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A Powerless Fight

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  • A Powerless Fight

    Long time no post! This is not due to lack of SCs, just lack of will.

    I'll start with a story that should have been posted a long time ago.

    Buy Six, Get Sick

    I gotta say, after reading so many Customerssuck posts, this really shouldn't have surprised me. But I never would have thought someone would COMPLAIN about the buy six donuts, get six free deal.

    Me: Okay, your total is 5.00 even.
    SC: That's wrong.
    Me: ? Six donuts cost 4.99, and you're getting twelve...
    SC: A dozen donuts are 7.49. It should be half of that for six!
    Me: (Whoa,someone discovered capitalism! What'll I do?!)
    Shift Lead D: (Stepping in) Yes sir, but the price is 4.99 for six. We have to go by that price, and then you get six after that.
    SC: That's a rip off!
    Shift Lead D: By buying six and getting six, you still save about 2.50.
    SC: -grumbles and pays while still muttering about how it's wrong-
    Me: Thanks, D.

    Seriously though? You're complaining? If you want, I can just charge you full price for the dozen. -_- It would be my pleasure.

    After some time, the Buy 6 Get Sick promotion ended, and now we have 99 cent iced coffee and lattes.


    One weekend we were getting slammed at both DT and Front Counter with people. We have a very small, weird parking lot, which causes for a lot of confusion traffic wise and lines that go into the road. (I don't understand why people use DT when it's clear there's a line of 7 cars, but that's a different story) Because we were so swarmed, everyone's nerves were at their breaking point, and we were running like chickens with our heads cut off. Most frazzled was my Shift Lead V, because during all of this chaos, she still had a lot of paperwork to do in the office and had no idea when she would be able to go home because of it. So panicking to get the DT orders done as fast as possible, she gets this.

    SLV: "Hi, can I help you?"
    Woman: "Hi, I'd like a small iced coffee."
    SLV: (Rather impatiently) "Would you like cream or sugar in that?"
    Woman: "... If you don't get cream in your coffee, does that make it black?"
    SLV: (Totally thrown, starts laughing) "..."

    It was so amusing and surprising that we were all able to relax and get things done with a light hearted attitude. Thanks, lady!

    Passive Aggressiveness

    Have you ever had these kind of customers? They're the ones that freak me out the most. They're the people who, with a big smile, kindly and politely tell you that LAST TIME, you did something wrong. I've had a few of these. "Oh, not to bother you, but I just wanted to let you know, last time you guys got our coffees wrong." or "By the way, last time I was here, the coffee was burnt. (:"

    What do you want me to tell you? I can apologize but I can't keep my CWs from messing up, and I make mistakes sometimes, too. I assure you, they're purely accidental. But the way they so cheerfully and nicely put it gives me a guilt trip.

    And now for my favorite story thus far!

    A Powerless Fight

    This past Sunday was a lot of fun. Since the local college kids graduated, and the semester is over, we stopped getting attacked by constant college kids who ALL want Sausage, Egg & Cheese sandwiches and hashbrowns and lattes. So the weekend is nice and easygoing, and not at all horribly busy. So I was already in a good mood.

    I was in the middle of making Coolatta mix when suddenly, all the lights went out and the machines shut off. Seeing as this is my first real job, I never FATHOMED the idea of a power outage at work, so I went "AWESOME!".

    Then I realized it wasn't just a power flicker. That power wasn't coming back on. The registers couldn't ring anything out. This also meant we couldn't make sandwiches, lattes, hot coffee, coolattas, toast bagels... We could only make iced coffee and sell what was in the cooler and the shelves.

    The shocking part is that we stayed open. Shift Lead V got the front counter drawer open. Coworker A put a sign up at Drive Thru explaining the power was out. We had to write down every purchase, remember the prices and use a calculator to 'ring people out' for their orders. We couldn't take cards, but with the front register drawer open, we could do cash. Writing down every purchase and how much we charged for it was a pain. Especially since some people got an odd order like "10 bagels" instead of a dozen, or an odd amount of munchkins.

    We found out that the entire town had no power. They estimated we'd have no power for 3 or 4 hours. Apparently STREET LIGHTS weren't working as well. Scary!

    Even more shocking was that throughout all of this, people KEPT COMING IN AND THROUGH DRIVE THRU ANYWAY. We must have explained the situation to about 40 people. We sold all the hot coffee we had really quickly. We had a lot of people roll their eyes and drive off when we told them we couldn't make hot coffee, which was rather unfair. What do you want us to do? It's not our fault the power went out. They're lucky we stayed open, and even considered keeping drive thru open.

    A lot of others... were just plain stupid.

    Me: I'm sorry, since we have no power right now, we don't have any hot coffee. We can't make sandwiches or toast bagels. We can still sell iced coffee, soda from the cooler, muffins, donuts and bagels, though!
    SC: Can you make me a latte?

    ... A latte. An espresso drink with espresso made from a MACHINE. And Steamed milk from that SAME MACHINE.

    ... The answer is no.

    Me: I'm sorry, since we have no power right now, we don't have any hot coffee. We can't make sandwiches or toast bagels. We can still sell iced coffee, soda from the cooler, muffins, donuts and bagels, though! We just can't make anything hot.
    SC: Can I get a coolatta, then?

    ... A coolatta is a slushie. Made with a SLUSHIE MACHINE. Yes, it's cold, but that doesn't mean it doesn't need power.

    ... The answer is no.

    Most people were pretty nice about it, though. I told a woman I was sorry about the inconvenience, and she answered "Oh, no problem, I just feel so sorry for you guys!"

