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You stow your bag or you get off my plane

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  • You stow your bag or you get off my plane

    Had a complete bitch on a recent flight.

    She was sat by the overwing exits.

    You cannot have any bags, loose articles of clothing etc on your lap, under the seat or on the coat hook for take off and landing.

    One of the flight attendants asked me to come and speak to a woman sat there who was adamant that her bag needed to be on her lap.

    Me: As my collegue has explained to you, for safety reasons your bag must go up in the overhead locker.
    SC: Noooooooo it has my passport and other important documents in.
    Me: I can assure you ma'am, your bag will be just fine up there.
    SC: No no no no no.
    Me: Fine. You can sit somewhere else instead.
    SC: No, I wanna sit here cos it has extra legroom!
    Me: I am giving you a choice. You either stow your bag or you move seats. We need to take off very soon or we will miss our take-off slot.
    SC: I don't want to move seats!
    Me: Well let's stow your bag then
    SC: No!
    Me: Fine. I do not feel happy with you being sat here, you are obviously unwilling to accept the responsibility of opening that exit. If you do not move seats right now I will be asking security to escort you off this plane and you will not be flying today.

    She moved pretty quickly after my evil glare and stern voice. And was as quiet as a mouse for the rest of the flight.
    No longer a flight atttendant!

  • #2
    I love happy endings.
    Melody Gardot


    • #3
      Air Marshall to the


      • #4
        Ya know...I fly pretty regularly...
        I've managed to figure out that the rules in the airplane are there for a REASON. I certainly wouldn't like to be in turbulence, and get whacked about the head by someone's rogue handbag....
        The report button - not just for decoration


        • #5
          Yeah... I sure as heck wouldn't want that lady's precious passport-bag adding to the confusion in an emergency, when all I'll want is out-out-out!


          • #6
            I hate hate hate people who have to sit in the exit row for the extra leg room. People who aren't strong enough or willing enough to be any help in an evacuation. Yeah, they're rare but when there is a need, it's a fast need. I grew up in earthquake country and we learned proper evacuation techniques and how to evacuate people out of exits. We all took turns with proper arm procedure, etc. And I still don't like sitting in the row because though I'm strong enough to help at least 5-10 people, there are a lot more people on a plane.

            One time I got stuck sitting in an exit row and the people who were sitting in it shocked me! One was a woman with a baby who was told repeatedly she couldn't have the baby with her in the seat (she was with a family who she passed the baby over to before the flight but the attendant had to keep telling her to not have the baby in her lap during the flight). The other was an old guy who could barely hold himself up let alone anyone else. I don't remember if the attendant talked him out of the seat but, holy crap, I wouldn't want that guy in the exit row. (He also looked like he had dementia so who knows what would've happened if there were an emergency - he might just stand there confused)

            Having some emergency training, I'm starting to feel like I should take the exit row as a matter of course since I could actually be a good help. And to at least take one seat away from those people who want the extra leg room but not the potential responsibility.
            Interesting Fodder:


            • #7
              I make a point of staying away from the exit seats... I Think I would be okay in an emergency... but there is that little voice in the back of my head that tells me there is a very good chance I would just panic and shut down... I don't need to be responsible for anyone but me... I got stuck in the exit once and I asked the flight attendant to see if anyone would switch me seats. Leg room be damned, I dont like sitting there.
              "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


              • #8
                I always ask to sit in the exit row as most of my 6' height is from my legs, lol. But I do have emergency training and am strong enough to help several people and am trained in evacuation procedures from working on the ships for so many years. I also always carry my passport on my person so would have no problem stowing my carry-on, as it has at most a change of clothes and a book to read.


                • #9
                  PKAH - you seem to be having a run of SC's at the moment *hugs*

                  Dont know about anywhere else, but in Oz, exit row seats are only allocated to people who can actually "assist" if their is an emergency. Elderly or infirm people are not given them. I got an exit row once on a flight from Sydney to Seoul and yeah it was nice to stretch my legs, but everyone else also used the area to "stretch and exercise" during the flight which constantly disturbed my attempts to sleep. A woman even decided to let her infant use the area to crawl around in which of course ment I could not move my legs for fear of hitting her kid. luckily the cabin crew made her go back to her seat.

                  If I am ever offered the exit row, I always decline. Give me my aisle seat in the middle of the plane and I'm very happy
                  "When did you get a gold plated toilet?"
                  "We don't have a gold plated toilet"
                  "Oh dear, I think I just peed in your Tuba"

                  -Jasper Fforde


                  • #10
                    I hate flying but I always take the overwing exit seats if I can, for 3 reasons:

                    1: More leg room (duh)

                    2: Smoother flight.

                    3: More likely to survive a crash, than if I was sitting in the front row

                    As for the door... lift handle, push out... yeah I think I can handle that, and believe me if there was an emergency I can GUARANTEE that door will open, cause I'm gonna be the first one through it!
                    <Insert clever signature here>


                    • #11
                      Quoth Lingering Grin View Post
                      yeah I think I can handle that, and believe me if there was an emergency I can GUARANTEE that door will open, cause I'm gonna be the first one through it!
                      That made me LOL. I think maybe next time I should request the exit row because I'm good in emergencies (earthquakes, robberies, car accidents), even if everyday snafus freak me.
                      "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                      • #12
                        When TTO and I fly to Canada, he's going to have to get the exit seats - he's 6'10"!!!!! But I promise he can open and lift the door - he can bench press 350 pounds, so I think that door should be easy for him....
                        The report button - not just for decoration


                        • #13
                          Quoth Red_Dazes View Post
                          ... but there is that little voice in the back of my head that tells me there is a very good chance I would just panic and shut down...
                          That's a very smart voice. Most people shut down. Like more than 70%. If you say "someone call 911" everyone will sit still. If you say "you in the red hoodie, call 911" they will do so. In an emergency, you need someone to take leadership and I think that should be someone in the exit row.
                          Interesting Fodder:


                          • #14
                            I love the extra room in exit seats. However, I regularly get screamed at and cursed at if they're already taken or blocked off for high-mileage frequent flyers.

                            I have control over this, you see.
                            "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                            • #15
                              I am physically handicapped, and could use the extra leg room, but not being 100% sure I can still get the exit open quickly (could have easily 10 years ago) I always sit a row or two back. But then, I always TRY to bring my common sense WITH me everywhere.

