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Lucky you're with AAMI...

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  • Lucky you're with AAMI...

    Bit of background: AAMI is an insurance company in Australia. It is also my name (not spelt that's Aimee, but for privacy purposes, it's spelt differently)

    Arrive at work, get popped onto express. I start doing the usual when a customer comes up , glances at my nametag and starts singing "Lucky-ee-ee you're with AAMI..."

    Not so much sucky as annoying really. It would've been funny if he didn't keep repeating it. My coworkers started singing it to me afterwards for AGES

    Anyhoo, more suckage...

    Bag-free rant

    To my lovely customers, thank you for not bitching to me about the bag-free thing. We have no control over it. However...

    -Saying "I left them in the car again" will not endear me to you. I do not care if you left them in the car, your penis-sized dog chewed them up or if they got thrown in the mud.
    -Yes, it does take practice to remember them.
    -Asking me about packing awkward bags....I don't mind so much if you give me maybe 1 or 2 awkward bags and some square green bags, but giving me five awkward shaped bags and nothing else and expecting your groceries to fit into them will make me die a little inside.
    -No, our cheap bags are not biodegradable. Yes, they are a heavy plastic. Yes, that type is exempt from the ban. Yes, you can reuse them. Yes, they can be recycled. No, I do not know why we don't have biodegradable bags.

    Loyalty Card Rants

    -Do not scream at me when you don't get the deals because your card isn't registered. Yes, we all mentioned WHY you need to register your card.
    -Yes, we are launching a point system to go alongside it. No, it is not a ripoff. (you can use the points for holidays or for other items...)
    -No, we do not keep master or store cards and no, you cannot give your points to someone else. It holds your fuel docket. so it's either don't have a card and get the docket, or you have a card and don't get the docket.

    I'll type more later. -
    Last edited by fireheart; 06-01-2009, 09:18 AM.
    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...

  • #2
    Whole Foods stopped doing plastic bags over a year ago (specifically in mid april of 2008). We only have paper bags unless you bring your own.

    To this day, we still get customers asking for plastic. When we refuse, they act astonished. We have one customer who regularly comes in (a couple of times a month) who bitches up a storm to the store manager saying she will NEVER shop with us again because we don't have plastic bags. The first time, the store manager gave her a discount. Now he knows better after she's complained multiple times.!!1111!1one! It hurts my brain to see her and I she is by far my least liked customer in the store. We always explain "If you like plastic, you're free to bring in your own bags." Her response? "HELL NO! MY CAT LIKES YOUR PLASTIC BAGS AND I WILL ONLY SCOOP HIS LITTER WITH YOUR BAGS!" (word for word)

    I scoop my cat's litter box with plastic bags too, but I actually shop occasionally at places that offer them... I buy my cat litter, cat food, and household cleaning supplies at walmart, and OMG they give me plastic bags to carry them home in! Holy shit, you won't believe this! And I buy my beer at Kroger, they also give me a plastic bag! OMFG!

    Seriously you dumb bimbo, I KNOW you don't do ALL of your shopping at The Whole (if you did, you'd be in a couple of times a week, instead of once or twice a month), all those other places give you plastic bags. I shop outside of The Whole a few times a month and wind up with MORE than enough plastic bags to scoop up my cat's shitbox.


    • #3
      To this day, we still get customers asking for plastic. When we refuse, they act astonished. We have one customer who regularly comes in (a couple of times a month) who bitches up a storm to the store manager saying she will NEVER shop with us again because we don't have plastic bags. The first time, the store manager gave her a discount. Now he knows better after she's complained multiple times.!!1111!1one! It hurts my brain to see her and I she is by far my least liked customer in the store. We always explain "If you like plastic, you're free to bring in your own bags." Her response? "HELL NO! MY CAT LIKES YOUR PLASTIC BAGS AND I WILL ONLY SCOOP HIS LITTER WITH YOUR BAGS!" (word for word)
      Wow, if you work in SoCal, I think I know that chick. I am so sorry.
      "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


      • #4
        I do not care if you left them in the car, your penis-sized dog chewed them up or if they got thrown in the mud.
        They make dogs that big?


        • #5
          Quoth jerkface11 View Post
          They make dogs that big?
          You mean that small.

          Megg, I work in TX. TX hasn't yet banned plastic bags. WFM did it voluntarily.


          • #6
            Quoth bean View Post
            We always explain "If you like plastic, you're free to bring in your own bags." Her response? "HELL NO! MY CAT LIKES YOUR PLASTIC BAGS AND I WILL ONLY SCOOP HIS LITTER WITH YOUR BAGS!" (word for word)
            Wait a minute... *does some math*

            So does that mean she hasn't scooped out her cat's litter box for the last 10 months?

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              Quoth bean View Post
              Uh... your cat doesn't care what you put his feces in. Trust me.
              "I call murder on that!"


              • #8
                Megg, I work in TX.
                Oh heavens. I still may know that chick. I grew up there, and there are indeed some weirdos.
                "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


                • #9
                  OK, onto part 2 (part of which came from yesterday)

                  Splitting purchases

                  For the love of f#$%ing God, what is it with people and splitting their petrol purchases every $30 or so? I had one couple who did it FIVE TIMES! Most people will split it once and leave it at that. If you're buying for someone else fine. It's pretty obvious if you do. But splitting it for yourself? Please DIAF. You hold up my line, hold up my coworkers lines (they have to deal with the remaining influx) and waste my time. It's also actually rather greedy of you really fill your cars five times a week?! (the vouchers last a month)

                  Leave the water IN THE TROLLEY!

                  I had this happen about five times over the weekend. When I say you can put the water in the trolley, you can put the water in the trolley, simple as that!

                  Produce and Scanning Messups:

                  The first was a combo of oops and mild suck, the second was a wtf and oops.

                  First: I accidentally put Grapes A through as Grapes B. Grapes A are more expensive than Grapes B. They didn't mention a WORD to me until my poor sup and manager get abuse.

                  Second: Apparaently I double-scanned something. They didn't mention what. I'm actually wondering if what they really meant to say was that I need to be careful about what change I put in. (at one stage I accidentally hit the wrong button and it showed up as the customer having given me $10 more than usual)

                  Two things I'm wondering here:

                  1) why the customers didn't say anything on either part? I've double-scanned items by accident before, but now I'm getting picked on for it.
                  2) If I was mistaken for someone else. The receipts have our numbers on them, not our names. Unless they know my number off by heart, or all the numbers off by heart...

                  all the same....GYAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
                  Last edited by fireheart; 06-01-2009, 09:17 AM.
                  The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                  Now queen of USSR-Land...


                  • #10
                    Quoth fireheart17 View Post
                    For the love of f#$%ing God, what is it with people and splitting their petrol purchases every $30 or so?
                    They think they're somehow scamming the system by getting way more 4 cent discount vouchers than they can ever use.


                    • #11
                      Quoth edible_hat View Post
                      They think they're somehow scamming the system by getting way more 4 cent discount vouchers than they can ever use.
                      My theory was that they feel that they're justified by ripping off the big companies so that the boss doesn't get his ivory back scratcher or whatever.
                      The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                      Now queen of USSR-Land...


                      • #12
                        Plastics trivia:

                        Biodegradable bags get brittle and break, making them pretty much the antithesis of 'reusable'.

                        Amusingly, the biodegradable bags come apart very quickly when exposed to light, and not very quickly when buried. Though even buried they're still marginally better than the non-degrading kinds.

                        But yeah... That's probably part of why the ones you're giving out are not degradable. They'd fall apart on the shopper's second trip back to your store, unless stored in a cool dark place in between. That, and it's probably cheaper to make the non-degrading bags.

                        And Now You Know!
                        "Joi's CEO is about as sneaky and subtle as a two year old on crack driving an air craft carrier down Broadway." - Broomjockey


                        • #13
                          First: I accidentally put Grapes A through as Grapes B. Grapes A are more expensive than Grapes B. They didn't mention a WORD to me until my poor sup and manager get abuse.

                          Second: Apparaently I double-scanned something. They didn't mention what. I'm actually wondering if what they really meant to say was that I need to be careful about what change I put in. (at one stage I accidentally hit the wrong button and it showed up as the customer having given me $10 more than usual)
                          Prove it!

                          Ok, on the second, your till will be up... but I'd love to know how they can track precisely which sale it was, or whether it really was a double scan, or an under changing.

                          As for the grapes... prove it! No, don't just take the customer's word for it. If the customer hasn't said anything to you about it, then management shouldn't be bringing it up with you... simple!

                          So, next time management give you this sort of 'feedback', ask them to produce the evidence. If the evidence doesn't exist, tell them to go get stuffed! (and, if they keep up with that sort of feedback, it becomes harrassment).

                          (as you can imagine, my Team Leader just loves me!! I've been given 'conversations' a few times, and have responded ... emphatically I tell ya, it's good to hear them say "Yeah, you're right...")

                          Luckyyyyyy, you're with ......

                          (hehehehehe - ah, you must hate that by now!)
                          When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


                          • #14
                            Because I haven't been had a written warning for either, nothing else will come of them. But yeah, I might ask for the receipt next time around. They've taken to placing me on registers that are closer to the service desk, so I can get any mistakes corrected. I don't think that my managers are picking on me per se, but I'd been a wreck for most of the weekend due to well....certain things.

                            As far as I know, they can track it in a few ways:

                            1) Through our LP Electronic Journal. If the numbers on the bottom of the receipt match times that I was on that register, then that's a start.
                            2) Sometimes the receipts come out funny, so they can do a reprint themselves.

                            I get the feeling that they might have just done it with the customer nearby to make it look like something had come of it rather than the complaint being dismissed like my manager does. (He waits, listens, maybe says a few things, then once the customer walks off, ignores it) One thing I'm getting very tempted to ask is to maybe use a codeword in fake yellings, because some of us do tend to take things like a fake yell literally. (codeword i.e. "CompanyName" or "StoreName" or "StoreNumber" in there for example "I was going through your transactions and saw that number StoreNumber is waaaaay off. You're ripping off the customers etc.)

                            And yes Slyt, I do hate it. One kid in primary school used to call me "Mrs. Insurance"
                            The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                            Now queen of USSR-Land...


                            • #15
                              ...I like getting plastic bags. I reuse them OVER AND OVER. (Mostly for recycling, as we don't have bins out here.)

                              However, if I'm shopping somewhere that doesn't have bags, I'm darn sure to bring my own - plastic or cloth.
                              "Do not quibble with me over apostrophes. I have my shit together when it comes to apostrophes." - BookBint

