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Take a Hike!

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  • Take a Hike!

    Been a long time lurker and commented on other people's stories but never had any of my own...until today.

    I work in the salad bar at Golden Corral Buffet. And I practically never get sucky customers. Sometimes dumb ones but not mean. The servers and maybe The hot food bar.

    Anyway I actually have two stories to tell. One is a server's story and one is mine.

    The back stabbing family.

    For the past week nearly every night we had this asian family passing through our city. And they have come around when we're a half hour (mostly sometimes ealier) away from closing.

    From what I was told they complained they've been pushed out of the restaurant each night when we close.

    Not true, when we have last minute customers we let them get their share of food while we clean without breaking down the bars. And the servers and managers will go around and ask if they are going to get anymore from any of the bars. In a polite way.

    Finally on monday they said they weren't coming back (LIE!) They were back on wednesday. And this is where I see them and hear the story when they're gone. They were actually very polite. Even to our server who is a sweetheart and left her a tip.

    But it wasn't until after they were gone they called back and said the service was bad, they were pushed out, and the server cussed at them. Thankfully our manager stood her ground and not letting them get satisfaction.

    I was pretty surprised by this as I was watching the manager dealing with them over the phone.

    Take a Hike!

    It was around 6pmish when this woman came in. A rush of people came in as well so I was busy filling the bar as fast as I could since I'm kinda slow.

    I catch this woman picking out iceberg lettuce with a different set of tongs that came from the sliced jalepeneos. I spotted the lettuce tongs somewhat buried under the pile a lettuce. Remembering what my doctor said. ("Don't be afraid to speak up". I'm very introverted and trying to become more social) I wanted to point it out.

    Me - Hi (thoughts in italics)
    ML - Mean lady

    Me: *being polite* We do have tongs for the lettuce. *pulling them out gently from underneath the pile of lettuce and setting them on top of the pile and switch out the jalepeneo tongs for new ones* (I didn't realize she was glaring at me until..)
    ML: Take a hike.
    Me: *pause* huh? wait what? ( I actually thought I didn't hear her right and realized thats exactly what she just said)
    ML: *being snooty* Those tongs were on the side, thats why I used the other ones.
    Me:... (I was rather speechless as I never had anyone ever tell me that. My mind was racing on what to say next as my "Super happy mode", which I haven't used in YEARS, began to kick in when dealing with someone like her.)
    ML: Where is you manager.
    Me: I'm happy mode at that point. Thank goodness. My manager is at the front line.

    I haven't heard anything about her from my managers but I told the store manager what happen when I saw him. And then my manager and asked if I was in trouble for doing that. Thankfully she said no and store manager said its best not to say anything. And I'm glad I never said anything further to counter "take a hike"

    But still, was I wrong? I would think in something in that situation they would be more understanding. And I want to think she was having a bad day because from all the stories I've read here, I never heard of a customer tell off an employee by saying that.

    Your thoughts?

  • #2
    Nope you weren't wrong persay. from the point of view of a chef or someone who handles food using the tongs from the jalepenos could get the spicy juice all over the lettuce and you were being nice. Guess she was having a bad day.


    • #3
      Not wrong at all. Working in food, you have to take pains to mitigate any potential allergies (never heard of a jalapeno allergy, but you never know). You were doing your job and the customer was an idiot.

      Excellent work on speaking up, though. I know being introverted is not easy to fight.
      I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


      • #4
        You weren't wrong for what you did. The juices from the jalapeno could've mixed in with the lettuce and that would've been bad for somebody with a sensitive stomach or has food allergies.
        I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
        Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
        Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


        • #5
          [QUOTE=Nurian;566920]Not wrong at all. Working in food, you have to take pains to mitigate any potential allergies (never heard of a jalapeno allergy, but you never know). You were doing your job and the customer was an idiot.

          some people have capisason allergies and that's the chemical that is HOT in peppers


          • #6
            *raises hand* I'm one of the folks that has a capsaicin allergy. Since I go out to eat, I appreciate what you did, so no, you weren't wrong. Wouldn't want my tongue swelling up and having me die in the restaurant. Bad press, you know


            • #7
              Aww thanks guys. I wasn't thinking about the food allergy part. Just cross contamination in general.

              I still chuckle at that lady's comment though.


              • #8
                *points a hand holding a coffee cup at the lady* "You know? I think I'm gonna do that? The weather here is sa-weet!"
                "I call murder on that!"


                • #9
                  As I've said in a previous post. I'm allergic to peppers. So from a personal stand point I do not think you were wrong at all. Seeing as if there were any people like me in your buffet... we could no longer eat your salad
                  "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


                  • #10
                    Quoth Nurian View Post
                    never heard of a jalapeno allergy, but you never know
                    There are actually quite a few of us, and it kind of sucks. I'm really allergic, so I have to be really careful when I eat out, and buffets, while awesome, can be an issue since I can't always find out the ingredients. I've seen people switch tongs and have berated people for being rude(another thread for another time...)

                    Excellent work on speaking up, though. I know being introverted is not easy to fight.
                    I wholeheartedly agree. You did a very good thing, despite the douchery of that SC.



                    • #11
                      OMG a pepper alergy would SUCK. You could never enjoy chili or salsa. I feel for you.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Juwl View Post
                        *points a hand holding a coffee cup at the lady* "You know? I think I'm gonna do that? The weather here is sa-weet!"
                        I love that you quoted my hero - Peyton Manning. Loves my Colts.
                        "I guess they see another cash cow just waiting to be dry humped." - Irving Patrick Freleigh

