this lady, SS (Sucky Shoplifter) holding a few clothing items and grabbed a bottle of lotion that costs about 50$ (it's nice stuff and it was a rather large bottle of it too), SS then takes her merchandise into the dressing room. When she comes out of the dressing room she hands over the clothes, but my mom notices she no longer has the lotion so she says, did you want to buy the *** lotion, and the lady says something like oh i never had it, or something that didn't exactly fit and sounded suspicious, then SS turns to head to the door and my mom sees her bottle of lotion in SS's bag of merchandise from another store that is see-through
    my mom calls out to her, miss i thinkyou have my lotion in your bag, , and SS says oh, no i bought that somewhere else, and my mom says i'm going to need to see a reciept,
    SS cannot procure a receipt but keeps insisting she bought it somewhere else
    So my mom says, look, i know that that is my lotion, no one else here sells it, if you return it now, i won't have to take this further, implying calling the authorities
    so the lady says, i'm sorry, and places it on the counter and leaves

    also, forgot to mention, my mom thought it was suspicious she brought lotion into the dressing room, so she checked inventory real quick on the computer compared to the bottles on the shelf, and she was missing one

    when i went to go pick her up from work, she was shaking and started to cry while telling me this... This is the second shoplifter she's caught since opening two years ago (several others that were not caught, including ex-employee!!)
    i just can't believe people would do something like this!
    sex is like pizza. Even when it's bad, it's still pretty good. - Kusanagi

  • #2
    Shoplifters are an unnessecary evil. Even with loss prevention our store still manages to lose money, but at least I can have piece of mind knowing that it's a part of a large corporation that likely won't close down anytime soon.

    It sucks worse for people who own their own stores, when every sale can mean the difference between staying open and closing.

    I'm really sorry for your mother and having to go through with that.

    Wish her a happy belated Mother's Day from me, will you.


    • #3
      *Gives your mom a big bag of lindts chocolates and a hug* I'm sorry she had to go through that! I HATE shoplifters. It's like...really? You can't buy that pregnancy test yourself? (Seriously pregger tests and condoms are the two biggest things shoplifted at my store..or the eighty nine cent candy bars!!)


      • #4
        Reminds me of the time when I worked at CompUSA back in '98.. and 10 (yes, ten) empty boxes of US Robotics Internal 56k Modems were found behind merchandise across various aisles. Back then, those modems were $150 apiece.
        Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.


        • #5
          and yeah... i can't even wrap my mind around why people would try to steal the oddest things..
          she gets a lot of people stealing/trying to steal underwear, or pajamas..... i mean.. really??
          sex is like pizza. Even when it's bad, it's still pretty good. - Kusanagi


          • #6
            Quoth bookishfreak View Post
            *Gives your mom a big bag of lindts chocolates and a hug* I'm sorry she had to go through that! I HATE shoplifters. It's like...really? You can't buy that pregnancy test yourself? (Seriously pregger tests and condoms are the two biggest things shoplifted at my store..or the eighty nine cent candy bars!!)
            We were getting ripped off so much on pregnancy tests and condoms that I had to move all of them to behind the kiosk up front and put handwritten signs up on the shelf informing customers that they would have to ask for those items at the register.

            How many actually read those signs under each individual tag? NONE. They always come up to the front or if I'm on the aisle, they'll ask me where they are and I'll have to tell them to get them from the register.

            At least we're not having any stolen now.

            Shoplifters suck big time.

            BTW, loveisuneven, give your Mom a hug from me and her favorite drink. Sounds like she can use it.
            Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


            • #7

              Funny, if a woman steals lotion, it's kinda weird. If a guy steals lotion, it's just sad.
              Last edited by MadMike; 05-14-2009, 02:25 AM. Reason: Please don't quote the entire post. We've already read it.


              • #8
                Now, if she'd been stealing a vibrator AND lotion, that would be hilarious!

                Had a girl in one of my stores get caught doing that once. She swore she had only taken it out of the box to 'look at it.' Yeeeeaaah, and that's why you were hiding the box behind the other stuff on the shelves.

                I almost felt bad for her though, because she was with her grandmother who burst-out crying when the police came...
                "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


                • #9
                  Quoth bookishfreak View Post
                  *Gives your mom a big bag of lindts chocolates and a hug* I'm sorry she had to go through that! I HATE shoplifters. It's like...really? You can't buy that pregnancy test yourself? (Seriously pregger tests and condoms are the two biggest things shoplifted at my store..or the eighty nine cent candy bars!!)
                  What boggles my mind about this is a lot of Planned Parenthood places will not only give you a pregnancy test and condoms for free (in Florida, at least), but do it with complete anonymity.
                  "Do not quibble with me over apostrophes. I have my shit together when it comes to apostrophes." - BookBint


                  • #10
                    Quoth NateTheChops View Post
                    It sucks worse for people who own their own stores, when every sale can mean the difference between staying open and closing.
                    In one of the more "interesting" parts of Pittsburgh, a grocery store closed for that reason. They were simply losing too much product to theft, and got tired of it. Well, that and being robbed *multiple* times So now the neighborhood has no grocery store, and residents are pissed because they now have to take a bus (or drive) just to get food. Pissed, in part, because *they* caused the problem, and now they have to deal with it.
                    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                    • #11
                      the dressing room thing is a really common way for shoplifters to get away with stuff but a lot of places check now. dumb criminals 101.


                      • #12
                        Rule #1) Only clothing to be tried on is ever allowed inside the dressing rooms.

                        There is no legitimate need for a person to take unpurchased lotion into a dressing room.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          Quoth protege View Post
                          In one of the more "interesting" parts of Pittsburgh, a grocery store closed for that reason. They were simply losing too much product to theft, and got tired of it. Well, that and being robbed *multiple* times So now the neighborhood has no grocery store, and residents are pissed because they now have to take a bus (or drive) just to get food. Pissed, in part, because *they* caused the problem, and now they have to deal with it.
                          You just described the neighborhood up the road from me where the old WD store was that I started out at years ago . . .

                          While there were no robberies during the 8 1/2 years I worked there, the owner of the variety store next door to us was robbed and shot at gunpoint outside in the parking lot less than an hour before we were scheduled to close.

                          Needless to say, we closed for the night right then. The MOD wasn't taking any chances.

                          Even funnier was after the area had found out about the impending store closing, they contacted the local news station and even staged a "protest."

                          How many people came to march with picket signs in front of the main entrance to the shopping center?


                          Yes, six people. Six people out of the dozens that were so upset that we were closing. . .

                          Even the local news showed maybe a 10 second clip of this "protest" and moved onto another story, if that shows you how newsworthy it was.
                          Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

