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Crazy Guy (WARNING: Long... with language)

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  • Crazy Guy (WARNING: Long... with language)

    Hey, long time lurker first time poster, sorry if the format is a bit hard to understand. This is a bit of an epic saga so I'll give you some background first.

    I work as a receptionist at a "social club" in Australia, I work nights so I'm used to a lot of drunks/crazies. We have 3 phones for patrons to use, a Taxi Phone, a Pay Phone & a Members Phone (which only takes incoming calls, you can't callout from it). We also have 2 sets of doors as you exit, the first set are just normal doors that you push, there is no-way of locking them, the second set is automatic which we lock about shortly before closing time, I remind all patrons as they exit that they need to press the little white button on their right to open the "automatic" doors.
    (All of this is relevant later btw!)

    The Crazy guy in this story had been in the club many times before and regularly used the pay phone to call people asking for money & lifts home and just generally yelling abuse at whoever happens to be on the other end. He would tend get a bit emotional by the time he left but until recently it was never that serious. He also has a mustache (again, relevant later on).

    A long list of character…
    T: Cashier (co-worker/friend)
    SC: The Crazy Guy
    AM: Awesome Manager
    TM: Tired Manager
    WM: Worried Manager
    SB: Sporty Boy 1 (member of the team we represent)
    HC: Hot Cop

    (yes they are all 3 different managers, I'm trying not to make this too confusing, sorry if I do!)

    Part 1

    T was coming in from her smoke break & told me that she believed some guy on the terrace was yelling abuse at her, he'd yelled out "YOU C*** SUCKING W****!!" but there wasn't really anyone else around. So we figured we'd keep a closer eye on him.

    A short while after he comes out heads towards the taxi phone, I figure he's calling a cab home so I let him be. Then I hear this loud banging sound, I look up to see him at the members phone smashing the receiver down over & over again.

    Me: Sir, please don't break our phones.
    SC: F*** this place!! <continues smashing phone>
    Me: SIR, PLEASE don't break the phones!
    SC: <finally stops> I want to make an f***ing call!
    Me: That is the Members phone, it won't make outgoing calls, however, there is a taxi phone on your right <points> and a pay phone just to your left <points>
    Me : <repeats> there is a taxi phone on your right <points> and a pay phone just to your left <points>
    Me: As I said <again pointing> there is a pay phone just to your left.
    SC: WHERE???!?!?!
    Me: Again, as I said, to you left, the same place I have been pointing this whole time.
    Me being slightly confused as to how he managed to find it EVERY OTHER time he was here but suddenly not now

    So he gets on the phone & starts calling people (It's approx 3AM by this point) I can't help but hear his side of the conversations:

    First call:
    SC: I NEED you man!!
    SC: No not for that… But I NEED you NOW!
    SC: NO, NO!! Not for THAT! I NEED you!
    Etc. for a while before he finally gives up.

    Next call:

    I guessed that last one was a voicemail…

    SC walks up to the first set of doors & places his hand on the handle.

    Me: Have a good night sir.
    SC: <rolls his eyes as he turns to me> WHAT IS THIS A F***ING PRISON!!!!
    Me: Err, no?
    Me: Ok…
    I walk over and open the doors as normal with ease gesturing for him to leave. Just as he walks through the first doors it hits me that if he can't open NORMAL doors he probably can't open the automatic ones.
    Me: You'll just need to press the white button…

    After I've made sure the doors are fully shut & locked I go running out to tell T as I can no longer contain my laughter.

    Me: OMG! You should have HEARD that psycho guy!
    AM: <overhearing> what psycho guy? Where is he? I'll kick him out!
    Me: No, it's ok, he already left.
    AM: Well why didn't you call me? I would have gotten ridden of him.
    Me: Its ok, he got rid of himself <explains story to both AM & T>

    Part 2

    This was a few days later, I can't remember how many… SC comes in composed as usually, like nothing ever happened, but after a few hours he comes out crying.

