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Shpeshul Shnowflake Funeral Home (epic)

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  • Shpeshul Shnowflake Funeral Home (epic)

    I wish I were allowed to banish funeral homes from putting their obits in our paper. I realize that might cause them a lot of trouble, but damnit, they started causing trouble with us first.

    There's a local funeral home who gives me and the other obit girls a ton of grief. They're annoying, obnoxious, pushy, and hateful. We only just resolved one major issue they generated and it ended with me drawing a picture of a snowflake with the funeral home's name on it and posting it on my desk (Shpeshul Snowflake drawing, a joke which the other obit girls giggle at constantly).

    Well, the snowflakes started shit with me again today.

    On the weekends, I work from 12 to 4, or later if things are goofy. Now, during the week, the deadline to get a paid obituary is 4, since it's handled in a different department, but on the weekends, the deadline is 2:30, same as the free ones, since I'm writing them all up. The funeral homes all know this. I called them personally when this policy was decided and told them. (And this particular funeral home bitched and whined about it then, too.)

    So today, I get to work at exactly 12 and settle in to work, grabbing faxes from various spots, sorting them, etc. 2:30 rolls around, and a different funeral home calls me and asks (nicely, hint hint) if they can squeeze in one, and I tell them if I get it in the next couple of minutes, it can go in. They thank me, they do, I did, and I get the files sent over at about 3. At 3:10, a good 40 minutes after the deadline, I get fax from Shpeshul Funeral Home. I look it over, see the funeral isn't till Tuesday, and thus there's no big hurry, and set it aside to start working on other stuff.

    About 3:20, Shpeshul Funeral Home calls to see if we got the obit, and S, the editor on duty, took the call and said yes, we got it, but it's past deadline and so won't be in tomorrow's paper. At the same time, he's trying to deal with some kind of legal notice issue, so he can't really devote his full attention to it, so he transfers it to me to handle. No big so far.

    Me: Newsroom.
    SFH female: Yes, did you get the John Smith obit?
    Me: Yes, ma'am, we did, but it was after deadline so we won't be able to run it until Monday.
    SFH female: *immediately sounding huffy and just getting snippier as the conversation goes* What time was the deadline? (They KNOW the deadline, damnit.)
    Me: 2:30.
    SFH female: And can't you squeeze it in?
    Me: *facepalm* No, ma'am, everything's been sent over (to the copy desk) already, I don't have any way of getting it in for tomorrow.
    SFH female: *to SFH male in background* They say they can't get it in. *SFH male mumbles* *to me* Well, then, we'll do a paid one.
    Me: I'm sorry, ma'am, the deadline for paid obits is 2:30 as well on the weekends, I can't get it in.
    SFH female: *to SFH male in background* They say the paid obit deadline is 2:30 too. *SFH male audibly bitches* Hang on a second. *puts me on hold*
    Me: *sigh*
    SFH male: *pissy* Hello.
    Me: Hi.
    SFH male: The deadline for paid obits is SUPPOSED to be 4 o'clock.
    Me: During the week, yes sir, but on the weekends, the deadline for both is 2:30 because it's all being done in the same area. If you call and ask, I can even wait till 3, but it's almost 3:30 now so it's way past the time I could get anything in for you.
    SFH male: Well, since when has it been like THAT??
    Me: *since I called personally and told you bitches like EIGHT MONTHS AGO* It's been quite a while, sir.
    SFH male: *scoffs* Well, we were TRYING to get the obit in from 12 till 1, but YOUR FAX wasn't working, and we had a service from one until now.
    Me: Well, sir, I was here from 12 till 1, and I received faxes from several people, so I don't understand why we wouldn't have received it. (Except oh yes I do you lying sack of...)
    SFH male: ...well we were TRYING to send it and it should have gotten through! *irritated pause* So there's nothing you can do for us here, huh??
    Me: I can run it for you in Monday's paper but the deadline has already passed for tomorrow.
    SFH male: All right fine! *hangs up*


    You know, I gotta be honest, if they were any other funeral home, and if they asked me nicely, I'd have harrassed the copy desk into sending back the files so I could work in their obit. Or at least asked if I could. But since they're always such bitches to us, and were just continuing to be so now, I wasn't about to go out of my way for them.

    Oh, but it's not over. About five minutes after this, my phone rings again, and they've sicced the widow on me. Of course. (And of course since this is the widow I can't be snarky back, because honestly it's not a fair fight and she most likely is the one having the worse day of the two of us. Fucking code of honor I HATE YOU.)

    Me: *answers, stupidly thinking this had nothing to do with what just happened* Newsroom.
    Widow: Yes, are you with the obits?
    Me: Yes ma'am, I am.
    Widow: Now, are you the one in charge or the editor, because if you aren't at the top, I won't...I don't want to start at the bottom, I want whoever's in charge.
    Me: (Oh for FUCK'S SAKE.) All right, hold on, ma'am. *transfers call to editor*

    He spent a few minutes on the phone with the widow, giving me bewildered looks once in a while, then managed to tell her that he'd give her a call back and hung up, asking for the story. I told him all of the above. He responds by telling me that the widow told him the funeral home was trying to get their fax in starting at ELEVEN that morning, trying all da way to ONE, and they never got it, and her husband was some VERY PROMINANT CITIZEN (no he wasn't, or we'd be doing a news story about it), and she hoped none of US ever needed help and no one would give it to them, blah blah blah.

