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Just fuckin' Bonkers

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  • Just fuckin' Bonkers

    Okay, so we’ve seen a little bit of a slow down in business recently, for obvious reasons. That being said, the question of “Will Electonics Group (The people who own The Computer Superstore) make it through the recession?” has been answered with a resounding “Fuck yes!” but that doesn;t mean we’re not having slack WEEKS, Just like The Electrical Superstore (Also owned by Electronics Group) across the street from us) The day in question was no different.

    Paul and I were standing at the Tech Direct desk, just chatting the day away, putting the world to rights, as we do, when a customer, who can only be described as just downright baffleing came up to the desk

    Paul: Poor sap who had to deal with this
    Me: Smart mouth
    SC: Sucky customer
    DM: Duty Manager

    Paul: Hiya.
    SC: I want to return this. It’s crap

    [I should add that when you greet Paul like that, it IMMEDIATLY gets his back up to the point where he will be as little help as possible]

    Paul: What seems to be the problem with it?
    SC: The Brand
    Me: o.O?
    Paul: Okay, the brand is not actually a fault with the machine.
    SC: Acer are shit, I know this for a fact
    Me: You realise that Acer are rated the No. 1 laptop and PC manufacturer in the world, right?
    Paul: And we see the fewest returns on this brand
    SC: There’s all kinds of problems with it
    Paul: Well, if you give me specific problems, I can test for them
    SC: Why do you need to test it? I’m telling you there’s a problem and I’m a customer, don’t you know that the customer is always right? Thats the saying
    Me: Funny how customers often forget the rest of that saying where the words “Foolish and downright stupid” are used
    SC: *Ignoreing Flea* Look mate, I drive a 42 grand car. Everything has to be just right for me and this isn’t right.
    Paul and me: What the...? *looks at each other*
    SC: The guys at work told me that Acer are shit and they are making fun of me for buying one. They know everything about computers, they can program in C++
    Me: oooh, the program in C++? Well, C++ was the first language I learned and it’s EASY. Lets see, I can do C++, C#, PHP, Basic, Visual Basic, Python and SO many others.
    Paul: so if they know everything, Flea here must be some super-brain or somthing.
    SC: I want to return this computer!
    Paul: Unless there’s a fault with it; I can not return it
    SC: Well...ah...the mouse. Stupid multi-touch thing. It keeps zooming in when I don’t want it to

    So Paul turns on the laptop and starts just using it...sure enough the mouse zooms by it’s self, so paul pulls off the sticker on the mouse pad

    SC: HEY!! Did I authorise you to do that?!
    Paul: ...It’s a sticker. It’s supposed to be removed
    SC: but where does it say that in the instructions?
    Paul: It doesn’t but Neither does it say that you need to remove the computer from the box or open the lid to use it.
    SC: Well, I want to see your manager. I didn’t authorise you to do that
    DM: (Who was standing in the TechDirect area already) What my collegeue did was right. And we’re not giving you your money back on the basis that you don’t like the computer
    SC: Well, in that case I’ll stand on your carpark with a banner that says The computer superstore rip you off. What about my consumer rights that if I don’t like a product, I can return it
    All: You don’t have that right.
    Paul: No one in the electronics industry offers a try before you buy basis either
    SC: So why, when you buy something from Argos, if you don’t like it, do you have the right to return it there?
    DM: that is their company policy, not the law. Our company does not have that policy
    SC: you haven’t heard the last of this. I will be out on that carpark tomorrow
    DM: we will have the police move you along then
    SC: you can;t do that if I am more than a meter away from the store, I am off your property
    DM: Off ours, yes, but Alstom Retail Parks own the carparks, Alstom Road and Apple Tree Way. We will just call them and THEY will have you moved

    Needless to say he storms off, computer in hand, muttering something that none of us cared to listen to

    Today rolls around, we’re no busier than yesterday and all of a sudden we here “Peng-Pong! Manager announcement. Duty Manager to the front of the store please. Duty Manager to the front of the store please. Thank you. BLIP!

    Manager goes to the front of the store and GUESS who is there with a banner?

    Thins was, there was nothing we could do because he wasn’t on the path immediately infront of the store, but the tarmac of the carpark, so we had to call the retail park. They did turn up with the police, who arrested him for trespassing.

    And Yes, the retail park will be pressing charges.

    -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

    Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

    A guide for customers about retail

  • #2
    It's sad that the guy didn't even realize that he is only making himself look more foolish to the rest of us potential customers. I deal with enough sucktomers at work that I usually ignore the "advice" of anyone that I don't know to be a reliable source, like family and friends.
    The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

    Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy


    • #3
      Quoth AdvancedFlea View Post
      Thing was, there was nothing we could do because he wasn’t on the path immediately in front of the store, but the tarmac of the carpark, so we had to call the retail park. They did turn up with the police, who arrested him for trespassing.

      And Yes, the retail park will be pressing charges.

      Even if he doesn't get a criminal record out of it, because it was the retail park which filed trespass charges, rather than your store, he could wind up being banned from all retail parks owned by that company rather than just your store (which he obviously wouldn't shop at again anyway).

