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If you would just listen... (long post)

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  • If you would just listen... (long post)

    ... we would have been done a whole lot faster.

    I have a sighting and a story from work. I will start with the work story.

    Is this thing on?

    Small bit of background: I work in a call center for a prepaid cellular service. I had a customer on the line who was calling in to transfer his current phone number to a new handset.

    Company policy for this is to verify the ESN (electronic serial number) or MEID (mobile equipment identifier) or in laymens terms the phones serial number for both the old handset and the new handset.

    Me: Ok, do you have the ESN or MEID from the handset your phone is currently active on?

    Customer: Well let me see here, I have model number, ID, SN, FCCID... what do you need?

    Me: (double checks records) ok, it should be an MEID according to our records. It should start with the letter A and the number 0.

    Customer: I don't see anything like that.

    Me: Ok, it could also start with 268.

    Customer: I see an ID that starts with 01352

    Me: Ok, it should either be A0 or 268. If it doesn't start with one of those two things that's not it.

    Customer: Well I don't see either of those. I have the battery out and everything.

    At this point I notice on the caller ID that he is calling from the phone number he wants to transfer.

    Me: Ok, you are calling from the phone number you intend to transfer right now correct?

    Customer: Yes.

    Me: Ok, what I'm asking you for is the serial number currently attached to that phone number.

    Customer: I know, I have the battery in my hand right now and am looking at the back of the phone.

    Me: And you're speaking to me on the phone?

    Customer: No... this is the phone I want to transfer it on, of course I don't have the battery out of the phone I'm speaking on.

    Me: Ok, what I asked for originally is the serial number that the phone number is attached to now, not the one you want to transfer it to. In other words, the serial number to the phone you are speaking to me on.

    Customer: How am I supposed to get that if I'm speaking to you on the phone?

    Me: It can't be pulled up while your speaking on the phone. I can help you to pull it up on the phone without removing the battery, but I would need another line I could call you on.

    Customer: All I have is this cell phone.

    Me: Then all I can have you do is remove the battery, write the serial number down and then call us back.

    Customer: But... thats a terrible inconvenience.

    Me: I realize that, but I need the serial number to complete this transaction. It can't be pulled up while your speaking on the phone. Unless you have another line I can call you on I have no other options for you.

    Customer: (repeats previous statement with some swearing)

    Eventually he hung up on me as at this point we got locked into the phone call tug of war with each of us repeating the same thing. I don't know what happened to his situation, and I frankly don't care anymore.

    Who are you again?

    So my friends and I are heavily into playing magic the gathering right now. So Thursday I was over at my friend's place helping him out with an issue on his computer after which we sat down to play a few hands. We both decided after a bit we were hungry, and wanted to go and check out some cards at the local comic/gaming store. So we hit up the comic store, bought our cards and headed to the nearby apple bees for some food.

    The food was great, our waiter was not. Now, I don't mind a waiter being friendly, thats cool, its part of the job. So after our food arrived we were talking about deck strategy and my friend was telling me about one of the recent local tournaments he had played in. All around we were very much making with the geek talk.

    Anyway, right in the middle of our conversation our waiter just sits down at our table and says "So what are we talking about." Our conversation ground to a complete halt. Now my friend is a bit socially awkward, as am I at times. We generally don't do well around complete strangers. Anyhow, the fact that the first minute or so after he sat down was dead silence should have clued him into the fact that he was intruding on a private conversation. Anyway, I answered first in a somewhat terse manner. "A game."

    Waiter: What kind of game?

    Me: A card game. Look, I don't mean to be rude, but this is a private conversation.

    Waiter: Well, I was just trying to be friendly.

    Me: Right, by sitting down with two total strangers and butting in on a private conversation?

    With that he walked away. No apology, nothing. Anyway, after that we never saw him again. About 5 minutes later when we needed refills the manager took over our table. In retrospect I should have complained, but I just didn't feel like going through the effort of doing so.
    Last edited by Chanlin; 05-30-2009, 11:02 PM.

  • #2
    IMO, you were the SC's in the second story.


    • #3
      in the second story,i think you were fine
      personally, when i was a waitress, chitchatting was fine
      but i wouldn't force myself into a conversation
      which is what he seemed to do
      and then get personally offended when you didn't play along
      and you didn't complain or make a fuss
      no suck
      sex is like pizza. Even when it's bad, it's still pretty good. - Kusanagi


      • #4
        God, the first one brings back bad memories.

        "If I'm doing a repair, I need you "OFF THE FRIGGIN' PHONE!" No, I can't TS when you're on it. Yes, you're a dumbass..."
        I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


        • #5
          Quoth loveisuneven View Post
          personally, when i was a waitress, chitchatting was fine
          but i wouldn't force myself into a conversation
          which is what he seemed to do
          This is it exactly. He butted in, trying to get into a conversation which he wasn't involved with in the first place. If you were to include him, you'd have to start all over again, explaining what Magic is and how it is played, etc.

