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Moron convention this weekend!

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  • Moron convention this weekend!

    It seems that there's a moron convention this weekend. Most of the following happened at least twice times with different SCs.

    Benefits of reading

    SC (gets two 1.25 liter Cokes)
    Me: $8
    SC: But they're on special!
    Me: The 2 liters are on special.
    SC: But the sign...
    Me: The sign says two 2 liters for $5.99.
    SC: Oh I don't read signs, I just saw the $5.99 bit.

    Big words are confusing

    SC: The ATM says it's out of currency, what does that mean?
    Me: It's out of cash.
    SC: So it won't give me any money then?

    After the second one I put an out of order sign over the ATM screen. Only to have some SC move it then complain about it not working.

    This isn't Clerks

    SC: Give us a pack of smokes.
    Me: What brand?
    SC: Oh just the 20 pack.
    Me: What brand?
    SC: Red will do.
    Me: What brand?
    SC: Umm.... (5 minutes later) 20 pack in the reds?
    Me: What brand?

    Eventually they chose a brand, only to find out they didn't have enough money.

    Discounted, but not yet

    The graveyard shift guys discount hot food late at night, because it's better to make $1 from an old, dried out sausage roll than to throw it out (it's still a loss, but less of a loss than making $0 from it, and yes this is legal). But now the SCs wait until it 3 minutes after the sun goes down and come in and demand their cheap hot food when it's still good enough to sell at full price.