      Most people who "shoot themselves in the foot" use small arms (a.k.a. rifle/pistol/shotgun) - he's going for a broadside from an Iowa-class battleship.
      Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


      • #4
        What a dumbass. I hope they ban his ass.
        I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
        Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
        Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


        • #5
          I'm typing this from an Aspire ONE right now. And I'd just like to say:



          • #6
            Somehow I can picture this guy on the news...

            Him: "I tried to get my money back for this computer and they wouldn't give it to me!"

            Reporter: "What's wrong with the computer?"

            Him: "My friends made fun of me because it's the wrong brand."

            Reporter: "And what was the company's resp... Wait, you said 'It's the wrong brand'?"

            Him: "Yes."

            Reporter: "What do you mean by that?"

            Him: "My friends that the brand is crap, and I want my money back."

            Reporter: "So... you had no actual problem with the computer."

            Him: "Well, the mousepad thing didn't work properly..."

            Reporter: "And they refused to fix it?"

            Him: "No, they fixed it, for free... But I still want my money back!"

            Reporter: " ... Back to you, Dave."
            "Kamala the Ugandan Giant" 1950-2020 • "Bullet" Bob Armstrong 1939-2020 • "Road Warrior Animal" 1960-2020 • "Zeus" Tiny Lister Jr. 1958-2020 • "Hacksaw" Butch Reed 1954-2021 • "New Jack" Jerome Young 1963-2021 • "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff 1949-2021 • "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton 1958-2021 • Daffney 1975-2021


            • #7
              any possibility of pressing libel/slander charges due to him stating that the store sells crap without proof to back him up?
              Bark like a chicken!


              • #8
                In his defense, at one time Acer was regarded as pure crap...

                These days they're affordable AND good, something I never would have thought possible. They're even selling reasonably priced laptops in WALMART of all places! I almost jumped all over a $350 laptop that had 3 gigs of ram, a decent HD, decent cpu, and Windows XP Pro recently... from Acer. The only reason I didn't is they were out of stock at the moment.


                • #9
                  A man that uses his car as a status symbol...
                  Once again, money can't buy class..

                  Pwned by the police when he tried to protest a store even though he doesn't look "cool" in front of his friends? Priceless.

                  So because he tried to be a big arse about the whole thing, he's got legal issues. That's freaking awesome!

                  Score one for the good guys!
                  Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.


                  • #10
                    More to the point, he might have looked a right dick to them before (for buying an Acer), but he's really going to cop crap from them now for being a complete moron!

                    When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


                    • #11
                      All that because he didn't remove a sticker? Moron.


                      • #12
                        i bet his co-workers will laugh at him even more

                        then again they were probably only laughing at him, not because of the computer, but because he was trying to show off how cool he was.


                        • #13
                          Quoth aurelemsrealm View Post
                          I usually ignore the "advice" of anyone that I don't know to be a reliable source, like family and friends.
                          I dunno, With me it depends on what I think of the person and how much I know that they know. If they are reasonably sharp, I'll listen to them But his friends obviously wernt

                          Quoth wolfie View Post
                          Even if he doesn't get a criminal record out of it, because it was the retail park which filed trespass charges, rather than your store, he could wind up being banned from all retail parks owned by that company rather than just your store (which he obviously wouldn't shop at again anyway).
                          aah the issue is that Alstom retail parks only own 4 parks

                          Quoth Skeksin View Post
                          any possibility of pressing libel/slander charges due to him stating that the store sells crap without proof to back him up?
                          Nah, he was doing it on retail park property, NOT ours, sadly.

                          Quoth bean View Post
                          In his defense, at one time Acer was regarded as pure crap...
                          Oh HELL yeah, I remember that time. but like you said, they sharpened up. He should have done his research

                          Quoth Blade_Raver View Post
                          A man that uses his car as a status symbol...
                          Once again, money can't buy class..

                          Score one for the good guys!
                          I know. Fucking morons...and yes, Good guys RAWK!

                          Quoth Bright_Star View Post
                          All that because he didn't remove a sticker? Moron.
                          Heh, you took the words right out of my mouth and the mouths of everybody who works for TechDirect (We told some of the field engineers who said EXACTLY the same thing)
                          -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

                          Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

                          A guide for customers about retail


                          • #14
                            Quoth bean View Post
                            In his defense, at one time Acer was regarded as pure crap...

                            same thing with E-Machines... my floormates at USU gave me a hard time for buying an E-Machines... I laughed it off and said "hey, it's cheap, I can tinker around with it, and if I complete destroy it in the process I"m only out a few hundred"

                            Want to guess who's computer has lasted the longest
                            Yeah, I've had to add more memory and replace the cd/dvd drive, but I now have a 4 year old computer that still holds it's own... it's like a freaking Toyota, it will keep going until I do something so stupid that *I* kill it
                            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                            • #15
                              Given that the components are made by only a handful of manufacturers, I don't think the brand name on the final product really matters. I mostly buy HPs but I did get an e-machine once and I ended up screwing it up myself. The guy sounds like a tool.

