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I'm going to flip out if this happens again.

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  • I'm going to flip out if this happens again.

    I shouldn't have moved from Gamestop to a different electronics store. This just got worse. At least three times a shift (often three hour shifts, so sometimes once an hour) I get some stupid fucking guy looking straight at me, telling me they have no questions about anything, and go straight to one of my male coworkers and ask them a question.

    And I know damn well it's because I'm a girl.

    I'm already looking for a new job because our DM and the rest of corporate are the biggest bunch of dumbass cocksuckers I've ever met (SM has to be there everyday but you get to sit on your ass at home with your wife and kids while you work the poor guy to death and expect unreasonable things out of us? Fuck you!), but idiots like that just make it worse. It does bring me joy when male coworkers refer said customers to me to answer their questions, but then they just act condescending and don't ever believe what I tell them.

    I'm going to start making snarky comments. It took a coworker coming into work late three or four hours late everyday or not at all (NCNS's all around), smelling strongly of liquor and cursing heavily in front of customers to get him fired, so if I lay heavy on the sarcasm to people who deserve it I just don't think there will be any repercussions. And if there are, I've got something else lined up. Pays less, but it's there. Fuck them. I am SO frustrated right now.
    Would you like a Stummies?

  • #2
    Running joke

    This happen to me a couple of times as a computer tech as I am Black, and because when I first started I was very young (19 years old, the little detail that I was working with simple computer designs at 11 meant I had nearly a decade's more experience than anyone else in the store was not written on my forehead.)

    What happened, basicly because others knew I knew so much was is they would say "Ask Earl, he's the expert at that." even if they knew the answer themselves.

    It got to be a running joke in the store when someone got huffy at my answers, or was giving a salesman a hard time.

    Talk to your co-workers about it, they may not agree - but would you be any worse off? If they agree, be prepare for lots of cat-puss faces.
    Last edited by earl colby pottinger; 06-03-2009, 08:55 PM. Reason: spelling


    • #3
      Are you PMSing?

      (runs for cover and puts on bullet-proof vest)

      "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


      • #4
        I'm a frequent shopper of Gamestop and I think a female working there is cool. Most of the time I walk into my local store here in Texas, the idiots behind the counter are goofing off or act stupid. There was a female who worked at this Gamestop and she was cool she knew her games and was very helpful. If it was me who was a customer of yours I would not second guess your answers just my 2 cents on the subject.


        • #5

          Re-read your post, I see you have talked to your co-workers. If they are that blind to how a fellow co-workers is treated then you do need to find another job.

          It would not have happen at the store I worked at, we delighted in giving repairs to the female techs when a customer up front said they did not want a female working on it.

          Colour correction of a screen. Sorry, Laurie was a camera nut, she knew more about colour blanance in her little finger than the rest of us combined.

          Audio problems? Sonya lived and breathed music, of-course she is the person to fix sound problems.

          Spread-Sheet/Accounting Software/Databases go to Carol. The amount of software she had to test/debug was huge.


          And we (the techs) were prepared to swear under oath in court if needed that those girls were the best persons for the job ..... BECAUSE THEY WERE!


          • #6
            It's not like my coworkers can do much about it. It's not their fault. I'm not going to expect them to get bitchy at a customer on my behalf or tell them to go back to me unless they're already helping someone else. If it's about the condescending thing, it's the customers that do that, not the coworkers!
            Would you like a Stummies?


            • #7
              Romance Covers

              Noticed your avatar, maybe this link will bring some humour into your life.


              try it, it's funny.


              • #8
                Quoth earl colby pottinger View Post
                Noticed your avatar, maybe this link will bring some humour into your life.


                try it, it's funny.

                Melody Gardot


                • #9
                  Good to know that sexism is still alive and well Seriously, if you work there, they should assume that you are knowledgeable about the products and will be able to help the customers. It doesn't matter what is (or isn't) in your pants!
                  "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


                  • #10
                    Hah. Try being a service manager at an auto shop!

                    My old service manager was not only female, but 19 years old. She knew what she needed to know to get the job done. I always hated the knuckle-draggers that gave her a hard time, and ALWAYS stood up for her and sent them right back to her if it was a question she could answer- usually, "When's a good time for me to come in for an oil change? "

                    She wasn't a car person at heart, but a gamer nerd chick, which is why she eventually left and found employment at some gaming company.

                    I still admire her knowlege of SF stuff. Once I asked what the name of Morpheus's ship in the Matrix, and she knew it off the top of her head... I was like,
                    Suckiness is reinforced up OR down at every transaction. Accepting BS makes them worse for all of us; firm fairness trains them to suck less.


                    • #11
                      real men love geek girls

                      only the fake men proclaim "girls can't know about computers or games"

                      or better yet when they say stupid stuff like that... start calling them "ma'am".

                      because... "well if only men know about these things... you wouldn't have to ask about them, ma'am"


                      • #12
                        I just got home from work today, and it just completely turned my heart back on. I was helping an old man with his cordless phone and I figured out what was wrong with it, he said, "You know you've been more helpful with this than any man I've asked and you actually figured out the problem!"

                        So after being pissy this morning about the whole thing, I got a little faith back. I wanted to give him a hug.
                        Would you like a Stummies?


                        • #13
                          Quoth Automan Empire View Post
                          Once I asked what the name of Morpheus's ship in the Matrix, and she knew it off the top of her head... I was like,
                          The Nebuchadnezzar
                          Spelling might be off, but it's close...
                          "I call murder on that!"


                          • #14
                            Ugh, tell me about it.

                            I'm a locksmith and I'm female.

                            I walk into a place and anounce that the locksmith is here, they look behind me waiting for the 'man' to arrive. Nope, me is all you get!!

                            My biggest pet peeve:
                            Anytime I'm at the mall/puplic parking opening a car, every Tom, Dick and Harry that has ever worked for a towing company/lockout service/police dept. will try to help. Some of them have even tried grabbing my tools before.
                            "Get away from me. I've got this. *click* SEEEE!!!"

                            My most memorable moment
                            Guy called, the keys were locked in his car. PD had already unsucessfully tried opening it for 2 days now. I sent our younger service guy. 1 hr later he called me, desperate, he couldn't get it open, cause the PD had disconnected every linkage rod in every door. Older, more experienced service guy was in the neighborhood, so I got him to stop by to help. 1/2 hr later car is still not open. Boss is bitching about 2 guys still being tied up, so he goes there and sends other 2 guys onto their next appointments. 1 hr later, boss has an appointment for an estimate, but is still trying to open car. I have young guy come shop-sitting, while I go and take some material to the boss (which he needed for estimate) and to have a try at this 'impossible' to open car.

                            As I'm working on it (5 mins), car owner is standing around being a smart a$$.
                            Car owner: How many locksmiths does it take to open a car? Hyuck, hyuck
                            At that momet I yank open the car door.
                            Me: It takes ONE woman!!


                            • #15
                              Quoth It shouldn't View Post
                              Car owner: How many locksmiths does it take to open a car? Hyuck, hyuck
                              How many dumbasses does it take to lock their keys in a car?