    Although I appreciated her thought, I couldn't help but think to myself "If you felt bad for us, you wouldn't be here buying things."

    Thankfully the power didn't stay off for 3-4 hours. After about 2 hours, it came back on while I was cleaning the bathrooms with the door propped open for light. Then it just became a normal day once again (And the power was out for our busiest hours, so it was nice and slow when the lights came back!).

    Though I kind of missed not having power. When it was like that, there weren't customers and employees anymore. We all started talking like people.

    Whoa, that was deep. I better stop now.

  • #2
    WHAT? 12 for 5 bucks? Are you kidding? Thats awesome. Send me some please.
    Melody Gardot


    • #3
      Quoth Chazzie View Post
      Seeing as this is my first real job, I never FATHOMED the idea of a power outage at work, so I went "AWESOME!".
      Sadly, this was my same reaction when power went out in the Operating Room as we were

      Patient made only lasted a few seconds.


      • #4
        Wait, was the guy trying to buy a dozen donuts or six? I could understand his frustration if all he wanted was six donuts. I wouldn't want to buy a dozen donuts (even if half of them were free). Though I would be more understanding that the dozen price would be a volume discount. Unless, of course, pre-promotion he could get them at half the dozen price...
        Interesting Fodder:


        • #5
          No, he was getting 12. We weren't forcing free donuts on people. But really, he didn't have to pay any more for the extra six. He bought six for 5 dollars, and the promotion gave him 6 more. Pre-Promotion, 6 donuts was still 5 dollars, and a dozen is 7.49. He just wanted half the price of a dozen, which would have been less.

          @Amina: That is one job I wouldn't be cheering for a power outage with.


          • #6
            Don't you wish you had that Evoker for some of these SC's?

            I coulda used mabufu or something yesterday :P


            • #7
              Thankfully we have battery backups on all of our registers - they're good for about 20 minutes. We can't take debit while the power is out, credit transactions are stored and transmitted once the power (and network) is back up, and check authorization doesn't work (they're approved automatically when it times out).

              Still... the stupidity of people boggles me. I've seen people keep taking their sweet time waddling through the pitch black store even though we've told them "Hey SC, our power is out and we can only ring you up if you make it to the register within the next 5 minutes". We tape "Closed due to power failure" signs on every door, and people still pry them open, then demand "compensation" for us not being able to serve them. The worst was when I watched someone pry the door open, walk right past me when I tried to stop them (I told them "Ma'am we're closed, the power is out" twice), walk right past several other coworkers telling her the same thing, and she finally came up to me demanding a coupon because all the lights were out and none of the registers were working (NO SHIT? OMG! I DIDN'T NOTICE!!!). I escorted her out of the store.



              • #8
                Quoth Hobbs View Post
                Don't you wish you had that Evoker for some of these SC's?

                I coulda used mabufu or something yesterday :P
                I guess Die For Me! would be a little too dramatic...

                Quoth bean View Post
                Thankfully we have battery backups on all of our registers - they're good for about 20 minutes.

                The worst was when I watched someone pry the door open, walk right past me when I tried to stop them (I told them "Ma'am we're closed, the power is out" twice), walk right past several other coworkers telling her the same thing, and she finally came up to me demanding a coupon because all the lights were out and none of the registers were working (NO SHIT? OMG! I DIDN'T NOTICE!!!). I escorted her out of the store.
                I wish we had backup batteries. It would have helped us out a little bit (though people just kept coming regardless). People were whining about us not having a generator. Though we did have someone like that who came in and tried to order. When told the power was out, he goes "Oh! So THAT'S why the lights aren't on!" I wondered what he thought the reason was. Belated Earth Day?


                • #9
                  Quoth Chazzie View Post

                  Passive Aggressiveness

                  Have you ever had these kind of customers? They're the ones that freak me out the most. They're the people who, with a big smile, kindly and politely tell you that LAST TIME, you did something wrong.
                  ugh. the passive aggressive whiners. I had one the other day. A guy who was all "you won't take this expired coupon from LAST week? mumble mumble long time customer mumble mumble spends lots of money mumble mumble. FINE i thought you'd help me out but i guess you wont. I guess I'll have to go to [competitor]. That's too bad."

                  no yelling. Just shuffling his feet, looking at the ground, whined. What a loser.


                  • #10
                    A few years ago, I worked at a Blockbuster Video (I'll get around to posting those stories one of these days) and one day the power went out.

                    We stayed open, told every person we could accept cash only, and put the ice cream (Haagendaz bars, drumsticks, etc) on sale for 75% off.
                    We had to manually write down everything, each person's 16 digit membership card number, their driver's license/passport #, each movies 16-digit code, as well as the complete UPC code for every bit of candy purchased. Then, the next morning's shift, we had to enter it all in the computers when the power came back on. But the worst part was despite signs at the door, and the till, and starting every single transaction by saying we could only take cash, fully half of the customers would tell us after we'd written it all down that they only had plastic. Half of those argued they should get their stuff for free because it's our fault we don't have electricity.

                    The other morning, I went to grab some beer after working my graveyard shift. All the computers were down (but cc/debit machines were working,) so the poor guy working not only had to write out everything by hand, but management required him to hand write out receipts for every transaction, even though nobody wanted one. I tipped him 5 bucks.
                    Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

                    "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain


                    • #11
                      Quoth Chazzie View Post
                      I guess Die For Me! would be a little too dramatic...
                      I'd recommend "Frolic."
                      Drive it like it's a county car.