    I told him flat out that the funeral home was constantly pulling shit like this on the rules, acting like they didn't have to follow them, being rude and shitty, etc., and that they were now lying because the funeral home had said they had only been trying since 12, PLUS yes, I was here at work AT 12 until 1 and the fax machine was, in fact, working. Not to mention that at no time did the funeral home call me, as we are CONSTANTLY telling all the funeral homes to do, to verify whether or not we had gotten the obit. If they had, and I had not, I could have given them a different fax number to try, or if all else failed, let them slide on e-mailing me an obit (something that is normally strictly verboten) for the family's sake. Short version, they had made NO effort to get the obit in on time, and were trying to hoist all the blame on me. And further, the funeral wasn't for a couple of days yet and would be local, so there was no reason that it being in Monday instead of Sunday was really that big a deal (aside from Sunday's bigger circulation, which is obviously what the funeral home was wanting).

    The editor agrees with me on all of this that I'm in right, and calls them back to tell them as much. The funeral home swiftly tosses the widow back at him and she whines and cries and calls him names and bemoans our complete lack of sympathy for not breaking all our rules (at this point over an hour past the deadline) for HER because she is so much more shpeshul than the 11 OTHER grieving familes who were able to get their paperwork in on time...blah blah blah.

    Finally, the girl in charge on the copy desk, wanting to know what all the trouble is about, suggests we put a pending notice (a two-line bit that says basically "So and so died, Such and such funeral home will announce later") for them, which is more than I would have given them at this point but which is a moderately acceptable compromise. This seems to mollify the widow, and she goes away, which is all any of us really want. (Also for the record, if the funeral home had asked me for a pending notice at any point before all this, I'd have give them that too because it is such a tiny little thing to fix.)

    At that point, I was so irritated with all of it that I told the editor I was leaving early, clocked out, went to the mall, and bought a cookie.

    I'm absolutely certain there's going to be more to this, as the funeral home will more than likely either try to harrass me tomorrow, or will be calling Monday to try and talk to other editors/bosses to get me in trouble for FOLLOWING THE RULES.

    God, I wish we could just ban them. That'd teach the bitches a lesson.
    "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."

  • #2
    Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post

    God, I wish we could just ban them. That'd teach the bitches a lesson.
    I would. Or at least become uber-hardassed about the deadline.

    As in "Obits have to be in at 2:30 on weekends and 4:00 during the week, and not a second later." If the fax machine spits out their obit at 2:31, then tough shit. No obit in the paper, no pending, no nothing.

    And if they have the bereaved do their complaining for them, tell them "This is because the funeral home did not get the obit here in time for our deadline, take it up with them." And stick to it.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      I'd make their deadline one hour earlier than the others in retaliation.

      "If you can't play fair and abide by the rules and regulations like the other funeral homes can, then we'll have to give yours special treatment. From now on, 1:30pm is the deadline for all free and paid obits every day. No ifs ands or buts!

      Keep it going at this rate and we'll just not accept any from your funeral home anymore. This is your last chance."
      Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.


      • #4
        Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post
        . The funeral homes all know this. I called them personally when this policy was decided and told them.

        hmmm is there any way your boss would let you put this policy in writing-with something they have to sign and send back saying they received a copy?
        Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


        • #5
          Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
          And if they have the bereaved do their complaining for them, tell them "This is because the funeral home did not get the obit here in time for our deadline, take it up with them." And stick to it.
          I agree. It is beyond crass for the funeral home to push the bereaved to call you about this problem when it is *their* problem for not getting the information in on time. Their passing the buck attitude isn't doing anyone any favors, least of all a grieving family member who shouldn't have to be worrying about these sorts of things.
          "You are the dumbest smart person I have ever met in my life!" Will Smith, 'I, Robot'.

          "You LOSE! Good day, sir!" Gene Wilder, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'.


          • #6
            It's too bad you can't send a letter to the editor complaining about the funeral home and how they treat you and the bereaved...or in some other way publish an article slamming their practices.

            Unprofessional, sure. But oh-so-satisfying...
            It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


            • #7
              You know the worst of it?

              The funeral home lied to a grieving widow. They probably claimed that the mean old newspaper was at fault to cover their own incompetent asses. And then the poor woman gave the wrong people an earful when she should have been at home with her family.

              If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


              • #8
                hmmm is there any way your boss would let you put this policy in writing-with something they have to sign and send back saying they received a copy?
                Sure. Send them the policy again in writing, include the notification that they are to call you whenever faxing something over to verify that it has arrived.

                send it to the boss there
                certified mail, with signature notification

                so you know they will get it and they have to sign off that they have received it.

                keep a copy of the postal notification... so whenever they whine tell them...

