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No, it's not like the Mary Poppin's bag

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  • #31
    I know a woman like this - a friend's sister-in-law. My friend can sew anything under the sun and gets incredible compliments for her clothing. She's been sewing since she was 10 years old.

    Her sister-in-law, figured that she could do it too since she "has a bachelor's degree and Mary (my friend) is just a homemaker - it shouldn't be rocket science."

    The woman's husband later related how the spare room they had looked like a fabric store had thrown up everywhere. Pieces of fabric cut up and tossed hither and thither, thread everywhere, and his wife swearing up a storm as she tried to figure out how to make her brand new top-of-the-line sewing machine that she simply HAD to have, work. She said "If they can make an outfit in a couple of hours on Project Runway why can't I???"

    Umm because they KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING????
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.


    • #32
      Or worse, they come to the notions and haby department and thrust the pattern into your hands and expect you to run around like a personal shopper... then you get the cat butt face when you refuse because there's 10 other people wanting to actually buy stuff.

      and heaven help you if dare to ask if their machine takes a round or a flat back needle....
      I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


      • #33
        Quoth neecy View Post
        Her sister-in-law, figured that she could do it too since she "has a bachelor's degree and Mary (my friend) is just a homemaker - it shouldn't be rocket science."
        Hehe if you said something like that to my grandmother...she'd kick your ass Up until she started losing her eyesight she always sewed. You name it, she made it--table cloths, porch cushions, shirts, dresses, slacks, etc. Hell, when I was little, she made nearly everything. Not because clothes were expensive, but because she *could* and *wanted* to. That wasn't it though--many people brought clothes to her for alterations. Grandma knew what she was doing, and it showed. Everything fit exactly like it was supposed to. Now, I have to settle for "off the rack," or get someone at a store to do it. Not the same

        It wouldn't surprise me at all that the woman was looking for "kit" to work with. Seems that she wanted everything taken care of...similar to some of the people that frequent my favorite hobby shop. I'm sure at least one of them has bought a new kit...only to get it home and find it contains several trees of bare plastic parts. I'm sure said person complains because "it doesn't look like the box." Well, no shit it doesn't! It's not painted and assembled yet!
        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


        • #34
          for pattern? i used a simple T-Tunic pattern, with a boat-neck opening that went to just past the edge of my had a soft cream-colored cotton for the body and for the edging it had gold paisley patterned brocade-like material...wish i had a picture. it wasn't made of plain broadcloth and it wasn't lumpy like draped and fitted almost perfectly...i had to sash it in the middle because I have a smaller waist than hip or shoulder, and it was a style of dress that pulls over the head.

          side note about her: She's the worst person ever for passive-aggressiveness...she'll ask for help with this or help with that until she's not doing ANY of it...all the while being polite and 'cute' and 'flirty'...


          • #35
            Quoth XCashier View Post

            BTW, Flutes, how did the other customers react to the SC? I'm hoping they laughed at her.
            They were mostly cool about it. I did notice a lot of giggles, a bunch of sighs and some name calling. One guy in the line put down a small box of thread and said "there's a sewing machine in here, right?"


            • #36
              they DO have sewing machines that are really small. like, as big as a far as i know they work like crap unless you get the original...the new remakes suck.


              • #37
                Yeah, we have the little button sewing machine thingies. I hate them. Just use a thread and needle, it's actually much easier.


                • #38
                  Quoth flutes_and_fabric View Post
                  Yeah, we have the little button sewing machine thingies. I hate them. Just use a thread and needle, it's actually much easier.
                  and probably more cost-effective...

                  I like sewing by hand...although for simpler longer seams a sewing machine is my best friend...

                  Leather, however...having to repair BY HAND actual leather....argh...


                  • #39

                    I am a member too! I'm still slooowwly working on my first complete costume- I have a cloak finished except for waterproofing and an underdress waiting for hemming and any embellishments I decide I need. My husband and I are working on them together- I'm pretty good at cutting patterns and pinning, but the big machine intimidates me. I really need to work on that!


                    • #40
                      Hey, if I ever get my iOffer store rolling at a good pace, maybe i'll start selling more SCA stuff...I have a satin tunic but it wasn't successful on eBay...and i need a better camera to take another picture of it...


                      • #41
                        Brain. Hurts. Please. Stop.

                        Owww!!! Condolences for having to deal with that.


                        • #42
                          There is a regular bookstore customer who comes in with these awesome shirts. I asked him where he got them and was told his wive makes them. When I asked him to relay a request to make some for me she wouldn't even respond with a "here is a price that is so insane I don't have to say no" price.

                          Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


                          • #43
                            Good grief, she's dumber than a sack of hammers....
                            I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                            Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                            Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                            • #44
                              I'm just trying to figure out how a (not industrial) machine could be made to sew buttons. The only way I know involves something that an ordinary-style sewing machine can't do.

                              That said, I can sew (not very neatly, but serviceably). I need to get around to repairing some of my trousers... but making a dress from scratch is beyond me. The trick is that I know it.


                              • #45
                                Quoth Chromatix View Post
                                I'm just trying to figure out how a (not industrial) machine could be made to sew buttons. The only way I know involves something that an ordinary-style sewing machine can't do.
                                Easily. My mom was (still is, I suppose!) a terrific sewer. She made a LOT of my and my brothers' clothes when we were growing up. Every machine she ever had, and this is since the early 70's, had a button foot you could replace the regular foot with. Push a couple of levers or buttons and the machine was reset to do a side-to-side stitch that was brilliant for buttons. You could adjust the width of the stitch to suit the buttons you were sewing on, too.

                                Here is a list with photos of various feet for a sewing machine. I LOVE making buttonholes by machine. I'd lose my mind if I had to do them by hand. Zipper feet are also awesome.
                                What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper

