I worked 1st shift yesterday, which I don't usually do, and i realized that this is the time when the crazies get let out of their homes.
A man walks into the store, seems completely normal, until he opens his mouth.
I don't even remember what he bought because the entire time I was dealing with him my brain was screaming silently in anguish.
Me: Me
CG: Crazy Guy
NC: Normal Customer
Me: Hi.
CG: It's not very nice outside. I have to wait for the bus. The bus leaves at 8:30 in the morning, that's the first bus. I'm from worcester. Mumble mumble mumble. I like to take the bus out here. HA HA! *eyes all crazy huge when he laughs*
Me: oh.... that's good...
CG: There is nothing out here though, I like worcester, there's friendly's ice cream, dennys grand slam breakfast HA HA! I take the bus from auburn to union station then here but now I found a bus that just comes right here! HA HA! Denny's grand slam! HA HA!
Me: .. O_O well that's good that you only have to take one bus.
CG: Yeah I used to have to wait for mumble mumble I once took a girl out for grandslam breakfast HA HA! Friendly's Ice cream. *turns to look at NC who is putting his stuff on the counter for me to ring up* We had GRAND SLAM BREAKFAST HA HA!
NC: Are you talking to me? Cause I missed your whole story.
CG: Yeah HA HA gotta take the bus don't like taking it from union station HA HA Friendly's ice cream grand slam breakfast mumble mumble eggs, sausage, pancakes..
NC: Yeah we used to go there when i was a kid.
CG: ...........Hash browns, eggs, pancakes Grand slam HA HA!
*me and NC exchange *woah* looks, I give NC his change, he leaves*
CG: Mumble mumble GRAND SLAM! HA HA!
Me..... ha ha? *leave register and go hide in back room and peek around the corner to make sure he's gone.*
I'm so glad this guy wasn't driving, but seriously, shouldn't he be supervised??
A man walks into the store, seems completely normal, until he opens his mouth.
I don't even remember what he bought because the entire time I was dealing with him my brain was screaming silently in anguish.
Me: Me
CG: Crazy Guy
NC: Normal Customer
Me: Hi.

CG: It's not very nice outside. I have to wait for the bus. The bus leaves at 8:30 in the morning, that's the first bus. I'm from worcester. Mumble mumble mumble. I like to take the bus out here. HA HA! *eyes all crazy huge when he laughs*
Me: oh.... that's good...
CG: There is nothing out here though, I like worcester, there's friendly's ice cream, dennys grand slam breakfast HA HA! I take the bus from auburn to union station then here but now I found a bus that just comes right here! HA HA! Denny's grand slam! HA HA!
Me: .. O_O well that's good that you only have to take one bus.
CG: Yeah I used to have to wait for mumble mumble I once took a girl out for grandslam breakfast HA HA! Friendly's Ice cream. *turns to look at NC who is putting his stuff on the counter for me to ring up* We had GRAND SLAM BREAKFAST HA HA!
NC: Are you talking to me? Cause I missed your whole story.
CG: Yeah HA HA gotta take the bus don't like taking it from union station HA HA Friendly's ice cream grand slam breakfast mumble mumble eggs, sausage, pancakes..
NC: Yeah we used to go there when i was a kid.
CG: ...........Hash browns, eggs, pancakes Grand slam HA HA!
*me and NC exchange *woah* looks, I give NC his change, he leaves*
CG: Mumble mumble GRAND SLAM! HA HA!
Me..... ha ha? *leave register and go hide in back room and peek around the corner to make sure he's gone.*
I'm so glad this guy wasn't driving, but seriously, shouldn't he be supervised??
