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  • Insert clever title here

    Dear Customer 1,
    I am sure your potted flower smells wonderful. I, however, am allergic to said flower. Please do not shove it in my face after I politely refuse your demand to smell it. Thank you for that terriffic smell you discovered. Now I am having difficulty breathing and I am getting a headache and feeling dizzy. Double thanks for me having to purchase medicine when I realized I took the last of what I had with me. Even then I had a sinus headache for the rest of the day.
    Thanks and No Love,

    Also, a customer complained that I treated her rudely and racist-ly. Not sure if that is a real word, but hey, it is the one she used. She wanted my name, info, and the contact for corporate. I have no idea which customer it was as she came in after I clocked out and talked to the Assistant Manager, who told the Manager on Duty, who told me that they need to have a chat with me about my actions.
    Um, I treat everyone with respect and I am polite. I talked to the Manager and he had no idea that someone had complained about me. He even said he had several complements about how I am friendly and will do my best to either help someone or get someone to help them. I have an idea who complained as she met the description MOD gave me. I have the Manager and another Co-Worker to back me up how I handled that lady.

    The Lady-
    She comes up to the regster with two shirts, both with tags stating they are 2/$5.00. She wants to know how much it would be to purchase only one shirt. No problem. One shirt is $2.50. All is fine, right? Well, this wouldn't be a customer suck if it was. She went absolutely batshit, calling me a cheat, theif- so on and so forth. I tried to explain that five dollars divided by two items is two dollars and fifty cents. She kept interupting me with such quips as "Where do you get the fifty from?" and "That's not right." I am polite, stop talking when she starts in and I try five times to explain it to her. Oh, and the first time I explained it, I did a price check to show her that it was $2.50 a shirt and it rang up correctly.

    My manager is standing a few feet away and does nothing, I guess he is testing me or something. A co-worker comes up and tries to find out what is wrong, I tell them. They try to explain that I am right, yada, yada, yoda. I even tried bringing out the 'fancy adding machine' to show her. The whole time, the lady's friend is telling her I am right and the lady is telling her friend to shut up and calling her names. I am still being polite and friendly, even though by this point I was more than ready to give her a piece of my mind. Finally, co-worker tells her point blank that the shirt is $2.50 and she can take it or leave it. Lady decides to take it and makes snide comments before finally dragging herself home to the rock she crawled out of in the first place.

    I had to deal with her a second time a week or so after that. She was a miserable witch then too. She had several items that were missing the barcodes. I call a price check and MOD says to go ahead and check the next person in line out so the line wouldn't back up. The lady refused to let me check out the next person. Thankfully the people behind her were really nice to me after that lady left. It took a good five minutes to for three people to find all the barcodes for this woman. I haven't seen her since, but if I see her again, I will not check her out.

    The only other person I can think of was a person with a very bad in-your-face attitude. She came in with a bag from another store. As per instructions from Manager, I asked her for her bag, saying she could pick it up on her way out. She flipped out, called me names and how this was stupid (really her words could have made a sailor blush), and she wasn't going to steal anything. She ended up storming out of the building.

    If racist means I'm not going to let you break the rules or scam the store, then yeah, I am, very much so.

  • #2
    I'd bet money it's the woman with the bag from the other store. She's probably trying to claim you were "profiling" her, and that's why you wouldn't let her in with the bag.

    Although, keeping other people's belongings can open up a serious can of liability issues if something happens to the things, or even if the person whose things you were holding decides to flip out and go sue-happy to try to get something they don't deserve.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      I agree, it's probably lady (I use the term loosely) number two. Just a more likely scenario for throwing around the race card.


      • #4
        That poor woman... she really didn't get "where the fifty came from" did she? I guess it's not nice to laugh at people who can't count but geez. Still, too bad your manager couldn't have stepped in. If she had heard "authority" say that, yes, 5 divided by 2 is 2.50, then maybe she would have calmed down? I'm sorry you had to deal with all that, but at least you can laugh about it now I hope
        "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


        • #5
          Here. *offers margarita* You need it after that first "lady". There's a pitcherful more if you need it.

          I just wonder, what did she think half of 5 was anyway?

          And I have to ask, have you been watching "Star Wars"?
          Quoth AriGriffin View Post
          Thank you for that terriffic smell you discovered. (Sounds like you're paraphrasing Han Solo)

          yada, yada, yoda.
          It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


          • #6
            Reminds me of a time back in the Grocery Store days where I was ringing up this woman. Her total came up and she said, "I don't believe you". So I voided everything off until the total was 0 and rang up the order again.....Funny thing...the total was exactly the same. So then said, "Well, I don't have that much...", so then started taking stuff off.

            Quite honestly, I doesn't surprised me that someone doesn't know how to divide.


            • #7
              The 50 cent lady was 68 years old. As per corporate instructions I had to ID her for the Senior Citizen day some percentage off entire purchase promotion. You'd think she'd know basic divison by now. I have to verify the age of everyone claiming to be elegable for the discount as people who were not over the correct age but looked it abused the system.


              • #8
                Quoth Pagan View Post
                And I have to ask, have you been watching "Star Wars"?
                Not recently, but I have been dreaming of going back to the Star Wars weekends at Disney World. I went the last weekend of it in 2007 and had a lot of fun.


                • #9
                  Next time you're accused of racism, go off on a rant about how they're right, you can't stand maroons on general principle, and watch their heads spin


                  • #10
                    I am tempted to sing "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist" from Avenue Q to the next customer that says I am racist. If I didn't need this job so badly I would.