                "your boss was notified on (whatever date) via certified mail. we have his/her signature here. we will be glad to fax you a copy of the receipt if you need proof."

                plus...if a fax can't go through... does it still generate the transmission record, just with a 'transmisison failed' on it?


                • #9
                  Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post
                  the girl in charge on the copy desk, wanting to know what all the trouble is about, suggests we put a pending notice (a two-line bit that says basically "So and so died, Such and such funeral home will announce later") for them
                  I would have worded it something like "Joe Blow died. Due to Acme Undertakers' failure to contact us by deadline no obituary is available at the moment."

                  That will teach them. Since almost all of the U.S. cities are one paper towns I doubt you have competition they could go to.
                  Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


                  • #10
                    Well, I got fucked over. More or less.

                    I get into work today and there's a note on my desk. Pretty much verbatim.

                    "Mysty, don't stroke out. The widow went all the way to *owner of the paper* and he told us to run a paid obit for Sunday."

                    So somehow she got hold of HOME PHONE NUMBERS for all the different editors, publishers, whatever, till she got to the top, and he rolled over on us.

                    I was literally packing up my things from my desk to walk off the job when I decided maybe I should call my mother and tell her of the necessity to come with me Tuesday to hunt for a new job, and she talked me down and convinced me not to just quit.

                    I apparently, though, crossed some nexus of rage to the point where I either lost control of my learned ability to modulate my emotions (aka Aspies kicked in) or I simply crossed the line to laughing hysterically because it was either that or go ahead and stroke out. So I went ahead and finished my work today (including going ahead and running the free obituary for them as planned just so that later I can rub everyone's nose in the fact that at least I remained professional) Now I'm still greatly annoyed but more or less have shrugged it off as "shit happens".

                    All that being said, I'm already planning out the form letter that will be going out to all area funeral homes once I get it typed up, repeating the deadlines and restrictions and everything else, and noting in it that upon signing and returning it to us (which the WILL be required to do), it WILL constitute an acceptance by the ENTIRE funeral home. And then I'm making about ten copies of those and handing them out to everyone else at the paper who might get brought into this. (And letting it be known that if I get rolled over on again, I WILL be quitting.)

                    Now I'm going to go drink my chocolate milk, eat a pizza, and set some Sims on fire. I've figured out a trick where you can make them run across a lot and set the sidewalk on fire so that anyone who happens to walk by catches fire too.
                    "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                    • #11
                      If a funeral home ever put a member of the bereaved family on the phone with me to pressure me to bend the rules for its sake, I'd come down on that funeral home like a ton of bricks and not let up.

                      There are legal reasons why no one other than a funeral home is allowed to deal with obituaries in our area, and why no one other than that one department is supposed to handle them.

                      The real pain in the arse is that now that funeral home has learned its lesson - tighten the screws enough and that paper will bend over for anything. Which means they get to continue being incompetent gits and blame the paper for it. I can't really see my own outfit agreeing to that.

                      Love, Who?


                      • #12
                        Quoth MystyGlyttyr
                        I get into work today and there's a note on my desk. Pretty much verbatim.

                        "Mysty, don't stroke out. The widow went all the way to *owner of the paper* and he told us to run a paid obit for Sunday."

                        So somehow she got hold of HOME PHONE NUMBERS for all the different editors, publishers, whatever, till she got to the top, and he rolled over on us.
                        Betcha the funeral home had that information on hand and passed it along to the widow.

                        Death before admitting a mistake, and all that.
                        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                        • #13
                          I had to go away after I read this before I could reply and I'm still

                          A to every employee at that funeral home involved in this.


                          • #14
                            Truth is, I can't really blame the newspaper for caving. When someone gets in your face, and you aren't paid or prepared to deal with it, then you cave. Having a mournful grieving widow bawling to you about an obit? Oh yeah, I'd cave faster than the speed of light.

                            Quoth Ben_Who View Post
                            If a funeral home ever put a member of the bereaved family on the phone with me to pressure me to bend the rules for its sake, I'd come down on that funeral home like a ton of bricks and not let up.
                            Exactly. After caving like a wet noodle, I would then talk to the boss of Shpeshul Shnowflake Funeral Home and need to have my foot surgically removed from his ass. The cleanup of ensuing bloodbath would be icky. After all, that's a benefit of being in charge. I may cave to a widow, but oh holy hell not to some craptastic funeral home screwing around.

                            Mysty, how much leeway are you given in your conversations with funeral homes? I woudn't suggest going off both barrells blazing, but I feel it was within your rights to have called these idiots back and chewed them out for siccing the widow on you and I would've called them out on their "misinformation" (*cough* lies *cough*). I would play the guilt trip right back. How dare they abuse their position, miss their own deadline, "misinform" this poor griefstricken widow and then suggest that the newspaper might be at fault or could change official deadlines. *sigh* Not that this would help though. You aren't Shpeshul enough.
                            A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                            • #15
                              Not sure if you could do that, but if the Obits are generally faxed in, could you set up a form that they "Must" send them in on, which includes the Deadlines listed at the top of the form to make 'sure' they can't say they don't know them?