    SC: My girlfriend just broke up with me <gee I wonder why? > and now I don't have money for a taxi
    Me: Wow, that really sucks.
    By this time TM has come out.
    TM: What's seems to be the problems mate?
    SC: My GIRLFRIEND just broke up with me! And now I don't have any money for a F***ING TAXI!! <sobs some more>
    TM: Well where do you live? Is it a long walk?
    SC: <names the next suburb over> it's TOO far to WALK.
    TM: Well there's not much we can do to help mate, I can give you a jacket 'cause it's a bit cold out.
    SC: FUCK YOU!!! <storms out>
    10mins later he comes back in…
    SC: I saw some cops and I asked them for a lift, they told me to catch a taxi…
    Me: <stares blankly>
    (the only response I could think of was "standard answer for a silly question, but I'm not that rude)
    SC: <stares back for a min> WELL! What do you want ME to do about it???
    Me: <confused by the backwardsness of the question> I don't really want you to do anything sir, <except GTFO!> was there something YOU wanted ME to do for you?
    SC: Can you call me a cab?
    Me: Yes! Yes I can.

    I call him a cab while he enters the club and starts having a go at TM who follows him back out to the front area.

    TM: So you right to get home now mate?
    SC: I'm gonna go home & KILL MYSELF!!!
    TM: Aww… Now… Aww…
    SC: F*** YOU! I'm gonna DO IT! I'm gonna go KILL MYSELF!!
    TM: Don't do that mate…
    SC: F*** this world <continues to rant about suicide>
    TM: Aww... Don't do that mate…

    He finally left, TM was absolutely buggered & just wanted him to leave. Now before anyone gets all "how insensitive of TM & me", please be reminded this was at least the 3rd occasion I had heard him make that threat and it was now 4AM.

    Part 3

    SC comes in again, seemly normal (I'm helping another patron with something so I don't bother trying to stop him entering).
    Now, this is where it gets complicated.
    Our club represents a sports team, the members of this sports team were banned from the club after one of them got into a fight with a regular patron (like every day regular). Now, that incident happened over a year ago so I'm assuming the lifted the ban as they were all back in the club celebrating a win.

    SC comes storming out to my reception desk and started hitting his fists on the desk demanding to speak to a manager "RIGHT NOW" being that I just called WM to come out to the front area for something else I just told SC he would be long.

    WM: Hey mate, what seems to be the problem?
    SC: Those men in there, they're HARRASSING me! They called me Mario! And Manuel! And BORAT!
    WM: Do you have any evidence of this? <1st case of WM actually standing up to a patron>
    SC: How COULD I? They were HARRASSING me!! They called me NAMES!!
    WM: Well, it's going to be your word against theirs…
    SC: F*** YOU!!!
    SC disappears for a while then returns to use the ATM, WM happened to be out the front with me and decided to see if he could try talking to SC again.

    WM: Hey, are they still giving you a hard time?
    SC: Why the F*** do YOU care? <punches ATM>
    WM: Please don't it the machines sir.
    SC: F*** YOU!! I was HARRASSED, no… I was ASSULTED today!!
    WM: When did this happen?
    SC: And they said they would slit my throat!!
    WM: Wait… What?
    SC: I am being HARRASSED, I've been ASSULTED, I am going to bring this place DOWN! <SC slams his membership card onto the desk> F*** this place!! I am NEVER coming here AGAIN! You don't give a F*** about ME!
    (There was a lot more of this but this post is way too long anyway)

    By this point he is in front of my desk, WM has made his way behind it with me and the men that were "harassing him" come over, 3 of the sports team boys & their coach.
    The coach begins to ask SC what "his problem is" and one of the boys (SB) asks why SC felt the need to threaten to kill them when all they did was "joke around". SC calls them a bunch of "A$$ F***ERS!!" And then continues with his "the whole world is against me" attitude ranting & raving about how he "WILL bring this place down" and we "WILL lose our jobs" and "he's never coming back" etc. Turns out in the end, it was actually SC who said he was going to slit sporty boys throat, SB offered to "take it outside" instead, as there was "no need for death threats".
    (Ahh, drunken, meat-headed 19 yr olds, would never slit your throat, but always more than happy to punch you in the face…)

    T is on her break and hanging around to see what happens with all the drama, I gesture for her to call the cops so she does. SC demands we call the cops so WM calls them & ends up putting SC on the phone to the cops, the cops think it's nothing so after the call ends the phone rings straight back, this time I answer it, it's the cops of course, so I tell them we'd really appreciated if they sent someone down as it's getting pretty heated, no worries. I hang up, SC is ranting about how I'm gonna lose my job & the whole club will get shot down when he hits us with this gem:

    I nearly wet myself! I had to run out into the backroom where T was trying to eat her dinner but was laughing so hard I thought she might choke! Because I could not keep a straight face out the front, T & I tried to keep it quite but WM later told us he could hear us laughing hysterically out the back.

