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I finally got to call the cops!

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  • I finally got to call the cops!

    Backstory: There is a Skate Park just across a field from my coffee shop, and there's always a bunch of kids over there with their bikes, skateboards, etc. Sometimes they come into the shop asking for water. It annoys me, but I give it to them, since I have seen them spend money.

    One day I'm on a closing shift and it's around 5pm when I look out into our parking lot and see some of these little shits doing bmx stunts in our lot. I watch them for a few minutes, thinking they may leave after a minute or two.

    Instead, they find an old piece of dock board in the grass and proceed to set it up as a little ramp, leading into the MIDDLE of our parking lot. They began doing their stunts again. Now I know most people would have just gone out and yelled at them to leave. But here's the thing--these particular kids have been yelled at several times in the past couple months. Mainly for hanging out in the middle of the lot. Either way, they KNEW they shouldn't be doing that shit.

    So I grabbed the phone and called the police. Five minutes later, a cruiser pulls up and the cop has a lengthy "chat" with the kids. He made them disassemble the ramp, and he may have written them some sort of citations for loitering. I'm not too sure, I didn't talk to the cop.

    They finally left, and a few minutes later, so did the cop. I hope it doesn't make me evil that I enjoyed watching that very much so, mwahahaha.

    Sidenote--I have seen cruisers drive through our parking lot a couple times since then, as though they're checking for those kids again.
    Here's your sign...

  • #2
    No, it's not really evil I've had to explain that to kids before. They always respond with "Skateboarding isn't a crime!"

    My usual response: "No, but trespassing is. Have a nice day."


    • #3
      and ... if they fall and break something (like their necks)... if it's private property sometimes you'll get sued for letting it happen.

      pretty much stupid cos they were told to stop in the first place, but sometimes you just have to protect yourselves


      • #4
        What cheek, making the ramp in the way. I hate how some people (kids, homeless, etc) want to change to world (because the world is too uptight, dawg, with all these rules) by by being total idiots.

        and no, you arn't evil for enjoying the show. Evil would be shooting the wheels off the skateboards with a shotgun.
        Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

        Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

        I wish porn had subtitles.


        • #5
          Quoth EmilyRose1982 View Post
          They finally left, and a few minutes later, so did the cop. I hope it doesn't make me evil that I enjoyed watching that very much so, mwahahaha.

          Sidenote--I have seen cruisers drive through our parking lot a couple times since then, as though they're checking for those kids again.
          Nothing illegal, immoral or fattening on your part. The kids were warned repeatedly; they ignored the warning and faced the consequences.
          I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

          Who is John Galt?
          -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


          • #6
            this is a case where stupid needed to meet a sledgehammer, and it was provided. i would have watched the show myself, with a chuckle or two as the kiddies tried ever so hard to convince the cops that they 'weren't doin' nothin' wrong, yo,' and giggled my ass off when they were told to leave and not return.

            am i evil? maybe, but then again, letting these little shits act up and block parking and risk getting us sued if one of them were injured isn't on the schedule either, so evil it is.
            look! it's ghengis khan!
            Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)

