Is it a full moon? (checks calendar) Oh shit, I think it is. All the crazies are out and I'm scared. Hold me.
I didn't witness this first one personally but I heard all about it from the poor girl. She got approached by some Asian guy asking her if she'd like to join his "multi-million" dollar business opportunity. He also wanted her to go down to Madison with him and his "friend" tomorrow.
She declined on the second part but did tell the guy her name.
She also gave him a phone number--that belongs to a friend of hers who supposedly doesn't answer her phone. She plans to tell this person what's up so she knows what to do if he calls.
As far as he told her, the business opportunity involves investing in companies. Personally I think by "investing in" he means "finding women and/or girls to engage in" and by "companies" he means "prostitution, drug peddling, or human slavery." But then again I'm probably irredeemably cynical.
Then, as we were outside taking out last break of the day, there was a big, purple, adult-sized tricycle in the bike rack. Not long after we sat down, its owner came out--and started ranting to us about one of the local hospitals in town (specifically the one that nearly killed my grandfather by almost giving him a combination of drugs that would've caused a massive heart attack, but that's neither here nor there) violating the Americans with Disabilities act, her knee she ripped up years ago, the fact that she's only been able to work 2 and a half years out of the past 30, how's she's going to sue for billions of dollars and be on national TV, and how we're all being kicked around and how could this happen in our hometown and blah blah blah bling bling bling blah.
As she's pontificating from her soapbox, we're all looking in different directions trying our hardest not to laugh.
Finally, she left, pedaling her tricycle with no apparent difficulty, and we just lost it. I kept looking for a hidden camera, or nice guys in white coats, but sadly they were no place to be found. I think we're going to be talking about her for a long time.
And also looking for a backup break spot if we see that tricycle in our bike rack again.
I didn't witness this first one personally but I heard all about it from the poor girl. She got approached by some Asian guy asking her if she'd like to join his "multi-million" dollar business opportunity. He also wanted her to go down to Madison with him and his "friend" tomorrow.
She declined on the second part but did tell the guy her name.

As far as he told her, the business opportunity involves investing in companies. Personally I think by "investing in" he means "finding women and/or girls to engage in" and by "companies" he means "prostitution, drug peddling, or human slavery." But then again I'm probably irredeemably cynical.
Then, as we were outside taking out last break of the day, there was a big, purple, adult-sized tricycle in the bike rack. Not long after we sat down, its owner came out--and started ranting to us about one of the local hospitals in town (specifically the one that nearly killed my grandfather by almost giving him a combination of drugs that would've caused a massive heart attack, but that's neither here nor there) violating the Americans with Disabilities act, her knee she ripped up years ago, the fact that she's only been able to work 2 and a half years out of the past 30, how's she's going to sue for billions of dollars and be on national TV, and how we're all being kicked around and how could this happen in our hometown and blah blah blah bling bling bling blah.
As she's pontificating from her soapbox, we're all looking in different directions trying our hardest not to laugh.
Finally, she left, pedaling her tricycle with no apparent difficulty, and we just lost it. I kept looking for a hidden camera, or nice guys in white coats, but sadly they were no place to be found. I think we're going to be talking about her for a long time.
And also looking for a backup break spot if we see that tricycle in our bike rack again.