    So the cops come, they see 4 big fit guys & one sad 40/50yr old man, they automatically assume it's all one sided – the boys are just having a go at the poor innocent man. That is until one of the cops starts asking me about SC:

    HC: So is he a regular?
    Me: Yeah… I guess.
    HC: Has anything like this ever happened before?
    Me: <just starts laughing>
    HC: What?
    Me: This sort of thing ALWAYS happens when he's here…
    HC: Has he threatened to kill himself before? <apparently he said it again today when telling the police his sob story>
    Me: Only every time I see him.
    HC: So it's just a spur of the moment thing?
    Me: Yeah, I suppose you could call it that, I'd like to believe him and be genuinely worried, but he's said it on 3 separate occasion now.
    HC: <to walkie talkie> can you do a police check on SC? <walkie talking says he has no record> Ok, well can you check if he's had contact with Mental Health? <walkie talkie says yes>

    Police ask him to leave, he did & I haven't seen him since, mind you it was only a few days ago, so he'll probably be back.

    Sorry this was way long, and thanks for reading!

  • #2
    Welcome! I have to admit, it took me about a minute to move away from your icon. I see a guy on fire, a guy in a voting booth, and text that I desperately tried to read to figure out how the two were connected.

    Wow, that guy is a piece of work. I can't believe anyone would be so willing to jump in the middle of a sports team at a bar.


    • #3
      Wow, if you hadn't said you were from Australia I would have guessed you lived in my home town here in California.

      It sounds like your "customer" had a little too much fun with various substances of questionable legality, on top of the alcohol.....


      • #4
        Quoth Bubsy View Post
        Well, that line just about made my evening! Welcome to the boards! Brain bleach and cookies should be round shortly, so have a nice cup of tea whilst you wait!
        "I'll probably come round and steal the food out of your fridge later too, then run a key down the side of your car as I walk away from your house, which I've idly set ablaze" - Mil Millington


        • #5
          Quoth Bronzebow View Post
          Welcome! I have to admit, it took me about a minute to move away from your icon. I see a guy on fire, a guy in a voting booth, and text that I desperately tried to read to figure out how the two were connected.
          I can help with that! It's not a voting booth, it's a help desk.

          And the text reads "WARNING! If the help desk thinks your question is stupid, we will set you on fire"

          See: this for a full-size copy.
          Last edited by VComps; 05-21-2009, 12:19 AM. Reason: addy linky


          • #6

            That guy is seriously off his meds.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              Wow, that's pretty epic. Though I'm more interested in the avatar. I still can't make out what it says!


              • #8
                Hahahahaha. Now I see what it says. Thanks for the clarification VComps. I swear I was wondering why the OP had an avatar with its crotch on fire....
                "Hi, this is Silver. How may I lose my self respect in order to cater to your over- inflated ego today?" --- Silverrb


                • #9
                  Quoth VComps View Post
                  I can help with that! It's not a voting booth, it's a help desk.

                  And the text reads "WARNING! If the help desk thinks your question is stupid, we will set you on fire"

                  See: this for a full-size copy.
                  Oh ok, Thanks VComps!!!

                  Awesome avatar bubsy!


                  • #10
                    Thanks Guys!! I thought my avatar might have been a bit too small & I was prepared to explain, but I think VComps covered it nicely There have been many people I have wanted to set on fire for asking stupid questions


                    • #11
                      Please tell me this is not in Hindley Street in Adelaide....

                      Because it sounds like it.
                      The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                      Now queen of USSR-Land...


                      • #12
                        Quoth fireheart17 View Post
                        Please tell me this is not in Hindley Street in Adelaide....

                        Because it sounds like it.
                        Lol, no, no, I'm about a thousand Ks East in our nation's capital


                        • #13
                          Hahahaha!!! omg, he's going to sue you for a thousand years!! I've heard of a lot of crazy lawsuits, but that one takes the cake!!!! Hahaha this guys is a total drama whore - "pay attention to me, I'm going to kill myself again!", "pay attention to me, I can't open a door I've opened countless times before!", "pay attention to me, I got dumped!", "pay attention to me, I'm being bullied because I picked a fight!", ad nauseum.


                          • #14
                            well if hes mentally ill then it might explain alot

                            im more shocked you all still have pay phones - theres none that work anywhere ive been (if they exist)


                            • #15
                              I would think, considering his usual MO, that he'd be happy to get an offer of a slit throat, not upset about it. I mean, geeze, save him the trouble, right?

                              Welcome, BTW.