          Maybe you were a little abrupt, but he was being too forward.
          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
          My LiveJournal
          A page we can all agree with!


          • #6
            I would not be happy with a total stranger sitting themselves down at my table uninvited.

            You were not sucky at all in that instance.
            I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


            • #7
              Quoth Hobbs View Post
              IMO, you were the SC's in the second story.

              If he had sat down at the table while they were discussing someone's miscarriage, would it still be fine? Would they still suck for telling him it was a private conversation?

              If a CSR abandoned their other customers to butt into your private conversation with a friend, would you greet them like an old friend and explain your whole conversation to them?

              Only suck I see in that story is the waiter. Chatting as he goes by is fine, I'm glad when a waiter/salesperson/CSR does that. Even a little mild flirting, if it's kept mild. But butting into a conversation between two complete strangers? No. Just no.

              YMMV, of course.


              • #8
                I'm going to third (or is it fourth) here. There was no suck in your actions - it was all on the waiter who
                Quoth Chanlin
                right in the middle of our conversation our waiter just sits down at our table and says "So what are we talking about."

                Invasion of privacy much? Had he asked - without sitting down at the customer's table - and politely, what they were talking about, I could see a more measured response. With what he did, I wouldn't consider a raised voice and a curt dismissal to be sucky.
                The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


                • #9
                  I think it's a mix of training and encouraging waiters to sit down. It's not necessarily the waiter's fault that people are forced to try and be friendly.


                  • #10
                    I admit it never even crossed my mind that the waiter may have been in a situation where they were being encouraged to be forward or friendly like that.

                    I will say we have chatted before with waiters and waitresses and other employees during meal ordering or when they come by to check up on us. I think what took me aback the most was just the abruptness. No use of excuse me, or whatever, just an interruption and a very awkward moment to have a complete stranger join our conversation. I admit my response was terse, but it was also to the point. I didn't want to feel like I was leading him on. I find it a lot easier to be direct sometimes. I mean I don't know, maybe the guy liked magic, maybe not, who knows. It just took us both by surprise.

                    We discussed complaining about it, but being that the manager took care of us for the rest of the meal we both agreed we had gotten our point across. Like I said, I didn't want to go through the hassle of it, and I didn't expect to get a free meal out of it or anything. Having some feedback from here I realize too, it was in very small part due to the fact that I didn't think the waiter deserved to get any crap over it from his boss for us complaining.


                    • #11
                      I think the waiter was extremely rude for sitting at your table without either of you inviting him to, especially if it was a booth - that's getting into your personal space imo. If he just stood at the table and asked what you were chattering about, it probably would have been him being trained to chatter and try to start convos with diners, but he didn't...


                      • #12
                        Honestly, I do -not- like the new-ish trend of waiters sitting at the table with you.

                        When I got to a restaurant, I'm there to have dinner with friends or family; I'm not there to have a meal with the staff.

                        What he did was extremely inappropriate (not to mention aggravating - I hate having to explain MTG on the fly to people; I'm a lousy teacher and it's a complicated game).

                        As for you being "abrupt" or "rude", I don't think I would have responded any differently. I mean, how else are you supposed to react to that? Keep your mouth shut? Shout? Seriously. You handled it appropriately.
                        "Do not quibble with me over apostrophes. I have my shit together when it comes to apostrophes." - BookBint


                        • #13
                          Quoth Hobbs View Post
                          IMO, you were the SC's in the second story.
                          Hobbs, I disagree with your opinion, assuming that the MtG conversation wasn't screamed loudly and/or being made publically announced in front of the entire restaurant.

                          I understand what it's like to be socially awkward, as I am at times. If I'm having a private conversation about something obscure that I don't particularly want everyone in the place to hear about and the waiter just butts into the conversation as Chanlin described, yes I'd almost act the same way.

                          It almost sounded like the waiter wanted to embarrass Chanlin and friend(s) by using that kind of tactic. A softer way for the waiter to get into that conversation would be more like, "What you two are talking about sounds interesting, care to tell me about it?"

                          Would you agree with my opinion, Chanlin?
                          Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.


                          • #14
                            I've never heard of waiters sitting at the table as a trend. Where is that happening?

                            I do have to say that if I ever attended a restaurant where that happened, I would complain to corporate. I'd also never go there again (unlike most SCs who only say that.) If I knew that was the way the restaurant ran, I wouldn't go in the first place.
                            Last edited by Stormraven; 05-31-2009, 02:32 PM.
                            The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


                            • #15
                              To the first story, Most phones can be plugged in using the charger then the battery can be removed without disrupting the call. Or at least all that I've used worked that way. (granted, most are nokia :P)

                              Quoth Hobbs View Post
                              IMO, you were the SC's in the second story.

                              I have no problem with Staff getting involved in a conversation and being friendly, but they really should wait to be invited to one. (Well, unless it's a conversation between two people that the store sells and they can be helpful. Not the case here)
                              MMO Addicts group

