I had to tell a passenger to sit down during turbulance. He ignored the fasten seatbelt sign and annoucement and was standing up talking to his mates.
Me: Sorry, you do need to sit down
Pax *rolls eyes* Well guys, I better sit down as SHE is telling me to
He then goes to his seat and I hear him tell his girlfriend "God, she is such a jobsworth."
I spin round and say "actually, I am here for your safety. If you google turbulance related injuries hundreds of results come up. My job is to make sure that I enforce safety and security rules to prevent YOU being injured. I have witnessed passengers concuss themselves and break bones or fall onto other people and hurt them quite severely."
At this point the cabin is silent, all the pax are listening to me.
I get so mad when people think I enjoy enforcing pointless rules.
I also think that people are so bloody entitled that they have severe issues in following commands from people they assume to be below them in the social hierarchy and this includes 'flying waitresses.'
Our inflight magazine states that lawful commands from a crew-member HAVE to be obeyed as it's an aviation law.
Not one peep from that idiot for the rest of the flight.
I had to tell a passenger to sit down during turbulance. He ignored the fasten seatbelt sign and annoucement and was standing up talking to his mates.
Me: Sorry, you do need to sit down
Pax *rolls eyes* Well guys, I better sit down as SHE is telling me to
He then goes to his seat and I hear him tell his girlfriend "God, she is such a jobsworth."
I spin round and say "actually, I am here for your safety. If you google turbulance related injuries hundreds of results come up. My job is to make sure that I enforce safety and security rules to prevent YOU being injured. I have witnessed passengers concuss themselves and break bones or fall onto other people and hurt them quite severely."
At this point the cabin is silent, all the pax are listening to me.
I get so mad when people think I enjoy enforcing pointless rules.

I also think that people are so bloody entitled that they have severe issues in following commands from people they assume to be below them in the social hierarchy and this includes 'flying waitresses.'
Our inflight magazine states that lawful commands from a crew-member HAVE to be obeyed as it's an aviation law.
Not one peep from that idiot for the rest of the flight.